Full text


Writ Head

264 Writ.n264_001 26 Nov. 1399. [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the mayor and escheator of Calais.

Inquisition Head

CALAIS. Inquisition. 27 Jan. 1400. [ Mayor not named ].


Jurors: Thomas Saundres ; Simon Wellys ; William ?Haxsmall ; Reynold Plummere ; Nicholas Wyndesore ; John Chaundelere ; Walter ...; Robert W.llebeche ; William ...; ... ...; John ?Basyng ; and William Newman .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief a square plot in the parish of St. Nicholas towards the church of St. Nicholas on the north. Part is built up with certain houses on it; part lies vacant. It is held by a rent of £[3] and the provision of a watchman for the guard of the city; annual value 12 marks. It is taken into the king’s hands.

He died on 22 September last. Thomas Moubray, knight , his son and heir, was 14 on 17 Sept. last.

[Dorse:] Cales'. Ret' brevis in cancellar' dni' Regis.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Hereford. 31 Jan. 1400. [Maunce].


Jurors: Richard de Sarnesfeld ; John de Oldecastell ; Hugh de Monyton ; John de Bodenham ; John de Preston ; Thomas Bromwych ; Thomas Holgot ; Roger de Ploufeld ; Thomas ?Leche ; John ?Chadewyke ; Hugh Chabenore ; and Roger Warde of Tillington .


He held in his demesne as of fee the castle of Swansea and the lordship of Gower with the manor and lordship of Kilvey in Wales of Richard II in chief by knight service, annual value 700 marks; but some time before he died John Skydmore , the escheator of Richard II , occupied them, title unknown.

Date of death and heir, aged 14 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Uppingham. 12 Jan. 1400. [Cope].


Jurors: John Plumpton ; Reynold Gonyld ; John Randolf ; William Whitewell ; Henry Topp' ; John Belton ; Roger Louet ; Roger Lufwyk ; John Holcote ; Richard Pyssebrok ; John Brampton ; and John Reynald .


He held in his demesne as of fee 1 toft and 2 virgates in Alesthorpe next Burley, not of the king, but of whom is unknown, annual value 10s.

Date of death and heir as above [no. 264].

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 5-6

E 149/73/1 m. 9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

267 Writ, plenius certiorari . ‡ Addressed to Guy Bracy, regarding 285 below, and requiring return of whom the manor of Wing is held and by what service. 1 June 1400. [Gaunstede].

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Wing. 10 July. [Bracy].


Jurors: John fitz Thomas ; Richard atte Welde ; Thomas Dauy ; John Thynne ; William Emberton ; Thomas Spirke ; Thomas Makeffeld ; Nicholas Dyne ; Thomas Petyt ; John Sare ; Ralph Tailour of Ledburn ; and Roger Haukynes .


The manor of Wing is not held of the king in chief, but of whom and by what service is unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 7-8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

268 Writ. 18 Nov. 1399 . [Gaunstede].

Addressed to Thomas Knolles mayor and escheator of London.

Inquisition Head

LONDON. Inquisition [indented]. 14 Dec. [Knolles].


Jurors: Thomas ...; ?Henry Gerard ; John Marchall ; John ?Richer ; John ?Rogger ; John ?Balsham ; John ?D... ; ... Parys; Roger ... ; Richard Kebull ; and William Rede .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of Edward II to Thomas Brotherton [as above no. 236] 1 messuage with a vacant plot in the parish of St. Mary Somerset, with shops, chambers and other buildings annexed. It is held of the king in burgage as is all London, annual value £10.

He was aged 33 years and 26 weeks on 22 Sept. when he died. Thomas Moubray, knight , is his son and heir, as well as heir of Margaret duchess of Norfolk , and was 14 on 17 Sept. last .

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Kineton. 31 Dec. [Wychard].


Jurors: William de Geydon ; Einon (Enee) de Baddeby; John Harryes ; William Raulyns ; John Dalby ; Hugh Neel ; John Faukener ; John Upton ; William Brook ; William Ward ; John Mayster ; and Thomas Maudes .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Aspley, Alspath, Flecknoe and Thurlaston, to himself and the heirs of his body by the grant of William Neuton and others by one of the said fines [above, no. 235]. They descended to Thomas as son of Elizabeth, daughter of John de Segrave , and thence to Thomas de Moubray, knight , his son. They are not held of the king in chief, but of whom and by what service is unknown; annual values, Aspley 100s., Alspath 40s., Flecknoe £10 and Thurlaston 100s.

He also held in his demesne as of fee:

Caludon, the manor, of the king as of the manor of Cheylesmore, by the service of a pair of gilt spurs or 12d. yearly, annual value £26. From the manor he granted by letters patent £20 rent to Thomas de Clynton for life, and this was confirmed by the king [ CPR 1399–1401 , p.28, 15 Oct. 1399 ].

Forde, Aspley and Ullenhall, 1 carucate, of whom and by what service is unknown, annual value 26s.8d.

He granted to Richard de Burgh, esquire , who still lives, the manor of Weston by Cherington with the profits for life. It is held of the earl of Ormonde , service unknown; annual value 20 marks.

