Full text


Writ Head

775 Writ. 12 March 1403 [Scarb’].

Addressed to William Mitford, escheator

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND Inquisition. Hart. 20 May. [Mitford].


Jurors: Richard de Nelston ; Thomas de Seton ; John Jakson ; William Howe ; William Britby ; Thomas Goldsmyth ; Elias Whyterowte ; Richard Carrok ; Roger Howed ; John Wythy junior ; Peter Fleschewer ; and Richard Cook


She held the manor of Hart with Hartlepool of the king in chief by homage and fealty, jointly enfeoffed with Roger her late husband, to them and the heirs of Roger. The manor comprises 204 a. arable in demesne, 24 a. foreshore and 33 a. meadow in demesne with orchards, which are all let this year to various tenants at will paying together £10 at Whitsun and Martinmas; and several pasture let this year for 13s.4d. payable at the same terms.

The annual value of the vill of Hartlepool is £10. She also held the port there which includes the waters of Tees to the south of the town and northwards along the coast to Blackhall. It is customary to take from ships mooring within these bounds, with boats laden or unladen 8d., and without boats 4d. She took 6s. weekly from the market at Hartlepool on Tuesdays and Fridays, and from each shop in the market place for stallage 1/4d., and for each packhorse stand 1/2d. She had a fair twice yearly at St. Lawrence and the Invention of the Holy Cross, taking from each shop and from each packhorse stand 1/2d. which usually amounted to £10 yearly for 12 years past; but now it is worth nothing because destroyed by Ralph Lumley and his tenants and servants, Robert Browne , William de Stable , John Denton , William Ward and others, during her lifetime, and by Marmaduke Lumley , his tenants and servants, because they did not wish to allow customs or tolls to be collected within these bounds, but prevented and still prevent it by force of arms, and are buying and selling there without paying customs or tolls.

There are various free tenants of the manors: Ralph de Nevyll, earl of Westmorland , holds free of the manor the vill of Elwick by homage and fealty and no other service; John de Lumley , under age in the king’s ward, holds free of the same manor the vill of Stranton by homage, fealty, and 1 pair of gilt spurs or 12d., 1 lb. pepper and 1d. at Martinmas; Ralph Baron Greystoke, knight , holds similarly the vill of Brierton by homage, fealty and 15d. rent at Martinmas; William Fulthorp, knight , holds 4 husbandlands in Morleston by homage, fealty and 12d. rent, and 3 husbandlands in Throston by homage, fealty and 1d. at Martinmas; Gerard Heron holds 1 carucate in North Hart by homage, fealty and no other service; Richard de Nelston holds the vill of Nelson by homage, fealty and no more; Ralph Bulmer holds the vill of Thorpe Bulmer by homage, fealty, wardship and marriage; William Gower of Eldon holds 1 messuage and 4 bovates in Eldon by homage, fealty and a rent of 2d.; and Alan Lombard holds 6 burgages in the vill of Hartlepool by fealty and a pair of gilt spurs at Martinmas.

In the manor of Hart are 25 husbandlands which are leased this year to various tenants at 10s., and for the customary works of each 18d. at Martinmas; also 35 cottages worth 12d. each, 1 windmill leased this year for 40s., and 1 pasture leased for 6s.8d.

She died on 28 Feb. John Clifford , under age in the king’s ward, is the next heir of Roger, being the son of Thomas, knight , son of Roger, and aged 13 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/36/37 mm. 1-2

E 152/8/384 #3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

776 Writ. 12 March 1403 [Scarb’].

Addressed to Thomas de Egmanton, escheator.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition. Skipton. 28 May. [Egmanton].


Jurors: William Mersden ; William Giliot ; Lionel Dautre ; Adam Walschawe ; Thomas Frekilton ; Thomas de Marton ; John de Conyngston ; John de Preston ; John Feraunt ; William Adyngham ; John Yong ’; and Thomas Merschall .


She held a third part of the manor of Skipton in dower for life after the death of Roger her husband, of the king in chief by knight service as part of Skipton manor, annual value £28.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/36/37 mm. 3-4

E 152/8/380 #3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

777 Writ. ‡ 12 March 1403 [Scarb’].

Addressed to John Walcote, mayor.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition. 31 May. [Walcote].


Jurors: Robert Queldrik ; John Bowyer ; Adam Elsyng ; John Pek ; William Wyther ; John Tregos ; John Portesmouth ; John Goodman ; John Grendon ; William Edward ; Thomas Wakefeld ; and John Smyth .


She held 1 tenement in the parish of St. Dunstan in the West in the suburbs of London jointly with Roger, to them and the heirs of Roger. It is held of the king in free burgage and a rent of 1d. payable at the exchequer at Michaelmas by the sheriffs, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death and heir, aged 14 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/36/37 mm. 7-8

E 152/8/383 #2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

CUMBERLAND Inquisition [indented]. Penrith. 5 June. n778_001 [Louthre].


Jurors: John de Lancastre chivaler ; William de Hoton ; Roger de Layburn ; John de Lancastre of Brampton ; Thomas de Salkeld ; William Fethir ; John Forster ; Thomas del Garthe ; Thomas de Laton ; John Mundevile ; Nicholas de Beauxlieux ; and William Beauxchampp .


