Full text


Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Inquisition. Chipping Warden. 12 March. [Welton].


Jurors: Edmund Hynton ; Robert Dyrvasale ; Robert Brewode ; John Brakkele ; John Elys ; Peter Tryst ; John Wattes ; Thomas Donton ; Alexander Malyn ; Richard Cleyam ; John Astell; and John Proudefote .


No lands came into the hands of Richard II by the death of John de Felton, knight , father of John de Felton , or on account of the minority of the latter, nor are any so held. John de Felton the father long before his death, by his charter shown to the jurors, enfeoffed William Hatleseye , Richard Elyngham , John Goodeman and Richard Mersk , chaplains, in the manor of Hinton by Woodford. They granted it by charter to William de Hylton, lord of Hilton , Thomas Heryngton , John Stotesbury , John Faukener of Byfield and Peter Mersk, parson of Kildale , their heirs and assigns. It is held of the earl of Stafford by knight service, amount unknown, annual value 100s.

John de Felton the son died on 31 Jan. John son and heir of Walter Faucomberge, knight , and Joan late his wife, sister of John de Felton the father, is heir and aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/36/31 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 26 March. [Mytford].


Jurors: Thomas Heron ; Simon de Weltden ; Nicholas Turpyn ; John de la Vale of Benwell ; Thomas Bykerton ; John Wotton ; William Cramlyngton ; William Sabraham ; John Prestwyk ; William Yong ; John Cambow ; John Hogeson ; Thomas Hasylryg ; and William Holgreue .


John de Felton, junior , held two parts of the manor of Edlingham to himself and the heirs of his body by a fine of 1315–16 [CP 25(1) 285/30, no. 125), by which William de Felton recognised the right of Robert de Felton , and Robert granted the manor to William for life with remainder to William son of William and the heirs of his body. There is a castle, annual value nil. In the two parts are 132 a. by the short hundred, 80 a. meadow and two parts of a watermill. They are worth 40s. yearly and no more because of destruction by the Scots. The manor is held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , of his barony of Beanley by the rent of one unmewed sparrowhawk, or 6d. at Midsummer.

He also held two parts of Lemmington Hall, 1 shieling called Rughley, 2 parts of 7 husbandlands and 8 cottages, 1 tenement in Newton, certain lands and tenements in Lemmington, and two parts of 7s.6d. rent in Bolton, annual value 40d., but of whom they are held is unknown.

He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Black Heddon, two parts of the manor, of Ralph de Nevyl, earl of Westmorland , of his barony of Bywell by knight service, annual value £4.

South Dotland, two parts of the manor, of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , of the barony of Prudhoe by knight service, annual value 2s. and no more because of destruction by the Scots.

Steel in Redesdale, two parts of a place so-called, of the manor of Otterburn by the service of 1 grain of pepper at Christmas; and two parts of certain lands and tenements in Thirston of the barony of Mitford by a rent of 18d., annual value 13s.4d.

Nafferton and Nafferton Hall, two parts of lands there, of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £4.

He died on 31 Jan. Elizabeth daughter of John Felton and wife of Edmund Hastynges, knight , is the heir of John the son by virtue of the grant to William de Felton , father of John, knight , and his heirs, she being the daughter of John, knight , son of William, to whom the grant in fee tail was made.

TNA reference

C 137/36/31 mm. 3-4

E 152/8/384 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

757 Writ, melius inquirendo. ‡ 9 April 1403

Addressed to William de Mytford escheator. Regarding 756: inquire of whom and how and by what service the shieling and the lands, etc., in Lemmington, Bolton, Newton and Steel are held; how Elizabeth is heir of John; and her age.

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 25 April. [Mitford].


Jurors: Thomas Heron ; Thomas Hasilryg ; Simon de Weltden ; John Wetewode ; Andrew Trollop; William Holgreue ; John Clerk ; Henry Trollop ; John Callanwode ; John Whytefeld ; John Mawdyt ; John Cambow ; and John [unclear: B]orell.


The shieling called Rughley is held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , of his barony of Vescy in socage; two parts of 7 husbandlands and 8 cottages, 1 tenement in Newton and the lands in Lemmington of the same Henry Percy in socage as hamlets of Edlingham; the two parts of Lemmington Hall of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England in socage; two parts of 7s.6d. rent in Bolton of the hospital of St. Thomas of Bolton in socage; and the place called Steel in Redesdale of Henry Percy the son in right of Gilbert Umfravyle , who is in the king’s ward, of the manor of Otterburn by the service of 1 grain of pepper.

Elizabeth, daughter of John de Felton, knight , is the sister and heir of John the son, and heir of John de Felton , and holds by right of the gift of William de Felton to William the father of John de Felton, knight . She is aged 23 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/36/31 mm. 5-6

E 152/8/384 #2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • Edmund Hynton
  • Robert Dyrvasale
  • Robert Brewode
  • John Brakkele
  • John Elys
  • Peter Tryst
  • John Wattes
  • Thomas Donton
  • Alexander Malyn
  • Richard Cleyam
  • John Astell
  • John Proudefote


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