On 15 Feb. 1392 by his indenture he granted to Robert bishop of London , Walter bishop of Dublin [ recte Durham] , William bishop of Winchester , William [ recte Richard] bishop of Chichester , Henry earl of Derby , Edward earl of Rutland , John de Lovell , John Devereux , and William Beauchamp , their heirs and assigns, the manor of Kineton on certain conditions not known. It is held of the king by a rent of £12 payable at the exchequer by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas; annual value payable at the same terms £26.

By letters patent of 14 Sept. 1387 he let the manor at £26 farm to Robert Dalby and Hugh Dalby , who are still alive, for their lives.

Date of death and heir, aged 14 on 17 Sept., as above.

[For the Leicestershire inquisition resulting from the same writ, see 279 below.]

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 11-12

E 149/73/1 m. 14

E 149/73/1 m. 16 [an earlier draft?]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 20 Jan. 1400. [Parys].


Jurors: John Hoberd ; Thomas Netherstrete ; Nicholas ?Treue ; Richard Chaumberleyn ; John Moddyng ; Robert Elys ; Henry Plowright ; Henry Glaswright ; John ?Longe ; John Burgate ; John Colyn ; and John Co..yn .


He held in his demesne in fee tail the manor of Kennett and Kentford under the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton [above, no. 236]. Of whom it is held is unknown; annual value 20 marks.

He held no more, but on 15 Feb. 1392 he granted to Robert bishop of London and others [as above, no. 269, Walter bishop of Dublin again given for Durham, but Richard bishop of Chichester correctly] the manor of Cherry Hinton and 26s. rent from Ickleton, on certain conditions unknown. They are not held of the king, but of whom and by what service is unknown; annual value £30 13s.4d.

Margaret died on 11 Aug. Thomas was heir, being son of Elizabeth, daughter of Margaret, and was then aged 33 years and more. He died on 22 Sept. Thomas his son and heir was 14 on 17 Sept. last .

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 14-15

E 149/73/1 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

271 [Writ: see 270 .]

Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Inquisition. Huntingdon. 24 Jan. 1400. [Parys].


Jurors: Richard Lodyngton ; Walter Iue ; John Ode ; William Fylers;n271_001 Henry Charwalton ; Robert Tredelef ; John Parker ; Richard ?Bele ; John Dunhed senior; William Duward ; Roger Ostilere ; and John Fraunceys .


He held in his demesne in fee tail in accordance with one of the said fines [above, no. 245] the manor of Fen Stanton. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value 200 marks.

He held no more, but on 15 Feb. 1392 he granted to Robert bishop of London and others [as in no. 269 with same errors] the manors of Alconbury, Burton in Lonsdale in Yorkshire, Kineton in Warwickshire, Cherry Hinton in Cambridgeshire, and rents and services in Linslade and Southcott in Buckinghamshire and Stretton in Lincolnshire [ recte Rutland], with 24s. rent in Northampton.

Alconbury is not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual value 80 marks.

Dates of death and heirs as in last.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 14, 16

E 149/73/1 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 15 Jan. 1400. [Cope].


Jurors: Geoffrey William ; William Turnour of Creek ; Roger Rokeby ; Simon Donde ; Richard Draper ; William Mervyn ; John Wagge ; Thomas Colyn ; John Cook ; Simon Sely ; John Pernell ; and Richard Teken .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Chalcombe and 24s. rent in Northampton. The manor is held of the bishop of Lincoln of his castle of Banbury as three quarters of a knight’s fee. From it he granted to Hugh Dalby , who still lives, a rent of £10 for life, payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas on condition that if it should be one month in arrears after either feast it should be lawful for him to distrain the whole manor and hold it until the rent be paid. The grant was confirmed by letters patent of Richard II and the king [ CPR 1396–9 , p.565; 1399–1401 , p.78]. He also granted Cecily Boule , who still lives, 10 marks annually for life from the same manor. It is worth 20s. yearly beyond these annuities.

On 15 March 1397 he granted to Thomas Arundell, archbishop of Canterbury , Richard Metford, bishop of Salisbury , Roger Walden , then treasurer of England , Edward earl of Rutland , William Farendon, knight , Ralph Selby and Thomas Yokflete , clerks, William Rees , John Hopcrone , John Lancastre , Thomas Myssenden , Richard Burgh , Thomas Brunham and Nicholas Blaxhale , to them, their heirs and assigns, with clause of warranty, the manor of Barton Seagrave and other manors and lands. The manor is not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual value £16.

Long before his death he granted to William Bagot, knight , the manor of Crick for life, with reversion to himself and his heirs. It is not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual value £20.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 17-18

E 149/73/1 m. 8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Inquisition. Prittlewell. 13 Jan. 1400. [Baynard].


Jurors: Thomas Peyntour ; Richard Bures ; John Cays ; Andrew Weper ; Richard Hayworth ; Robert ?Donyel ; Thomas ?Sayward ; John K... ; Hugh W... ; John Smyth ; John atte Gate ; and John Cokelot .


He held jointly with his wife Elizabeth the manor of Prittlewell by the grant of Richard earl of Arundel , father of Elizabeth. It is held of the king of the honour of Rayleigh, by knight service; annual value 20 marks.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

E 149/73/1 m. 4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

ESSEX. Chelmsford . 24 Jan. 1400. [Baynard].


