Full text


Writ Head

471 Writ. ‡ 17 May 1401. [Frank].

Addressed to John Perle escheator.

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Maiden Newton. 26 May. [Perle].


Jurors: David Spenser ; Richard Faudon ; John Wilcokkes ; John Louell ; John Crokker ; Roger Twely ; Thomas Raddon ; Thomas Russell ; John Suthwode ; John White junior ; Edward Taylour ; and William Cole .


He held the manor of Winfrith Eagle of the king in chief as a quarter of a knight’s fee, by the gift of John Derby , Walter de Polton and John de Westbury , chaplains, to Nicholas de Sancto Mauro and Muriel his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Muriel, by a fine of Edward III [CP 25(1) 287/45, no. 541] shown to the jurors. Richard was their son and heir. The manor is worth £23 6s.8d. annually.

He died on 15 May last. Richard his son and heir is aged 23 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/26/55 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

472 Writ 17 May 1401 . [Frank].

Addressed to John Fraunceys, mayor and escheator.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition [indented]. 8 June. [Fraunceys].


Jurors: Ralph Bernard ; John Helham ; Thomas Reed ; Adam ... ; Roger Broke ; Robert Cambrig ; John Ryngson ; Alexander Heed ; John Cole ; Simon Hoke ; John Messyngham ; and Thomas Manns .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in free burgage a great house with garden and four shops in the parish of St. Peter the Poor, by the house of the Austin friars. When occupied and rented the house is worth 5 marks annually, but it has long been unoccupied and unrented and worth nothing. The 4 shops and garden are valued at 40s. annually.

Date of death as above. Richard de Sancto Mauro, knight , his son and heir, is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/26/55 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

473 Writ. 17 May 1401 . [Frank].

Addressed to John Wykyng escheator.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Westbury. 26 May. [Wykyng].


Jurors: John Westbury ; Robert ?Ennok ; Roger Wynbold ; William Thomas ; William Wadekyns ; John Meger ; Thomas Reynold ; Robert Alfrich ; John Plokenet ; John Brut ; Thomas Greyne ; and John Taber .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Wittenham, the manor, with the advowson of Rowley, of the heir of Thomas le Despenser of the honour of Gloucester by knight service, amount unknown, annual value 100s.

Langham, the manor, of Humphrey Stafford, knight , of his manor of Southwick, service unknown, annual value 109s.8d.

He also held in right of Ela, his wife, who is of full age and still lives:

Westbury, half the manor, a quarter of the hundred and of the portmote of the manor, and the advowson of the chantry of St. Mary in the church there, of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £34 5s.6 1/2d.

Hilperton, a quarter of the manor and of the advowson, of the duchy of Lancaster of the castle of Trowbridge by knight service, amount unknown, annual value 53s.4 3/4d.

Imber, a quarter of the manor, of the prior of Bradenstoke , service unknown, annual value 26s.8d.

Luckington, a third part of the manor, in dower, of Walter de la Pole, knight , and Elizabeth his wife, in right of Elizabeth, service unknown, annual value 74s.9d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/26/55 mm. 5-6

E 149/77/11 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

474 Writ. ‡ 17 May 1401 . [Frank].

Addressed to Thomas Reymond escheator.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. North Molton. 1 June. [Raymound].


Jurors: John Bron' ; David Legh ; Paul Balymond ; Paul Frankeleyn ; Richard Merssh ; Richard Hechurch ; John Godyng ; William Frensshton ; Thomas Halle ; Thomas Honyton ; John Mylle ; and John Welleslegh .


He held the manor of North Molton with the advowsons of North Molton and Black Torrington with Ela his wife of the king in chief by knight service, by the gift of John Chitterne and John Bromflet , clerks, by their deed and by licence of Richard II [ CPR 1377–81 , p.215], both shown to the jurors, to them, Edmund Seyntlou, clerk , and William de Brithlegh , deceased, and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Richard.