She held for life:

Skelton, a third part of one third of the manor, in dower, of the king in chief by a cornage rent of 8 1/2d. and 1/3 of 1/2d. payable at the exchequer at Carlisle on 15 Aug., annual value 60s.

Carlisle, 1 burgage, by grant of the reversion to Roger and herself and the heirs of Roger by Richard de Cardieux and Joan his wife, both now deceased, to hold after their deaths. It is held of the king in free burgage by a rent of 4d. at Michaelmas, annual value 6s.8d.

Date of death and heir, aged 13 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/36/37 mm. 5-6

E 149/81/5 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WESTMORLAND Inquisition [indented]. Appleby. 17 May 1403 [Stapilton].


Jurors: William de Threlkeld chivaler ; William de Wherton ; Thomas de Warthecopp of Lammerside ; John Manchaile ; John de Lancastre of Brampton ; John de Helton of Burton ; Thomas de Fauxside ; John de Wherton ; Thomas de Derby ; Thomas ?Brakan ; John de Kirkeby ; and William Colynson .


She held jointly with Roger her husband to them and his heirs the castle and manor of Brougham, which are usually worth 100s. yearly, but now nothing because all lying totally waste after destruction by the Scots. All the profits this year do not suffice for the repair and custody of the castle.

She also held in dower of Roger, all with the above castle and manor being held of the king of the crown by knight service:

Winton, the manor, annual value £20.

Mallerstang, 1 byre in the manor of Kirkby Stephen called Southwaite, annual value 20s.

Brough, 10 byres in the manor at ‘Knolhowe’, Skirrygill, Calva, Oldpark Gill, Swinestone, Mouthlock, Thorny Gale, Borren, Seavy Rigg and Strice Gill, annual value 100s.

Oldpark Gill, the park, annual value 40s., and Heggerscale, 1 byre so called, annual value 70s.9d., both in the manor of Brough.

King’s Meaburn, the manor, annual value 10 marks.

Whinfell, forest, moor and pasture outside the close of the forest to the south, annual value 10s.; a third part of the forest to the north, tenements and 40 a. there called Blaunchelande, Whinhowe and Barrockbank, and 5 messuages with arable and meadow called Woodside in the forest, annual value 5 marks.

Temple Sowerby, 1 messuage and 16 a. arable and meadow, and in Clifton 1 messuage and 16 a. arable and meadow, annual value 12s.; and also in Clifton a third part of 22 quarters 6 bushels of oats from the manor in the spring, annual value 7s.

Rents from the following free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas with services and fees:

William de Fulthorp and his heirs, 17s.8d. for the manor of Kaber, held by homage, fealty and that rent, annual value £4.

Thomas de Blenkansopp and his heirs, 6s. for the manor of Hillbeck, similarly held, and extending at 100s.

William Stirkland and his heirs, 7s.5d. for half the manor of Waitby, similarly held, extending at 60s.

Ralph Baron Greystoke , 25s.6d. for rents and services from the manors of Dufton, Bolton, Brampton and Yanwath, similarly held, extending at £20.

John son of William de Lancastre and his heirs, 21s.8d. for the manor of Milburn, similarly held, extending at 100s.

Robert de Sandford and his heirs, 3s.4d. for the manor of Sandford, similarly held, extending at 40s.

The abbot of Shap and Gilbert Curwen , 10s.10d. for the manor of Shap, similarly held, extending at £10.

John Derwentwater and his heirs, 13s.6d. for the manor of Ormside, similarly held, extending at 100s.

Robert Thornburgh and Isabel his wife, 17s.8d. for the manors of Warcop and Waitby, similarly held in right of Isabel, extending at £10.

William Whapelote and Helen his wife, in her right, and Adam Bacon , 13s.8d. for the manor of Hilton, similarly held, extending at 20s.

William Whapelode , 2s. for lands and tenements in Appleby called ‘Ribillandes’, similarly held, extending at 20s.

Thomas son of William de Warthecopp and Margaret his wife, 6s.10d. for the manor of Colby, similarly held, extending at 60s.

William Fulthorp and his heirs, 6s.8d. for pasture between Mousegill and Belah, similarly held, extending at £4.

John son of William de Lancastre , £4 for rents and services in the manor of Milburn, similarly held, extending at £4.

William de Wherton , 6s. for the manor of Wharton, similarly held, extending at 100s.

William de Styrkland , 6d. for lands and tenements in Soulby, similarly held, extending at 10s.

Richard de Rystewald and William de Qwerton , 5s. for lands and tenements in Tebay, similarly held, extending at 20s.

Robert de Leton , 6d. for lands and tenements in Rookby, similarly held, extending at 2s.

William Judde , 1d. for lands and tenements in Clibburn, similarly held, extending at 6s.8d.

A third part of the profits of the sheriffdom of Westmorland, extending at 6s.8d.

Brougham, the advowson, extending at 5 marks.

Date of death and heir, aged 13 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/36/37 m. 9

E 149/81/5 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Scarb’(Writ Clerk)


  • William Mersden
  • William Giliot
  • Lionel Dautre
  • Adam Walschawe
  • Thomas Frekilton
  • Thomas de Marton
  • John de Conyngston
  • John de Preston
  • John Feraunt
  • William Adyngham
  • John Yong
  • Thomas Merschall


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