Jurors: Richard atte Crouche ; John Bollard ; William Sturmyn ; Thomas Payntour ; Richard Bures ; John Cays ; Thomas Bawde ; Thomas Clerk ; John Mynot ; William Dyer ; John Watton ; and William Heued .


He held in his demesne in fee tail under the grant of Edward II to Thomas Brotherton [above, no. 236]:

Chesterford, the manor, of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £30.

Dovercourt, the manor, of the earl of Oxford as one knight’s fee, annual value 43 marks.

Romford, the manor; 15 a. of Adam Karlyl by a rent of 3s. and 1 a. of John Love by a rent of 4d., but of whom the rest is held is unknown; annual value £10.

Jointly with Elizabeth his wife he held the manor of Prittlewell by the grant of Richard earl of Arundel , father of Elizabeth, to them and the heirs of their bodies. It is held of the king of the honour of Rayleigh by knight service; annual value 20 marks.

Long before he died he granted to William Halle , his esquire, for life, the manor of Moreton with reversion to himself and his heirs. Of whom it is held is unknown; annual value £10.

Dates of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 19-20

E 152/7/346 #1 [copy of writ]

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

275 [Writ: see 274 .]

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Buntingford. 6 Feb. 1400. [Baynard].


Jurors: John Roger ; William Wode ; Nicholas Redeswelle ; Walter Werry ; John ?Byxen ; John Beaupre ; John Swangle ; Walter Braumfeld ; Thomas Helder ; William Gardyner ; Robert Braumfeld ; and William Dardes .


He held in his demesne in fee tail under the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton [above, no. 236] the manor of Weston. It is held of the king in chief as of the county of Norfolk; annual value £20.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 19, 21

E 152/7/346 #1 [writ], #2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition. Newent. 9 Feb. 1400. [Poyns].


Jurors: William ?Southorle ; Roger Hicokes ; Richard Robyns ; Richard Broke ; Nicholas Bray ; Thomas Coueley ; Richard Moldesone ; Walter Wynter ; William Faukener ; John Hurell ; Richard Bailly ; and Thomas Hull .


He held in his demesne in fee tail under the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton [above, no. 236] the castle and manor of Chepstow in the Welsh march, and the manor of Tidenham. They are held of the king in chief by knight service; annual value £207.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 22-23

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Norwich. 22 Dec. [Bowet].


Jurors: William Gosselin ; William Hernyng ; Robert Barefet ; Richard Potekyn ; Adam Thruston ; Bartlet Colee ; John ?Croes ; Adam atte Grene ; Thomas Lucas ; Robert Halle ; William Hoberd ; and William Warner .


He held in his demesne in fee tail under the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton [above, no. 236] the manors of Forncett, Lopham, Dickleburgh, Suffield, Ditchingham, Earsham, Hanworth, Halvergate, Framingham, South Walsham, and Harleston with the half hundred of Earsham.

Forncett, annual value £70 3s.7 1/2d., Suffield, £35, Ditchingham, £46 18s., Earsham, £50 10s.10 1/2d., Hanworth, £60, Halvergate, £50 6s.11 1/2d., Framingham, £32 8s.10d., and South Walsham, £52 14s.7d., are held of the king in chief, service unknown.

Lopham is held of the abbot of St. Giles , annual value £50 8s.4d., service unknown.

Dickleburgh, £12, and Harleston with the half hundred of Earsham, £30 3d., are not held of the king in chief but of whom is unknown.

He also held in his demesne as of fee a third part of the manor of Loddon, but of whom and by what service is unknown; annual value 5 marks.

In right of his wife Elizabeth he held the manor of Kenninghall by the grant of William de Monte Acuto, late earl of Salisbury , to Elizabeth and William her former husband. It is held of the king in chief, service unknown, annual value £72.

Long before his death he granted by letters patent to John Kirkestede, esquire , who still lives, two parts of the manor of Loddon for life with reversion to himself and his heirs. It is not held of the king but of whom is unknown; annual value 10 marks.

Dates of death and heir as before.

[For the Suffolk inquisition resulting from this writ, see 280 below.]

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 24-25

E 149/73/1 m. 6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Long Stratton. 15 April 1406. [Oldhall].

Taken by a writ of certiorari super vero valore.


Jurors: Nicholas ....; William Barre... ; John ....; Adam ...burgh; ?Richard ?Kade ; John Skylman ; John Sweyn ; Henry Kelsale ; Andrew Colman ; Roger ?Selyng ; Adam Gallard ; John atte [?] ...


