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Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Assignment of dower. [Bracy].

In the manors of Linslade and Southcott, in the presence of John Symmes, farmer of the manors, and William Bedeford and William Bollenhurst , attorneys of Thomas son and heir of Thomas duke of Norfolk :


Rents of free tenants: from the abbot of Woburn 4d.; John Capp 23d.; Roger Wedon 2s.; and John Archere 4s.8d. Total 8s.11d., or a third part of 26s.7d.

Rents of tenants by court roll: from Alan Hemroke 8s.8d.; Thomas Arnore 18s.; John Symmes 5s.; John Cook 8s.2d.; Milleward 8s.2d.; and Richard Mariet 5d. Total 48s.5d., or a third part of £7 5s.4d.; with all their customary works.

Also 1 a. of wood lying next to the field called ‘Gosecroft’ on the south side, that is a third part of 3 a.; and a third part of the profit of the leet after Michaelmas at Linslade, as it occurs yearly.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b m.31

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Assignment of dower in the lordship of Gower . 6 July 1400. [Maunce].


English Gower (Anglashrie, Anglissher ), the county, annual value £22 7s.4 3/4d.

Pennard, the manor, £24 6s.1/4d.

Kittlehill, the manor, 78s.7 1/2d.

Loughor, the castle and lordship, £7 11s.3 1/2d.

Llandimore, a third part of the manor, being the ancient dower of Cecily de Turbervile , with 34s.8d. of the third part of the lands formerly of Richard Scorlak in the lord’s hands by escheat, of which John Dalamare, chaplain , holds 1 tenement, annual rent 10s.; David Baugh 1 tenement, 5s.; Juliana Carowe 1 tenement, 9s.; William Davy 1 tenement, 6s.; John Bouer 1/2 a. meadow, 12d.; Jankyn ap David ap Jevan 1 a. meadow, 3s.; and William Ferrour 1 curtilage, 8d. So the third part of the whole manor is worth yearly £13 11s.9 1/2d.

Kilvey, a third part of a coal mine, £30.

Clyne, a third part of the forest, 8s.10 1/2d.

Swansea, 2 cornmills, one called ‘Brynmelles’, £6 13s.4d.; 1 fulling mill, 25s.6d.; 1 garden called ‘le Orchard’, 13s.4d.; and also the following burgages of which:

In West Street Master John Fairewode holds 2 1/2; Henry Hatley 2 1/2; John Jacob 1; John Fairwode 1; John Horton 1 1/2; David ap William 1/4; and Robert ap Thomas 1; all at 12d. each, 9s.9d.

In St. Mary Street John Horton holds 1/4; Jevan ap Cradoc 1; Robert Jurdan 1; John Wynmerd 1/2; Henry Key and Daukyn Ph’ot 1/4; Thomas ap Ries 1/2; Robert Jurdan 1/2; Robert Firly 1/2; William Dalamare 1 1/2; John Bailly 1/2; John Fairewode 1; Jevan ap Cradoc 1/2; Walter Taillour 1/2; Thomas Carrou 1; Walter Walle 1; John Horton 1; Philip Sutton 3/4; Thomas Sengulton 1/4; John Blake 1; John de Neeth 1; Stephen Walsshe 1/2; Henry Key 1/2; Jevan Key 1/4; Jevan ap Cradoc 1/2; and Thomas Sengulton 1/3.

In High Street Thomas ap Rees holds 2/3; William Dalamare 1/2; John Baker , ‘berman’, 1/2; William Knoille 1/2; Thomas Sengulton 1/2; John Dier, chaplain , 1/2; Thomas ap Rees 1/2; Isabel Stackpoll 1/2; Agnes Doudeney 1/2; William Dalamare 1 1/2; Thomas Sengulton 1; Thomas Malifaunt 1/2; Philip Scotton 1/2; John Sayr 1/2; William Dalamare 1/2; Thomas Meredith 1/2; Richard Will 1/2; Alice Marsh 1/2; Agnes Doudeney 1/2; John Somery 1/2; John Dier, chaplain , 1/2; Robert Perkyn 1/2; Thomas Henry 1; Joan Sweyn 1/2; Heytteley 1/2; Thomas ap Rees 1/2; and William Willi 1/2.

