Full text


Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Stamford Bridge. 15 June 1401. [Skipwith].


Jurors: John Spenser of Kirkburn ; John Staflee of ?Great Givendale ; Amundy Coursy of Bolton ; Peter Swyft of Barmby ?Moor ; James de Esthorp ; William de Midelton ; Ralph Doune of Great Hatfield ; Peter Baron of the same; Mauger Gybon of the same; John Veal of Catwick ; John ?Warde ; and Peter de Benyngton .


She held the manor of Rise with 2 1/2 carucates in Withernwick belonging to it; 2 carucates in Catwick; 6 carucates in Catfoss; 2 carucates and 3 bovates in Dringhoe; 1 carucate in Ulrome; 3 carucates in Marton; 1/2 carucate in South Frodingham; 1 carucate in Bilton; 2 carucates in North Skirlaugh; 2 bovates in Hornsea Burton; 3 carucates in Withernwick and Great Hatfield; and 6 carucates in Bewholme; all of Thomas of Lancastre of the honour of Aumale by knight service and suit of court every 3 weeks at the wapentake of Holderness, and 9s. yearly for the guard of Skipsea castle.

She also held the manor of Eastburn, except 2 messuages and 2 bovates there, under a fine of 1360 [CP 25(1) 275/124, no. 40] between Walter de Faukonberge and Isabel, and William Tykton and Hugh Swattok , chaplains, by which Eastburn and Rise were granted to Walter and Isabel in tail male with remainder to the right heirs of Walter. All the premises except the manor of Eastburn are parcels of the manor of Rise in demesne or in service.

Eastburn manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 15 marks payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas. Rise is worth 24 marks, payable by equal parts at Whitsun and Martinmas, and the lands in Withernwick £10 yearly payable at the same terms.

Walter died without male issue by Isabel. The reversion therefore descended to Thomas Faukonberge, knight , son and heir of Walter. Afterwards in the quindene of Midsummer 1372 a fine [not found] was levied between John de Neville, knight , and Thomas son of Walter, by which Thomas granted his estate in these manors to John, and Isabel attorned to him.

He died and the reversion descended to Ralph Neville, earl of Westmorland , his son and heir, now aged 30 years and more.

Isabel died on 19 May. John Bygot, knight , son and heir of John Bygot, knight , brother of Isabel, is next heir and aged 26 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/24/42 m. 4

E 152/8/365 m. 2 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Thirsk. 27 June. [Skipwith].


Jurors: Adam de Leek ; John Albaron ; Robert Upsale ; John Swanby ; John Mason ; John de Holdernesse ; Robert Foster ; Henry Neusom ; Richard Bokeler ; John de Berghby ; Alan Tomelynson ; and John Masham .


She held for life:

High Worsall in the liberty of Allerton, the manor, with remainder to John Sayer and John son of John Laurensson , kinsmen and heirs of Thomas de Seton, knight . It is held of Walter bishop of Durham of his manor of Northallerton, in right of his church of St. Cuthbert, Durham, by knight service, annual value 40s.

South Kilvington, 6 messuages and 11 bovates of arable and meadow, with remainder as above, of Stephen le Scrope, knight , of his manor of Upsall, service unknown, annual value 6 marks.

Pockthorpe, the manor, with remainder as above, of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , as of his manor of Spofforth, service unknown, annual value 20s.

South Otterington, half the manor, with remainder to Elizabeth who was wife of Adam Bekwith and her heirs, of the abbot of Byland in right of his church of St. Mary, service unknown, annual value 100s.

John Sayer is aged 5 years and more; John son of John Laurencesone 17 and more.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/24/47 mm. 1-2

E 149/75/7 mm. 1-2 n428_001

E 152/8/364 #4

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Thirsk. 27 June 1401. [Skypwyth].


Jurors: Thomas Laton ; Thomas Gower ; John Waxand ; John Malteby ; William Hunt' ; Richard Gretehed ; William Ellerby ; John de Lofthous ; William Chamberlayn ; John de ?Leset ; William Paule of Yarm ; John Gelet ; and John Lauerok .


She held in dower a third part of the castle and manor of Skelton in Cleveland and a third part of the manor of Marske, parcel of the manor of Skelton, with reversion to Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , for the life of Thomas Fauconberge, knight , who is still living, by a grant of Thomas, made with licence of Edward III [ CPR 1370–4 . p.295], by which he gave two parts of the manor and castle of Skelton and of the manor of Marske, with reversion of the remaining parts after the death of Isabel, to the earl and John de Felton, knight . Isabel attorned for the third parts. Afterwards the earl and John de Felton conveyed them to Thomas de Tweng, clerk , Roger Lascels, knight , and Robert Lyon, vicar of Marske in Cleveland , for the life of Thomas Fauconberge by royal licence. Thomas Tweng and Roger Lascels died. The two parts and the reversion of the third therefore remained to Robert Lyon . He conveyed them by his charter to the earl, William Latymer , Nicholas de Carreu , Michael de Ravendale, clerk , John Lasyngby of Rounton and John Capon for the said term, again with licence of Edward III [ CPR 1374–7 , p.177]. All are dead except the earl, to whom they should remain for the said term. They are held of the king in chief of the crown by knight service. The third part is worth 10 marks yearly.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/24/47 m. 3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

n428_001^: Not an exact copy of the Chancery text: this was taken ex officio, same date, place and jurors, but containing information only on High Worsall.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • Adam de Leek
  • John Albaron
  • Robert Upsale
  • John Swanby
  • John Mason
  • John de Holdernesse
  • Robert Foster
  • Henry Neusom
  • Richard Bokeler
  • John de Berghby
  • Alan Tomelynson
  • John Masham


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