Extent of the manor of Forncett:

Various buildings, annual value nil; fruit of fruit trees, 4d.; herbage in the site of the manor and orchard, 2d., containing in all 2 a. arable; 168 a. 1 rood arable in demesne at 6d., £4 4s.3d.; 166 a. called ‘Caylond’ at 1d., 13s.10d.; 26 a. 1 rood meadow for mowing at 2s.6d., 65s.7 1/2d; 9 1/2 a. meadow at 12d., 9s.6d., 23 a. 1 rood of wood at 12d., 23s.3d.; 2 alder groves containing 3 a. called ‘Meokker’ and ‘Waswodeker’ at 5d., 15d.; assize rents of free tenants and villeins, £13 16s.8 3/4d. at St. Andrew, Easter and Michaelmas, and no more because various lands and tenements are burdened with rents in the hands of the lord by way of escheat, which lands with £7 6s.8d. from the farm of lands and tenements called ‘Wyllyames’ in Tacolneston and 12d. from the farm of a quarter of the market of Stratton amount to £14 10s.4d.; 1 windmill now worth nothing and nothing in the last year of Thomas de Mowbray on account of the need for repair, but usually worth 20s.; profits of manor courts, ‘Garton’ court and ‘Knyght’ court, £4 17s.10d.; 45 winter works at 3 for 1d., 15d.; 15 summer works at 5 for 2d., 6d.; 135(?) autumn works at 1d., …s.7d.; 100 1/2 carrying services ( averagia ) at 1 1/2d., 12s.6 3/4d.; 35 boon works in autumn at 1/2d., 17 1/2d.; 37 carting works at 1d., 3s.1d.; 41 hens at Christmas at 1d., 3s.5d.; 205 eggs at Easter at 4d. per 100, 8d. and 1/2 farthing; customary monies received for foldage, 12d. at Michaelmas; with service of mowing at Lammas, 5s.4d.; and certain knight’s fees and parts, namely 126 208th parts of knight’s fees with wards, marriages, rents, reliefs, escheats and all other profits belonging to Forncett manor, of various tenements as appear in the exchequer, which are worth £24 and which were assigned to Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk , by Henry IV in dower with the advowson, which extends at £20 when it occurs.

[Apparent total £70 3s.7 1/2d., as in no. 277 above].

TNA reference

E 149/73/1 m. 17

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

279[Writ: see 269 .]

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Loughborough. 5 Feb. 1400. [Wychard].


Jurors: John Pymme ; William Heywode ; Robert Stone ; William Dalton ; Henry Dalcroff ; Richard Barkeby ; Thomas Kyrkeby ; Thomas Herberd ; John ...; ... Irreys; John de Barton ; and Thomas Rydere .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of William de Neuton, parson of Seagrave , William de Loughton, parson of Witherley , and John de Repyndon, parson of Cold Overton , by a fine of 1344 [above, no. 241] the manors of Seagrave, Sileby, Mountsorell, Great Dalby, Witherley and Cold Overton, with 30 messuages, 30 virgates and 100s. rent in Cotes, Smisby, Wymeswold, Hoby, Thorpe Satchville, Twyford, Thurmaston, Thorp Busard and Melton Mowbray, parcels of the manors of Seagrave and Sileby. They are not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual values, Seagrave £40 11s.10d., Sileby £40, Mountsorell £7, Great Dalby £40, Witherley £10, Cold Overton £33 and the messuages and virgates £10.

He also held by a similar fine [above, no. 245] the hundred of Goscote. It is held of the king by the service of 100s. rent; annual value 40s.

He also held of the king in his demesne as of fee the manor of Melton Mowbray by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £33.

On 6 Jan. 1394 he granted to Roger Joddrell for life 16 messuages and 10 virgates in Whetstone, with reversion to himself and his heirs. They are held of Lord Beaumond , service unknown; annual value £8.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 11, 13

E 149/73/1 m. 15

Cf. E 149/73/1 m. 13, inquisition taken the same date and place but with some variations in the text and with the following jurors:

William Malteby ; Thomas Sheburgh ; Thomas Walton ; Robert Ansty ; Thomas Heyne ; John Fleckeneye ; John Merlyn ; Richard Thryngeston ; John Pryntys ; Thomas Wakefeld ; Thomas Ladde ; and Thomas ?Burmynggeham

Writ Head

280 [Writ: see 277 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 29 Dec. 1399. [Bowet].


Jurors: 'Seman' Blaunchard; John Pulham ; John Ole ; Robert de Burton ; John Glede ; Walter Ode ; Thomas atte Wode ;Walter ...ern; ... ...; William Pope ; Alan Onhand ; and Ranulph Colville .


He held in fee tail [details as in no. 258 above].

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 24, 26

E 149/73/1 m. 7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Nottingham. 16 Jan. 1400. [Gaytford].


Jurors: ... ... of Sutton Bonington ; John de Humber[unclear: ston] of East Leake; John Beton of Ratcliffe on Soar ; Robert Mire of Rempstone ; John son of Henry of Sutton ; John Stephenson of East Leake ; Robert Tonge of Sutton ; Robert Ward of Willoughby on the Wolds ; ... ... of Kingston on Soar ; Thomas Porchet ; Henry Worthyngton of Thorpe in the Glebe ; and William Campion of Bradmore .


He held in his demesne in fee tail to himself and the heirs of his body, for the name, honour, title and style of earl of Nottingham , which Richard II granted him, £20 rent from the castle of Nottingham by the hands of the sheriff.

Date of death and heir as above. Margaret held no lands in the county when she died on 24 March 1399 .

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 27-28

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE. Inquisition. Derby. 16 Jan. 1400. [C 137/16/71a mm. 27-28].