There are 1 capital messuage, annual value nil; 3 cornmills, value 30s. payable by equal parts at the four principal terms; 4 carucates, 40s.; 800 a. gorse and heath at 1/4d. an a.; assize rents and rents of villein holdings, £31 6s.1 3/4d. at the four principal terms; assize rents of burgage tenants, 106s.3 1/4d. at Michaelmas; a rent of 100s. called ‘le yene’ at Michaelmas; pleas of courts of the manor, borough and hundred of North Molton, 33s.4d. by common estimation; and the advowsons of North Molton, 40 marks, and Black Torrington, 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as above [no. 471].

TNA reference

C 137/26/55 mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition [indented]. Clifton. 27 May. [Somervyle].


Jurors: John Billynge ; John ?Seyot ; John Bailly ; ... ... [?name erased]; John Childe ; John Wellyschote senior ; Thomas Serr... ; John ...; ... ...; ... Spencer ; Thomas Trewbody ; John Trewbody ; and William Brechele .


He held:

[Meysey Hampton], the manor and advowson with all the knight’s fees belonging to the manor, of the earl of Stafford by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £26 8s.10d. He gave them to his son Richard, Alana his son’s wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his own right heirs. Richard the son still lives and has male issue.

Clifton, third part of the manor with the advowson and knight’s fees, of the heir of Thomas le Despenser of the honour of Gloucester, annual value 60s.2d.

Winterbourne, …, of Thomas de Bradeston , son and heir of Edmund de Bradeston, knight, in dower of Ela his wife, who survives him, from Thomas de Bradeston , her former husband, annual value £6 13s.4d.

Tytherington, 10 a. meadow,… 2s.; and Horton, 2 messuages with orchards and gardens of no annual value, 259 a. arable at 2d., 20 a. meadow at 12d., 60 a. pasture at 4d., and 6 1/2 a. wood nil; of Walter Pole, knight , and Elizabeth his wife, of the inheritance of Elizabeth, by fealty.

Breadstone, the manor with the advowson of the chantry of the chapel of St. Michael there, annual value £7 6s.

Bulley, the manor, by fealty, annual value …

Stinchcombe, the manor, annual value …

Arlingham, 1 messuage with yards and garden adjacent, annual value …, 86 a. arable at 2d., 10 a. meadow at 2s., and 10 a. pasture at …

Date of death and heir as above [no. 471].

TNA reference

C 137/26/55 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

476 Writ. ‡ 17 May 1401 . [Frank].

Addressed to Henry Vyell escheator.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Bruton. 26 May. [Viell].


Jurors: William ?Walon' ; John ?Gerard ; William Ba... ; Richard Milborne ; John Gregory ; John Waylond ; William Neell ; Geoffrey ?Walt ; Edward ?Welde ; Thomas F... ; John ?West... ; and John Frank .


He held:

Castle Cary, Marsh with the borough of Wincanton, South Barrow and North Barrow, the manors, and the advowsons of Ansford and North Barrow, to himself and the heirs of his body, of the king in chief by knight service, by the grant of John Derby , Walter Polton and John de Westbury , chaplains, to Nicholas de Seymour and Muriel his wife, his father and mother, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Muriel by a fine of 1358 [CP 25(1) 287/45, no. 541]. Richard was the son and heir of Nicholas and Muriel. The annual values are: Castle Cary manor with the advowson of Ansford and all the knight’s fees belonging to it, £126 17s.10d., of which the rents of the tenants of the manor at the four terms amount to £100; Marsh manor with the borough of Wincanton, £28 10s.5d., out of which the rents of tenants amount to £20; South Barrow, £7 16s.11d.; and North Barrow manor with the advowson, £11 3s.1d. The last two manors were granted by Richard to John Bull for rents of £7 16s.11d. and £11 3s.1d. payable at the four terms.

Bratton Seymour, the manor, of the king in chief by knight service, to himself, his heirs and assigns, annual value £6 4s.2d.

Road, the manor and advowson, of Walter Rodeney, knight , by knight service, to himself and his heirs, annual value £27 15s.10d., including rents of £24 16s.3d. payable at Easter and Michealmas.

Stoke Lane, the manor, of the heir of the earl of Salisbury by knight service, to himself and his heirs, annual value £8 19s.10d. Except for 18 a. wood of no annual value, he granted it to Stephen Forester and Richard Artowe at Michaelmas 1395 for 8 years at a rent of £8 19s.10d. payable at the four terms.

