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Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 18 June 1403 [Walleweyn].


Jurors: William Nassh ; Richard Sarnesfeld ; Roger Clerk ; Hugh Lunteley ; John Bradeley ; John Brafe ; John ?Bonton ; Ralph Barton ; John Kent ; John ?Venmore ; Walter Graunt; and Roger Baillye of Monnington ?on Wye .


He held the manors of Burlingjobb, Walton and Womaston and 57s. rent in Presteigne, all in the March of Wales; and 1 toft, 50 a., 2 a. meadow, 6 a. wood and 5s. rent in Garnstone and two parts of the manor of Burton, all in Herefordshire, with the reversion of the third part which Richard Lyngayne and Isabel, formerly the wife of John Seyntoweyn , brother of Thomas, now hold in the dower of Isabel. He held as kinsman and male heir of Ralph de St. Audoen, knight, being the son of John, son of John, son of Ralph, who held in fee tail to himself and the heirs male of his body.

The premises, except those mentioned below, are held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , Henry Percy the son, William Beauchampe, Lord Abergavenny , Hugh de Burnell, knight , and Thomas Overton, clerk , of the honour of Radnor by knight service, annual value £14 13s.4d. The 57s. rent in Presteigne is held of the same in socage of the same honour, service unknown, annual value nil because the tenements have been burnt and destroyed by the Welsh rebels. Six of the 50 a. in Garnstone are held of Richard Sarnesfeld by 12d. rent, 4 of the 6 a. wood are held of John Bradley by a rent of 20d.

He died on 22 June last . Patrick Seyntoweyn , son of Ralph, is next heir male and aged 40 years and more.

[Dorse:] reponatur in anno quarto

TNA reference

C 137/33/44 mm. 1-2

E 149/79/1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 16 Feb. 1404 [Escheator's name illegible].


Jurors: John Ha... of ..des..ey ; William Boley ; ... ...; John ?Warde of ?Kylton ; John Welyngton ; ?William Chamburleyn of Monnington ?on Wye ; Richard Seriaunt ; Thomas Pacy; John ...; Walter More of Norton ; ?William ..a.lle of Staundon; and Richard ?Crompe .


They say that Burlingjobb and Womaston are one manor, not separate, and that Walton is one manor. John is brother of Thomas Seyntoweyn , son of John, son of John, son of John, son of Ralph junior , son of Ralph senior . His predecessors died seised of the manors from time immemorial. They descended from father to son, from Ralph to Ralph to John to John to John and so to Thomas. Patrick is the next heir of Thomas, being the son of Ralph junior , father of John, father of John.

[Dorse:] reponatur in anno quarto

TNA reference

C 137/33/44 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX Inquisition. Clapham. 18 Aug. [Weston].


Jurors: John Esshynge ; John Horemere ; John atte Holte ; John Chesman ; John atte Doune ; John Tubbyng ; Richard Bergraunt ; John ?Cariour ; John Priour ; Richard Lacy ; William ?Erunsley; and William Pynchurst .


The manor of Clapham by the death of John Seyntowayn , who held of the heir of Thomas duke of Norfolk , under age in the king’s ward, by knight service, and owing to the minority of Thomas Seyntowayn , who died under age, came into the king’s hands and so remains. It is held of the heir of the duke of the honour of Bramber. There are the site of the manor, annual value nil; 1 dovecot, 6s.8d.; assize rents and farms, £6 13s.4d. payable by equal parts at the four principal terms; 140 a. at 3d.; 30 a. wood at 1d.; and pasture for 300 sheep, 6s.8d. He also held 1 messuage there called ‘le Compe’ of the same Thomas son of the duke of the manor of Findon in socage, annual value 5s. Stephen prior of Sele has occupied the manor since the death of Thomas .

He also held 11 a. in the meadow of Arundel at 7d. of the earl of Arundel in socage; 20s. assize rents in Burgham and 2s. assize rent in Kirdford of the bishop of Chichester in socage; and the manor of Ilsham of the same bishop, service unknown. In the manor are 1 site, annual value nil; assize rents, 5s.5d. by equal parts at Christmas and Midsummer; 40 a. arable at 4d.; and 20 a. meadow at 8d. The bishop has occupied the manor since the death of Thomas.

Date of death and heir as above (no. 656).

[Dorse:] reponatur in anno tercio.

TNA reference

C 137/33/44 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX Inquisition [indented]. Bramber. 4 March. [Wyntirsill].


Jurors: Thomas Chamberleyn ; Robert Semeney ; Robert Coke ; William Dawe ; John Selede ; John Jeneman ; John Smyth of Upper Beeding or Lower Beeding ; William Milleward ; John Comber ; Richard Taylour of Bramber ; John Haycok ; and Robert atte Hyde .


Patrick, named in the inquisition, was not the heir on 22 June 1402, but Joan sister of Thomas then was, Thomas Dounton , son of Joan, is now next heir and aged 11 years and more.

[Dorse:] reponatur in anno xio.

TNA reference

C 137/33/44, mm. 11–12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Bubbewyth(Writ Clerk)


  • John Ha... of ..des..ey
  • William Boley
  • John ?Warde of ?Kylton
  • John Welyngton
  • ?William Chamburleyn of Monnington ?on Wye
  • Richard Seriaunt
  • Thomas Pacy
  • John ...
  • Walter More of Norton
  • ?William ..a.lle of Staundon
  • Richard ?Crompe


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