Jurors: John de Tipton ; Matthew de Ardern ; Richard Taillour of Mickleover ; William Bildyng ; Thomas de Parys of Litchurch ; William de Normonton of the same; William Baile of Alvaston ; John Spenser of the same; Thomas Hopkynson of Thulston ; John Tomlynson of the same; Roger Barogh of Aston-on-Trent ; and Richard Spencer of Shardlow .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of William de Neuton and others by a fine of 1344 [above, no. 241] the castle and manor of Bretby and the manors of Rosliston and Coton, with 12 messuages, 14 bovates and £10 rent in Repton, Linton, Milton, Willington, Ashbourne and ‘Howes’. Of whom they are held is unknown; annual values, Bretby £25, Rosliston £15 6 1/2d., Coton £13 10s.1/2d. and the messuages and bovates £4 6s.8d.

Date of death and heirs as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 27, 29

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Much Wenlock. 26 Nov. [Banastre].


Jurors: William Halghton ; Henry Blundell ; Richard Saundres ; Richard Crateford ; John Stoke ; Robert Toteney ; John Northfolk ; William in the Hale; Thomas Clebury ; Roger Wates ; William Sprot ; and Roger Lee .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of William de Neuton and others under two fines of 1344 [above, nos.235, 241] the manors of Stottesdon and Kingswood.

Stottesdon was held of Richard II by knight service, amount unknown; annual value £20. Kingswood was not held of the king but of whom is unknown; annual value 100s.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 30-31

E 149/73/1 m. 10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bedford. 31 Dec. [Bracy].


Jurors: John Southmylle ; Robert Stokkere of Biggleswade ; William Beke ; William Brouneye ; John Marion ; John ?Pocke junior; John Ballard ; William Trauaille ; John Bromham ; Robert Sayere ; John Clerc of Stotsfold ; and William Gybon .


He held in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief of the barony of Bedford:

Bedford, the castle, by the service of being almoner on the day of the coronation. Because it is not built up or enclosed the annual value is 10s. and no more. Long before he died he granted the keeping of it with the profits for life to John Woketon , who is still living.

Haynes, Willington and Stotfold, the manors, annual values £10, 40 marks and £16.

Bromham, 1/4 carucate, in the hands of a tenant at will, annual value 60s.

Cople, Cardington, Great Barford, Southill, Maulden, Wootton, Ickwell and Salph End, 37s. rent from the vills.

Bedford, the court baron held every three weeks, annual value 30s.

On 3 Oct. 1397 at the inn of the bishop of Ely in London he granted by his letters patent to William Rees , who still lives, an annuity of 20 marks for life from the manor of Willington, by the hands of the farmers, bailiffs and reeves there, at Easter and Michaelmas by equal parts. Also on 26 May 1388 he granted by letters patent to John Cauley a rent of 10 marks for life from the same manor; similarly to John Tunstal 40s., and to Robert Gousill £20. All are still living.

To William Mareschal , who is still alive, he granted the office of parker of Haynes with agistments and with the wages and fees of the office for life. This was confirmed by the king.

At Epworth in the Isle of Axholm in 1397–8 he granted to John Barkeworth, chaplain , by letters patent the free chapel of Haynes with its appurtenances for life, with reversion to himself and his heirs, to celebrate and support services there for the souls of his ancestors. Time out of mind there have belonged to the said chapel 60 a. arable and 26s.8d. rent from certain lands, and the rents of the prior and convent of Cauldwell in Shelton. Barkeworth still holds these.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 32-33

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

285 [Writ: see 284 .]

Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Wing . 30 Dec. 1399. [Bracy].


Jurors: John fitz Thomas ; Richard atte Welde ; John Thynne ; John Smewyne ; Laurence Parage ; Hugh atte More; ... ...; Richard Spencer; John fitz John ; Nicholas Dyn ; Robert ?Camvill ; and John Mathew .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by one of the fines of 1344 [above, no. 235] the manor of Penn. It is not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual value £10.

He held the manor of Wing jointly with Elizabeth his wife by the grant of Richard earl of Arundel , her father, to them and the heirs of their bodies. Of whom it is held and by what service is unknown; annual value £80.

On 15 Feb. 1392 he granted to Robert, bishop of London , and others [as above, no. 269] his lands, tenements and services in Linslade and Southcott.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 32, 34

E 152/8/361 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WORCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Upton on Severn. 29 Jan. 1400. [Wassheborn].


Jurors: Thomas Kerdyf ; John Groue ; Thomas Clifton ; William London ; Richard Ketelby ; Thomas Rompney ; John Boiler ; William Farnewell ; Robert Wilchar ; John Crockebarwe ; Hugh Bartelot ; and Andrew Feckenham .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by one of the fines of 1344 [above, no. 235] the manor of North Piddle. It is held of Thomas earl of Warwick , service unknown. There are £4 6s.4d. assize rents payable by equal parts at Lady Day and Michaelmas, 1 carucate 60s., and 20 a. meadow 40s., making an annual value of £9 6s.4d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 35-36

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition ex officio . Horsham. 23 Feb. 1400. [Weston].