Shepton Montague, certain lands and tenements, to himself and his heirs, of the heir of the earl of Salisbury by fealty in free marriage [ sic ]: 3 messuages with curtilages and 1 virgate, annual value 20s.; 336 a. arable at 1/2d.; 8 a meadow at 12d.; and 24 a. arable at 4d.; all granted at Easter 1400 to John Gane for 20 years for a rent of 26s.8d. payable at the four terms.

Charlton Mackrell and Charlton Adam, certain lands and tenements, in fee simple to himself, his heirs and assigns, of Nicholas Poulet by a rent of 12d.: 2 messuages with curtilage and garden, annual value nil; 203 a. arable at 2d.; 8 a. meadow at 20d.; and 12 a. pasture at 8d.; all of which by a charter dated 20 Sept. 1383 he granted to Walter Sylvayn, esquire , who still lives, for life, for a rent of 33s.4d. payable at Easter and Michaelmas.

He held jointly with Ela his wife, who survives him:

Prestleigh, the manor, and Blackford, half the manor, of Elizabeth Palton of her manor of Croscombe by knight service, amount unknown, to them for the life of Ela, by the gift and demise of John Manyngford , John Fantleroy and John Bray , as appears by their charter shown to the jurors. The half manor is divided into four parts: East Hall, held of the heir of John Fitzrichard by knight service, amount unknown; ‘Whyteley’, of the heir of Thomas Courtenay by a rent of 6s.8d.; ‘Thystelham’, of the heir of the earl of Salisbury by a rent of 3s.4d.; ‘Brycestenement’, of Thomas Barthy by a rent of 20s. Long before this grant he was seised in his demesne as of fee of Prestleigh manor and half the manor of Blackford and conceded them to John Manyngford , John Fantleroy and John Bray for the life of Ela, as appears by his charter also shown to the jurors. Annual values, Presteleigh £8, the half of Blackford £6 9s.2d.

Shepton Montague and Knowle by Bruton, lands called ‘Botevylestenement’ comprising 1 messuage with curtilage, annual value nil; 80 a. arable at 1d.; 5 a. meadow at 2s.; 16 1/2 a. pasture at 12d.; 1 a. wood nil; and 4 a. wood called ‘Schortwode’ nil; to them and their heirs of the heir of the earl of Salisbury by fealty, by the grant by charter of Richard Wayte , John Gregory , Walter Hyspynell and John Bakehous .

Blackford by Compton Pauncefoot, the manor, of Reynold Cobham , service unknown, from Hamo Fitzrichard by a fine of 1393 [CP 25(1) 201/32, no. 1], annual value £4 5s.4d.

North Woolston and South Woolston, a rent of 100s.8d. from 12 messuages, 51 a., and 4 a. meadow, payable at the four principal terms, of Reynold Cobham , service unknown, granted by the same fine. The 12 messuages etc. are held by the following tenants for life, with remainder to Richard and Ela and his heirs: Nicholas Cadbury and John his son, Agnes Wylkes , Robert Lyff and Joan his wife, Richard Forester and Margery his wife, Richard Love and Margery his wife, John Faukes, junior , and Maud his wife, John Miles and Margery his wife, John de Houpere and Alice his wife, Richard Toukere and Alice his wife, Nicholas Sugge and Joan his wife, John Plente and Juliana his wife, John Goulde and Joan his wife, and John Faukes, senior .

Bratton Lyndes, a rent of 13s.4d. payable at Easter and Michaelmas, granted to them by John Swan for his life, as appears by his deed shown to the jurors.

Date of death and heir as above [no. 471].

TNA reference

C 137/26/55 mm. 11-12

E 149/77/11 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Frank(Writ Clerk)


  • William ?Walon'
  • John ?Gerard
  • William Ba...
  • Richard Milborne
  • John Gregory
  • John Waylond
  • William Neell
  • Geoffrey ?Walt
  • Edward ?Welde
  • Thomas F...
  • John ?West...
  • John Frank


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