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Writ Head

660 Writ mandamus . ‡ 7 Feb. 1404 [Bubbewyth].

Regarding lands held by knight service of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March, a minor in the king’s custody; Roger held of Richard II by knight service. The king has been informed that in a writ Joan was by inadvertance called the wife of Roger (not Thomas) Dounton in which case that writ is to be superseded.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES Inquisition [indented]. Weobley. 16 July 1406 [Bodenham].


Jurors: Hugh Monyton ; William Smethecote ; Thomas Flynteshende of Shobdon ; Richard Tyler of Shobdon ; Richard Kynordesley; John Penker ; Thomas Flynteshende of Ledicot ; Henry Prynce ; Hugh Smyth of King's Pyon ; William ?Reue of ?Monkland ; John Atforton, junior; and John Atforton senior


Joan wife of Roger Dounton , rightly called Joan wife of Thomas Dounton , sister and heir of Thomas Seyntoweyn , brother and heir of John Seyntoweyn , held:

In the Welsh March: the manor of Burlingjobb and Walton, the manor of Womaston, and two parts of 57s. rent in Presteigne with the reversion of the third part which Richard Lyngayn and Isabel his wife, formerly the wife of John Seyntoweyn , now hold in the dower of Isabel.

In Herefordshire: two parts of the manor of Burton, and the reversion of the third part similarly held by Richard Lyngayn and Isabel in dower; and two parts of a toft, 50 a., 2 a. meadow, 6 a. wood and 5s. rent in Garnstone, with the reversion of the third part held by the same in dower.

The manor of Burlingjobb and Walton, the manor of Womaston, two parts of Burton, and of the toft, 44 of the 50 a., 2 a. meadow and 2 out of 6 a. wood in Garnstone, are held of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March , who is in the king’s ward, of the honour of Radnor by knight service, annual value 22 marks. The two parts of 57s. rent with the third part are held of the same in socage of the honour of Radnor, service unknown, annual value 20s. and no more because of waste and arson by the Welsh rebels. Six of the 50 a. in Garnstone are held of Richard Sarnesfeld by a rent of 12d. and 4 of the 6 a. of wood there are held of John Bradeley by a rent of 20d.

She died on 20 May 1403. Thomas her son and heir is aged 7 years.

[Interlined:] Patrick Seynt Oweyn received the issues of the said lands and tenements from the time of Joan’s death until the taking of this inquisition

[Dorse:] reponatur in anno quinto

TNA reference

C 137/33/44 mm. 5-6

E 149/89/6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

661 Writ, plenius certiorari, enquiring what estate she held in the manor of Burton, by what name the heir of the earl of March is known, and what estate she had in the rent in Presteigne.. ‡ 26 May 1408 [Mapilton].

Addressed to Thomas Holcot escheator.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 23 June. [Holcote].


Jurors: Hugh de ?Mawne ; Thomas de Schobdon ; Roger de Upton ; John Watyes ; Richard de la Pery; Richard Phelippus ; Hugh Symondes ; Thomas Phelippus ; Roger Warde of Tullyngton; John Schelwyk ; John Broyne ; and Philip Fourches .


Robert de St. Audoen held the manor of Burton in his demesne as of fee and granted it by charter to Ralph de St. Audoen and Alice his wife and their heirs. They had issue John, who had issue John, Thomas and Joan. John had issue Isabel. She received two parts with reversion of the third part held by Isabel her mother, and died without heirs. Thomas as uncle and heir then held the two parts until he died. Then Joan entered as sister and heir of Thomas, and held it to herself and her heirs.

The heir of the earl of March is called Edmund de Mortuo Mari . By what service she held the 57s. rent in Presteigne is unknown.

[Dorse:] reponatur in anno ixo.

TNA reference

C 137/33/44 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Bubbewyth(Writ Clerk)


  • Hugh Monyton
  • William Smethecote
  • Thomas Flynteshende of Shobdon
  • Richard Tyler of Shobdon
  • Richard Kynordesley
  • John Penker
  • Thomas Flynteshende of Ledicot
  • Henry Prynce
  • Hugh Smyth of King's Pyon
  • William ?Reue of ?Monkland
  • John Atforton, junior
  • John Atforton senior


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