Jurors: John Cout' ; Thomas atte Hull ; William ?Clympyng ; Robert atte Lynde ; William atte Wode ; Richard Condenne ; Thomas Holbrok ; Thomas Prowte ; Richard Bracbrygg ; William Tauerner ; William Schesman ; and Alan Ode .


He held in his demesne in fee tail the lordship of Bosham, and the manor of Stoughton belonging to it, with its members.

He died on 22 Sept.

John Pelham, knight , has held them since that date and taken the profits.

TNA reference

E 149/73/1 m. 11

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

288 Writ. ‡ 11 Feb. 1400. [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] the lands have been taken into the king's hand.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Steyning. 9 March. [Weston].


Jurors: John Graunt ; John Swyft ; Thomas atte Wode ; William ?Merlot ; Edmund Suellyng ; John Poynaunt ; Ralph atte Broke ; Simon Chamberleyn ; John Russell ; John Broun ; Thomas Lorens ; and John Perys .


He held in his demesne in fee tail of the king in chief, granted by Richard Hakeluyt and William Moigne to William de Brewosa, senior , and Alice his wife by fines of 1316–17 [CP 25(1)236/47/14 nos.1465, 1469], from whom they descended to John their son, John his son, John his son, John earl of Nottingham his son, and so to him, Thomas the duke:

Bramber, the castle and manor, annual value £32 17s.; and the manors of Knepp, £7 17s., Shoreham, £19, Horsham, 100s., Bewbush, £6, Findon, £21 6s., Washington, £25 5d., Beeding, £28 5s.4d., West Grinstead, £10, and King’s Barn, £18 12s.4d.

Under the grant of Edward II to Thomas de Brotherton [above, no. 236] he held the lordship of Bosham with the manor of Stoughton, service unknown; annual values, Bosham £113 15s.5 3/4d. and Stoughton £14 9d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 37-38

E 152/8/359 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Coxwold by Newburgh. 10 Jan. 1400. [Brounflet].


Jurors: William de Sproxton ; Robert ?Bushe ; Thomas de Holme ; John de Knayton of Thirsk ; William Kepwyk ; John Wylkynson ; Richard Jonson of Dalton ; John Walker of Thirsk ; John Seel of the same; William de Bageby ; John de Bradelay ; Thomas Molgryue ; and Stephen de Brynyston .


He held:

Thirsk and Hovingham, the manors, in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown, annual values £45 and £20.

Dinnington, the manor, in fee tail under the grant by one of the fines of 1344 by William de Neuton and others [above no. 235]. It is not held of the king , but of whom is unknown; annual value £8.

Thwaite, the manor, in his demesne as of fee, not of the king, annual value 40s.

Long before he died he granted the manor of Kirkby Malzeard to Richard de Burgh for life, the knight’s fees and advowsons and the chase of Nidderdale belonging to it excepted, by rent of a rose at Midsummer. Of whom it is held is unknown; annual value 40 marks.

Also long before he died, by his deed dated 15 Feb. 1392 he granted to Robert bishop of London , and others [as in no. 269, with William for Walter bishop of Durham , and Robert for Richard bishop of Chichester] the manor of Burton in Lonsdale to hold with other manors on conditions not known.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/16/71a mm. 39-40

E 152/7/345 #5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

290 Writ, for fees. ‡ 18 Nov. 1399. [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 15 Jan. 1400. [Cope].


Jurors: Geoffrey William ; William Turnour of Crick ; Roger Rokeby ; Simon Donde ; Richard Draper ; William Mervyn ; John ?Waggy of Barton ; Thomas Cook ; John Cook ; Simon Sely ; John Pernell ; and Richard Teken .


He held in his demesne as of fee and right:

Grimscote in Cold Higham, Whilton and Staverton, 4 fees.

Crick, 1 fee.

Cold Ashby, Welford, Sulby, Staverton, Whilton and Grimscote, 3 fees.

Cranford, 1/2 fee.

Grimscote and Cold Higham, 1/2 fee.

Whilton and West Haddon, 1 1/2 fees.

Crick, 1/3 [ recte 3/4] fee.

‘Brunhale’, 1 1/2 fees.

Heyford, 1 fee.

Yelvertoft, 1/3 fee.

Chalcombe, the advowson of the priory, extended at £10 yearly when a vacancy occurs.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 1-2

E 152/8/358 #2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

291 Writ, for fees. ‡ 21 July 1400. [Stanley].

Addressed to the escheator of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire.

Inquisition Head

BEDFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bedford. 14 Sept. [Bracy].


Jurors: John fitz Thomas ; Richard atte Welde ; John Thynne ; John Smewyns ; Laurence Parage ; Hugh atte More ; William Hendis ; Richard Spencer ; John fitz John ; John Southmylle ; Robert Stokkere of Biggleswade ; and William Bele


He held no knight’s fee or advowsons.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Nottingham. 3 Nov. [Gaytford].


Jurors: Thomas Knet of Sutton Bonington ; John Humberston of East Leake ; John Beton of Ratcliffe on Soar ; Robert Mire of Rempston; John son of Henry of Sutton Bonington ; John Stephenson of East Leake ; Robert Tonge of Sutton Bonington ; Robert Warde of Willoughby on the Wolds ; William de Burton of Kingston on Soar ; Thomas Porchet ; Henry Worthyngton of Thorpe in the Glebe ; and William Campion of Bradmore .


