Full text


Writ Head

609 Writ. ‡ 4 Aug. 1402 [Mapilton].

Regarding lands held in dower or otherwise for life from the inheritance of Thomas.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE Inquisition. Market Harborough. 28 Aug. [Boteler].


Jurors: John Dere ; Thomas Colynson ; William in the Vale; John othe Broke ; Henry Jurdon; Thomas Hogekynson ; Hugh Roberdson ; John Lamberd ; William Daweson ; William Wyllymot; William Lubenham ; and William Milner of Saddington .


Anne widow of Thomas Latimer Bochard

[‘Bochard’ is interlined each time that the name occurs]

held in dower by assignment of Edward Latimer Bochard , brother and heir of Thomas, half the manors of Gumley and Church Langton with the advowson of Langton at alternate presentations, of William [ sic ] de Asteley, knight, by knight service, annual value 100s.

She also held for life, jointly with Thomas and his heirs, of his inheritance, the manors of Foxton and Smeeton Westerby of William Burton by knight service, annual value £4; and the manor of Norton, of the earl of Warwick , service unknown, annual value 7s.

She died on 17 July. Edward Latymer Bochard, heir of Thomas, is aged 40 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/31/30 mm. 1-2

E 149/79/8 m. 3 [inq.] m. 4 [copy of writ]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

610 Writ as 609. ‡ 4 Aug. 1402 [Mapilton].

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Inquisition.Northampton. 4 Aug. 1402 [Basset].


Jurors: John Stratton ; William Alberd ; Thomas Knyght ; Robert Peek ; Richard Rydewale ; Stephen Bygge ; Andrew Benet ; Thomas Taillour ; William Hynge ; John Chestre ; John Youl; and John Wryght .


She held jointly with her husband to them and his heirs:

Braybrooke, the castle, of the prince of Wales of the honour of Berkhampstead as half a knight’s fee, annual value £20; and ‘Westhallfee’ manor with the advowson, of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by a rent of 12d., annual value 10 marks.

Rothwell, the manor called ‘Latymersfee’, of the earl of Stafford , service unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Watford, £4 rent by the hands of the prior of Daventry , of John Isbury of Watford by a rent of 2s.

Little Bowden, half the manor.

She held the following for life in dower by assignment of Edward Latymer Bochard , her husband’s brother:

Little Bowden, the other half of the manor, both halves of the prince of Wales of the honour of Berkhampstead, annual value 52s.

Upton by Northampton, 1 toft and 24 a., of Richard Clendon of Upton, service unknown, [no value given].

Duston, three-quarters of a virgate, of John de Grey of Rotherfield, service unknown, annual value 5s.

Northampton, a meadow called ‘Kingeshale’, of the king in free burgage as of the office of reeve of the town, annual value 40s.

Desborough and Rushton, a third part of the manors, of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England of the manor of Harrington, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.

Carlton, a third part of the manor, of Reynold Lucy, knight , by a rent of an unmewed sparrowhawk, annual value 10s.

Great Weldon, one quarter of the manor, of John Knyvet , service unknown, annual value 6s.

Sulby, 5s. rent from the tenants of the abbot of Sulby at Michaelmas.

Dingley, 3 a. unploughed arable and a wood called ‘Loughlond’, of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, service unknown, annual value 2s.

Date of death and heir of Thomas as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/30 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

611 Writ. ‡ 6 Aug. 1402 [Mapilton].

Regarding lands held in dower or otherwise for life from the inheritance of John Beysyn once her husband.

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE Inquisition.Penkridge. 17 Aug. [Swynerton].


Jurors: Roger de Burton ; William de Salt ; John ?Betheme ; John Baily of Haneyate ; Elias de Cotton; William Midelton of Salt ; Thomas de Bylyngton; William de Bretheton ; Richard Nowell ; John Parkehall ; John Shelley; and John Weston of Cresswell .


She held in dower of the inheritance of John Beysyn , her late husband, by a grant to him and his heirs by Walter de Walton, parson of Billingsley , and John de Childe of Knightley:

Longnor, a third part of the manor.

Ashley, two parts of the manor.

Water Eaton, 2 carucates, 12 a. meadow and 5 marks rent.

Robert Daunsere, formerly parson of Eccleshall , held the reversion of all these premises in his demesne as of fee. By a fine of 1389 [CP 25(1) 289/55, no. 190] shown to the jurors he granted that the two parts of Ashley and the 2 carucates, 12 a. meadow and 5 marks rent which Thomas and Anne held for the life of Anne of the inheritance of Robert and which after the death of Anne should revert to John de Middleton, parson of Chipping Warden , William Northwode, parson of Anderby , Thomas de Cleydon and the heirs of John, should remain to Thomas Latymer for his life if he should survive Anne, and that the third part of Longnor which they held in the dower of Anne and which ought to revert to the heirs of Robert after their deaths should remain with the other premises to Agnes widow of John de Morhall for life, with successive remainders to Thomas Crew and Juliana his wife, and the heirs of the body of Juliana by John Clopton formerly her husband, her heirs by Thomas Crewe , and the right heirs of Agnes.