In Fisher Street Robert Perkyn holds 1; Thomas Cornys 1/2; Thomas Mallifaunt 1; John Horton 1/2; John Neeth 1/4; Robert Filios (?) 1/4; Philip Hoper 1/4; John Taillour 1/4; David ap Griffith 1/2; John Horton 1 and also 1/2; Henry Poret 1; Henry Key 1/2; John Horton 1/4; Helen Key 2/3; Thomas ap Rees 1; Richard Ricard 1/2; Christina Hobbe 1; John Mauncel 1/2; John Horton 1/2; Robert Perkyn 1 and 1; John Touker, fisherman (‘visher’) 1/2; William Athelard 1/2; Daukyn Key 1/2; Henry Key 1/2; William Bars 1/2; Richard Mannyn 1; Thomas Charles 1/2; Thomas Osbarn 1/3; Thomas Sengulton 1/2; Roger ap Llewellyn 1; Walter Willi 1/2; Jevan ap Henry 1; Helen Key 2/3; Roger ap Llewellyn 1; Richard Ricard 1/2; Thomas Sengulton 1; William Willi 1/2; Jevan ap Robert 1/2; John Dier 1/2; William Dalmare 1/2; and John Fairewode 2.

In High Street, at end of the street on the east next to the water of ‘Dovereyn’, Robert Knepin and Thomas Malifaunt hold 2/3; David Fouleyn 1/3; John Mores 1/4; John Horton 1/4; and Thomas Malifaunt 1/2.

Total burgage rents: all at 12d., 73s.5d.

Also a third part of the perquisites of the hundred of Swansea, £4 8s.10 1/2d.

A third part of the fisheries, 106s.8d.

A third part of the revenue from market tolls and a third part of burgage rents (chenser), 26s.8d.

One weir called ‘Stremeweris’ held by Robert Perkyn and John Poket, 12d.

Two parcels of pasture called ‘Ilond’ and ‘Reedmede’, 13s.4d.

New rent of Robert ap William ap Madog for 1 messuage and 7 a., 6d.

Increased rent of Felicity Baker for 1/2 burgage, 2s.6d.

New rent of John Horton for a weir called ‘le Hose’, 2s.

A quarter burgage formerly of Maurice Smyth, 4s.

One weir held by Thomas Seman, 12d.

Two cellars next to the bailiff’s bridge, 8s.2d.

Four shops above the cellars 16s.

Two rooms built over the shops, 6s.

One garden held by Nicholas Harold, 12d.

Twenty acres of hilly pasture at ‘Portmanmede’, 6s.8d.

One empty place formerly of Henry Conewey , usually 4s. but now nil because vacant and lying waste.

One other empty place by the smithy of Maurice Smyth , nil.

One place formerly of Thomas Griffith , usually 3d., now nil.

One weir called ‘Purchasewere’ and ‘Ole Newere’, usually 16d., now vacant, nil.

One pool by ‘Blakestone’, usually 20d., now vacant, nil.

One burgage formerly of John Trewman ; 1 formerly of John Constable ; 1/4 in ‘Stretesend’ formerly of Thomas Wrenche ; 1 in West Street formerly of Thomas Taillour ; and 1/4 formerly of Robert Carow ; now all vacant and worth nothing.

A third part of 8 a. meadow above the water of Tawe not extended at any value because they belong by ancient custom to the fees of the steward and the receiver.

Certain liberties outside the town of Swansea by the following bounds and limits: the whole way leading from West Street to ‘le Skette’ and thence to ‘le Blakepull’ on the north; by the water of ‘Blakepull’ on the west; by the sea on the south; and by the waters of Tawe on the east.

Total value of dower: £128 13s.11 1/2d.

Also the following fees:

Porteynon, the manor, which John Penrees, knight , holds as 1 fee.

Nicholaston and ‘Mauncellifeld’, the manor, which Richard Mauncell holds as 1/2 fee.

Webley, the manor, which John de la Biere holds as 1/3 fee.

Llangennith, the manor, which John de la Mare holds of John de Penrees , and he of the lord as 1 fee.

Vorshull’ and Fernhill, which John Bounte holds as 1/4 fee.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b m. 32

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Assignment of dower in the presence of the king’s farmers and the next friends of the duke’s heir. 24 June 1400. [Wychard].


The former duke’s manor of Melton Mowbray is extended at £34. Assigned to Elizabeth are:

Various demesne lands: a holding (cultura) of 10 a. in ‘Berclyff’, 3s.4d.; a half holding above ‘Nethirbrynkes’, 3 a. on the south, 4s.; a holding at ‘Brigende’, 6 a., 2s.8d.; a meadow at ‘Hardynghet’, 20d.; 9 selions of fallow above ‘Warlow’, 4s.; a half of 8 selions on the same to the west, 12d.; a croft called ‘Almescroft’, 5s.4d.; a holding which abuts on the water towards ‘Priourscroft’, 4s.; 1 1/2 a. of a holding in ‘Balnesfyld’ to the south of the same, which holding contains 3 a. and part of an a., 8d; 3 1/3 a. arable on the east side at ‘Rywenge’, which contains 10 a., 20d.; 2 a. arable lying to the east in a holding under ‘Orgerpark’, which contains 6 a., 14d.; 2 a. meadow lying to the north in ‘Beltonmedowe’, 8s.; 2 a. and 1/3 of 2 a. on the north behind ‘le Emylyn’, 8s.; 40 selions of fallow lying to the south with ditches and spurs in the close of ‘Framelande’, abutting on a headland to the east into ‘Loundynges’ and from the headland above the lord’s wood, and 14 selions of fallow in the same close with ditches and spurs to the north of the said wood, and next to the wood, and one head abutting on the ‘Sixtenbywold’, the other to the east to ‘le Syke’ which leads from the end of the wood to ‘la Garpe in to Loundeinges’, annual value 10s.

Total rents of demesne lands assigned, 55s.6d.

Assize rents from tenants, 54s.3d., namely: from the heirs of Lady Segrave 2s.; John Spycer 20s.; Richard Stretton 3s.; Margaret Roskyn 16s.; John Bellers 3d.; John Wydeford 2d.; John Melton 1d.; Walter Roskyn 2s.1d.; Margery Roskyn [1s.]; John Bapton 8d.; John in the Yerd 1 lb. pepper; James Bellers, knight , 6s.; and Thomas Flethby 3s.

From tenants at will, 70s.10d., namely: from John Chauene 20s.; John Orger 16d.; Isabel Cartwright 6s.; William C… 18d.; John Abbott, junior , 12s.; Thomas Conour 2s.; John Holande 8s.; and tenants of the common farm(?) 20s.

Also 1 chamber in the manor with a solar under, in the hands of the lord and partly ruinous.

Oadby, assize rents of the manor, 7s.8d., namely: from William Baual 3s.8d.; William Assheby 2d.; the abbot of Garendon 6d.; John Peek, chaplain , 21d.; John Saxtenby, chaplain , 15d.; and William Gonyld 4d.; 1 virgate formerly occupied by John Joye , and 1 bovate formerly held by John Pacy , lying in waste, 14s.8d.; a third part of the profits of fairs, markets, portmotes and tolls of the manor in Melton Mowbray by the officials of the duchess each year; a third part of the profit of the agistment of the manor in the meadow called ‘Emylyn’; a third part of the free courts, view of frankpledge of the manor, of all the profits, forfeitures and fines of those courts, and of all forfeitures and fines and other profits of the same manor as … in all ways or wastes taken by the same officials; and a third part of the demesne wood to the north as appears by the metes and bounds, annual value 2s.

TNA reference

C 137/19/79 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Assignment of dower. Monday after the feast of ... John the Baptist. [...].

[MS heavily galled and in poor condition; a few gaps can be supplied from CIPM xxii.427]


Chacombe, from the manor:

...of the manor ..... worth 111s. 1 ¾ d. viz. ?15 [selions] ... Benefurlong to the (ex parte) ... ?15 selions ... west, 22 selions ... to the west .... selions on (super) Sho.... selions on... ... on Conynggereshull, 28 selions on Whythull to the ... ?28 selions on Smaleyerden, 18 ?buts (?buttes) on E..emde... to the ... 14 ?selions fallow (frisc’) on Otemede to the west, 30 selions on Astemdedfurlong to the west. Pasture .. ..called ?Astemedemeresende and pasture in the same field called Gotesham; pasture in the lower field to the ... ... with ?les Standelles, 1/3 meadow called Astemede to the west as appears by the metes and bounds, 1/3 meadow ... [called Burysouthmede] to the west as by metes and bounds, 1/3 meadow called les Hammes to the north of the same by metes and bounds, 1/3 meadow called Radclyff [Haden] to the east by metes and bounds, 1/3 ... ... ?site of the manor, to the south of the same houses, containing two bays, 1/3 barn containing 2 bays viz. ?1 bay at the east end of the said barn and 1 bay at the west end. 1/3 ... ?garden .. ?orchard to the west of the same, in length as it appears by metes and bounds. 1/3 wood called Gren[e]h[u]ll ... as appears by metes and bounds; 1/3 profits of the dovecote; 1/3 profits of court ...

[Northampton], 1/3 rent of 24s. issuing from ?various tenements in ... as dower ... Thomas her late husband in the same vill ...

A..., 1/3 messuage and 2 virgates of land in worth 3s. 4d. yearly.

This assignment was omitted from the printed calendar.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71 m. 18a [misnumbered: C 137/16/18a]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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