He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Egmanton manor, 1 fee, formerly held by John de Evyle , annual value £30.

Serlby manor with the hamlet of Torworth, 1/3 fee, formerly held by Hugh de Serleby , £15.

Egmanton, Staythorpe, Kelham and Cromwell, 2 fees.

Auckley and Finningley, 1 fee.

The advowsons of Sutton Bonington, annual value 16 marks, and Thorp Bussard, 10 marks.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

293 [Writ: see 292 .]

Inquisition Head

DERBYSHIRE. Inquisition. Derby. 5 Nov. 1400. [Gaytford].


Jurors: John de Tipton ; Matthew de Ardern ; Richard Taillour of Mickleover ; William Bildyng ; Thomas de Parys of Litchurch ; William de Normanton of the same; William Baille of Alvaston ; John Spenser of the same; Thomas Hopkynson of Thulston ; John Tomlynson of the same; Roger Barogh of Aston-on-Trent ; and Richard Spenser of Shardlow .


He held no knight’s fee or advowsons.

Inquisition Head

SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Much Wenlock. 26 Nov. [Banastre].


Jurors: William Halghton ; Henry Blundell ; Richard Saundres ; Richard Crateford ; John Stoke ; Robert Toteney ; Robert Northfolk ; William in the Hale; Thomas Clebury ; Roger Wates ; William Sprot ; and Roger Lee .


He held no knight’s fees or advowsons.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 8-9

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

295 Writ, for fees. ‡ 18 Nov. 1399 . [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

WARWICKSHIRE. Inquisition. Kineton. 31 Dec. [Wychard].


Jurors: William de Geydon ; Einon (Enee) de Baddeby; John Harryes ; William Raulyns ; John Dalby ; Hugh Neel ; John Faukener ; John Upton ; William Brook ; William Ward ; John Maystere ; and Thomas Maudes .


He held in fee and right:

Wappenbury, 4 1/2 fees, £20.

Street Ashton, Copston, Brockhurst, Brinklow and Harborough, 2 1/4 fees, £40.

Newbold on Avon, Cosford, Long Lawford and Little Lawford, 2 1/2 fees, £20.

Walton Deyville, 1/4 fee, 60s.

Smite, 2 1/2 fees, £40.

Hampton in Arden, 1 fee, £10.

Chadwick, 1/10 fee, 40s.

Nuthurst and Hopsford, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Cesters Over, 1 fee, £10.

Newnham Paddox, 1 fee, 100s.

Baddesley Clinton, 1/4 fee.

Heselholt, 1/2 fee.

Blyth, 1/2 fee.

Bentley, 1/2 fee.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 10-11

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

296 [Writ: see 295 .]

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Loughborough. 5 Feb. 1400. [Wychard].


Jurors: John Pymme ; William Heywode ; Robert Sttone ; William Dalton ; Henry Dalcroff ; Richard Barkeby ; Thomas Kyrkeby ; Thomas Herberd ; John Lewyns ; Thomas Irreys ; John de Barton ; and Thomas Ryder .


He held in his fee and right:

Kirby Bellars, 2 fees.

Frisby, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Oadby, 1/8 fee, 60s.

Ab Kettleby, Kirby Bellars and Burton on the Wolds, 1 fee, £10.

Melton Mowbray, 1/4 fee, 100s.

Stathern, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Eastwell, 1/2 fee, £6 13s.4d.

Goadby Marwood, 1/2 fee, £10.

Wyfordby, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Burton Lazars, 1/2 fee, £10.

Little Dalby, Welby and Sysonby, 1 fee, £10.

Queniborough, 1 fee, £12.

Cold Newton, 1 fee, 100s.

Hoby, 1 fee, 100s.

Pickwell, 3 fees, £20.

Leesthorpe, 1/2 fee, 60s.

Bitteswell and Ullesthorpe, 2 fees, £6.

Thrussington and Ratcliff on the Wreak, 1 fee, £11.

Ingarsby, 1/4 fee.

The advowsons of Seagrave, £10, Sileby, 20 marks, and Kegworth, £10.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 10, 12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

297 Writ, for fees. ‡ 18 Nov. 1399 . [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

RUTLAND. Inquisition. Uppingham. 12 Jan. 1400. [Cope].


Jurors: John Plumpton ; Reynold Gonyld ; John Randolf ; William Whitewell ; Henry Topp ; John Belton ; Roger Louet ; Roger Lufwyk ; John Holcote ; Richard Pyssebrok ; John Brampton ; and John Reynald .


He held in his fee and right:

Empingham, 2 fees which William Basynges and Margaret his wife once held.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 13-14

C 137/17/71b mm. 13-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

298 Writ, for fees. ‡ 28 Nov. 1399 . [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 20 Jan. 1400. [Parys].


Jurors: John Hoberd ; Thomas Netherstrete ; Nicholas Treue ; Richard Chamberlein ; John Moddyng ; Robert Elys ; Henry Plowrught ; Henry Glasewrught ; John Longe ; John ?Burgate ; John Colyn ; and John Costyn .