The manor of Longnor is held of the earl of Stafford , service unknown, annual value of the third part 16s.8d.; the two parts of Ashley of the king in chief as half a knight’s fee, the messuage there being worth nothing annually, the garden 2s., 10 a. meadow 10s. but nothing this year because mown during the lifetime of Anne, 2 carucates 60s., assize rents of free tenants £6 and pleas and perquisites of court 5s.

The 2 carucates, 12 a. meadow and 5 marks rent in Water Eaton are held of the lord of Stretton by a rent of 3s.4d.; the carucates are worth 26s.8d. but nothing this year because lying fallow, and the 12 a. meadow 12s. but nothing this year because already mown.

She died on 17 July last . Agnes sister and heir of John Beysyn is aged 60 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/31/30 mm. 5-6

E 149/79/8 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

612 Writ as 611. ‡ 6 Aug. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE Inquisition. Much Wenlock. 18 Aug. [Lee].


Jurors: William Wolascote ; John Lee of Smethcott ; William ...astere; Richard son of John Eyton ; Robert Lee of Uffington ; Thomas Horde of Bridgnorth ; Richard Horde of Shrewsbury ; Thomas Prene of Eyton ; Thomas Lynley ; Thomas Dodde ; John Bykedon ; and Richard Stury .


She held in dower of the inheritance of John Beysyn , sometime her husband, a third part of the manors of Billingsley, Millichope, Wrickton and Walkerslowe, and of 3 messuages, 2 carucates, 4 a. meadow, 4 a. wood and 52s. rent in Lower Poston, Upper Poston and Thonglands.

She also held for life of the same inheritance two parts of the manor of Broseley by the grant of Walter de Walton, parson of Billingsley , and John de Chylde of Knighteley, to John Beysyn and Anne and his heirs.

Robert Daunsere, formerly parson of Eccleshall , held all these premises in his demesne as of fee. By the fine of 1389 [above, no. 611] he granted that the two parts of Broseley manor which Thomas Latymer and Anne held for the life of Anne of Robert’s inheritance and which should revert after the death of Anne to John de Middleton, parson of Chipping Warden , William Northwode, parson of Anderby , Thomas de Cleydon and the heirs of John should remain to Thomas Latymer for his life, if he survived Anne, and that these two parts of Broseley with the rest of the premises, which they held in the dower of Anne, should remain after their deaths to Agnes widow of John Morhall for life, with successive remainders to Thomas Crewe and Juliana his wife, the heirs of the body of Juliana by John Clopton , formerly her husband, her heirs by Thomas Crewe , and the right heirs of Agnes.

The manor of Billingsley is held of the abbot of Séez overseas, service unknown, annual value of the third part 40s.; Millichope of the prior of Wenlock by a rent of 30s., annual value of the third part 30s.; Wrickton of the king in chief by the keeping of a goshawk for half a year, annual value of the third part 20s.; Walkerslowe similarly by the keeping of a goshawk for the king for half a year, annual value of the third part 20s.; the 3 messuages, 2 carucates, 4 a. meadow, 4 a. wood and 52s. rent of Hugh Burnell, knight , service unknown, annual value of the third part beyond the rent, which is payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas, 26s.8d.; and the two parts of Broseley of the prior of Wenlock by the service of being steward of the prior. There are 1 messuage, annual value nil; a garden with dovecot, 3s.4d.; a wood of which the underwood is worth 3s.4d.; 2 carucates, 40s.; 1 a. meadow, 2s.; rents of free tenants and villeins, 100s. payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas; and perquisites of court, 2s.

Date of death and heir of John Beysyn as above [no. 611]

TNA reference

C 137/31/30 mm. 7-8

E 149/79/8 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

613 Writ. ‡ 18 Nov. 1402 [Gaunstede].

Regarding lands held in dower or for life from the inheritance of Edward Latymer, brother and heir of Thomas.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET Inquisition. Ilchester. 28 Nov. [Manyngford].


Jurors: John Forde ; Nicholas Wodegrave ; John Spencer ; John Colyns ; Thomas Wyke ; Thomas Ponton ; William Colas ; Richard Prestcote ; John Burcy ; Robert Dogge ; Robert Coue; and Philip Loryng .


She held in dower of the inheritance of Edward Latymer , brother and heir of Thomas, a third part of the manor of West Chelwood of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 44s. 5 1/4d.

Date of death as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/30 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Mapilton(Writ Clerk)


  • John Dere
  • Thomas Colynson
  • William in the Vale
  • John othe Broke
  • Henry Jurdon
  • Thomas Hogekynson
  • Hugh Roberdson
  • John Lamberd
  • William Daweson
  • William Wyllymot
  • William Lubenham
  • William Milner of Saddington


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