Full text


Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE Inquisition.Leicester. 6 Nov. [Wychard].


Jurors: John Stevenson ; John Reynold ; William Reynold ; Simon Somervyll ; John Addecok ; Robert Wodecok ; Robert Catour ; John Daddy ; William Broun ; John Bille ; Richard Jeke ; and Richard Addecok .


He held in his demesne as of fee 6 messuages, 6 tofts and 6 virgates in Rothley of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England in socage, annual value 21s.4d.

He died on 14 Oct. Anne wife of Edward Boteler, knight , his sister and heir, is aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

STAFFORDSHIRE Inquisition.Stafford. 19 Jan. 1402. [Swynerton].


Jurors: Thomas de Hexstall ; William de Salt ; Robert de ..urton; Henry Heymees ; John Alot of Stone ; John Bailly of Haneyate ; Roger de Haburley ; Thomas Houden ; William del Halle ; John de Salt ; William Palmere ; and John Parkehalle.


He held in his demesne as of fee 1 messuage and 1 1/2 virgates in Cooksland and Seighford of Thomas Harecourt, knight , of his manor of Ellenhall, service unknown, annual value 13s.4d.

Date of death and heir, aged 32 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE Inquisition.Stamford. 27 Oct. [Meres].


Jurors: Robert Warner of Uffington ; Thomas Barow of Deeping ; John atte Crosse of Carlby ; Thomas Draper of Stamford ; John Bond of the same; Nicholas Tabard of the same; John Burton of Braceborough ; John Okkam of Carlby; Peter othe Lee of Tallington ; William Smyth of Greatford ; John de Chestre of Stamford ; William Sibston of the same; and John Palfrey junior, of the same.


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Bonby of the king in petty serjeanty by the service of carrying a white rod before the king at Christmas if he should be in Lincolnshire, annual value £8.

Date of death and heir, aged 30 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 5-6

E 149/78/7 m. 2 [apparently dated 26 Oct.: Thursday the vigil of Simon & Jude ‘viz. xxvj oct.’]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE Inquisition.Tamworth. 15 Nov. [Waldeyeue].


Jurors: Thomas Codyngton ; Thomas Wilcok ; John Gylot ; Robert de Ouerton ; Robert Hikemon; William Walker ; Nicholas Alkyn ; Henry Smyth of Wilnecote ; John de Ouerton ; John Lyne ; John Bailly of Tamworth ; and John Mathewe .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Solihull, the advowson of the church and of the chantry called Holywell there, 1 messuage called ‘Gryffyns’ with 120 a., 16 a. meadow and 10 a. wood in Solihull, which were of Richard Caldeford, chaplain . They are held of John Dodyngsels, knight , service unknown; annual values, manor £20, church £40 but not vacant, chantry 20s. also not vacant, messuage etc. 100s. He also held £8 rent from free men and villeins in Sheldon, of the lord of the manor of Brandon , payable at Easter and Michaelmas, service unknown.

Date of death and heir, aged 32 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 7-8

E 149/78/7 mm. 3-4 [2 copies of inq.]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE Inquisition.Bulwick. 3 Nov. 1401. [Haldenby].


Jurors: William Pechell ; John Perteneye ; William Lyndon ; John Roberdesson ; Warin Warde ; Richard Croulond ; Robert Petyt ; John Wright ; John Asseford; Robert Boys ; Simon Bolyon ; and John Bocher of Nassington .


He held jointly with Sybil his wife, who survives him, the manor and advowson of Collyweston by the grant of Henry le Despenser, bishop of Norwich , Thomas Freseby and William Lodebrok , to them and the heirs of Hugh. It is held of John Dodyngsels, knight , service unknown, annual value 5 marks.

Date of death and heir, aged 32 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE Inquisition.Howden. 6 Nov. [Skipwith].


Jurors: Robert Curteys of Breighton ; Thomas son of Richard of Bubwith ; Edmund de Harlethorp ; Robert de Gunby of Bubwith ; Thomas Fische of Loftsome ; Richard Haukeswelle of South Cave; William Daweney of Hotham ; John Wadby of the same; William Adkynson of the same; John Fenkyn of Bubwith ; John Adkynson of Hotham; and Richard Kyng .


Henry le Despenser, bishop of Norwich , Thomas de Frysseby and William de Lodbrook formerly held in their demesne as of fee the manor of Hotham with its members and appurtenances in Hotham, Everthorpe, Drewton and Bursea with the advowson of the church of Hotham. All the tenements in Hotham and Drewton are held of the bishop of Durham by a rent of 6s., annual value 20 marks; 1 mill and 1 croft called ‘Northolme’, part of the holdings in North Cave of Stephen Lescrop, knight , by a rent of 11s.4d., annual value 13s.8d.; 2 messuages and 8 bovates in North Cave of Walter Faukonberge by a rent of 2s., annual value 40s.; all the holdings in Everthorpe of Alexander de Lounde by a rent of 1 lb. pepper, annual value 3s.; and those in Bursea of Marmaduke Constable by knight service, annual value 20s.

The said feoffees, by their charter shown to the jurors and dated 3 April 1385 at Collyweston, gave all the premises to Hugh le Despenser , now deceased, and Sybil his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of Hugh for ever.

Date of death and heir, aged 36 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 11-12

E 149/78/7 m. 1 [originally dated 4 Nov.]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE Inquisition.Aylesbury. 18 Nov. [Hilton].


Jurors: Thomas Cochon ; William Turgys ; John Freman ; Hugh Gebon; John Chaumbre ; John Gelet ; John Haversham ; John Power ; Richard Symeon ; John Tourseye; John Benet ; and Thomas Bristowe .


He held nothing in the county.

Date of death and heir, aged 30 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 13-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE Inquisition.Bedford. 21 Nov. [Bracy].


Jurors: John Bodenho ; Thomas Stacy ; Robert Bodenho ; John Pekke ; Thomas Warner ; John Grene; John Smyth of Sandy ; John Cook of Beeston ; John Fage ; John Paas ; Thomas Stokkere; and John Wodecok .


He held nothing in the county.

Date of death and heir, aged 32 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/31/29 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • William Pechell
  • John Perteneye
  • William Lyndon
  • John Roberdesson
  • Warin Warde
  • Richard Croulond
  • Robert Petyt
  • John Wright
  • John Asseford
  • Robert Boys
  • Simon Bolyon
  • John Bocher of Nassington


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