He held in his demesne as of fee:

Boxworth, 1/2 fee held by John Drabon .

Cheveley, 1 fee held by Gilbert Pecche .

Fulbourn, 1 fee held by Walter de Maners .

Trumpington, 1/2 fee held by Walter Busshey .

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

299 Writ, for fees. ‡ 18 Nov. 1399. [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head



Jurors: William Southorle ; Roger Hicokes ; Richard Robyns ; Richard ?Broke ; Nicholas Bray ; Thomas Coueley ; Richard Moldesone ; Walter Wyntour ; William Faukener ; John Hurel ; Richard Baylly ; and Thomas Hull .


He held in his demesne in fee tail:

Llanvair Discoed, 1 fee held by Ralph de Monte Hermerii .

Mathern, 1 fee held by Bogo de Knovyll .

Penhow, 1 fee held by Ralph Seymour .

Portskewett and Harpson, 1 fee held by Matthew Beneland .

Crick, 1/2 fee held by William Derneford .

Dinham, 1/2 fee held by Andrew de Bello Campo .

Maesycwmmer, 1/2 fee held by Amery Lucy .

Itton, 1/2 fee held by Henry de Bendevyll .

St. Arvans, 1/4 fee held by Leisannus ap Morgan .

Llanmartin, 1/4 fee held by Walter de Kemeys .

Henrhiw, 1/4 fee held by Roger Seymour and William Adam .

St. Wormet, 1/4 fee held by John de Bleccher .

Tidenham, 1/4 fee held by Walter Waldyng .

Chepstow, the advowson of St. Mary’s priory, extending at 20 marks.

Severn, the advowson of the free chapel in the lordship of Tidenham in Wales, 40s.

Lancaut, the advowson, 40d.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm. 17-18

E 152/8/355 #5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

300 Writ, for fees. ‡ 18 Nov. 1399 . [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

HEREFORDSHIRE AND THE ADJACENT MARCH OF WALES. Inquisition [indented]. Leominster. 19 Feb. 1400. [Maunce].


Jurors: William Nasshe ; Thomas Holg.t ; Richard de Sarnesfeld ; John He...dyng ; John de ...; John Hakeluyte ; John de la Grove; Richard Willemessone ; William Persouns of Pembridge ; John ?Bra... ; Roger Clerk ; and John P...de .


He held the following in his demesne as of fee:

Penrice, 1 fee held by John Penrys, knight .

Porteynon, 1 fee held by the same.

Llangennith, 1/2 fee held by John de la Mare .

Webley, 1/2 fee held by John de la Bere, esquire .

Penmaen, 1/4 fee held by Simon Wyngham .

Reynoldston, 1 fee held by Richard Vernon, knight .

Langrove, 1/2 fee held by Thomas Denys, knight .

Nicholaston, 1/2 fee held by Richard Mauncell .

He also died seised of certain advowsons of churches unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm.19-20

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

301 Writ, for fees. ‡ 28 Nov. 1399 . [Gaunstede].

[Dorse:] by Thomas Stanley

Inquisition Head

YORKSHIRE. Inquisition. Coxwold by Newburgh . 10 Jan. 1400. [Brounflete].


Jurors: William de Sproxton ; Robert Bussye ; Thomas de Holme ; John de Knayton of Thirsk ; William Kepwyk ; John Wylkynson ; Richard Jonson of Dalton ; John Walker of Thirsk ; John Seel of the same; William de Bageby ; John de Bradelay ; and Thomas Molgryue .


He held:

Wighill and Easedike, 1/4 fee, 10 marks.

Healaugh and Follifoot, 3/4 fee, 100s.

Bainton, 1/2 fee, 10 marks.

Carlton Miniott, Sand Hutton and Isle Beck, 3/4 fee, 60s.

Thirsk, 1/6 fee, 20s.

Fryton and Howthorpe, 3/4 fee, 100s.

Thirkleby, 1 fee, 100s.

South Holme, 1/8 fee, 20s.

Harlthorpe, 1/4 fee, 20s.

Bickerton, 1/4 fee, 20s.

Coxwold, 1/2 fee, 50s.

Yearsley, 1/4 fee, 25s.

Oulston, 1/4 fee, 25s.

Gilling, Holme and Kirby Knowle, 1 fee, 100s.

Humburton, 1/4 fee, 25s.

Carlton Miniott, 1/6 fee, 20s.

Hayton, 1/2 fee and 1/10 fee, 30s.

Fifteen fees in the following manors and vills: Boltby, Ravensthorpe, Thirlby, Cowesby, Newsham, Ness, Stillingfleet, Riplingham, Brantingham, Hessle, Tranby, Asselby, North Ferriby, Swanland, Willerby, Wolfreton, Bentley, Wyton, Skipwith, Thorpe, Scalby, Foxholes, Brigham, Scarcroft, Sherburn, Fraisthorpe, Etton, Breighton, ‘Nothame’, Cliffe, Kirkby Moorside, Fadmoor, Gillamoor, ‘Lylyngton’, Upsall and Thornbrough, 100 marks. The earl of Kent held the lands and tenements from which these fees were derived, of the inheritance of Thomas late lord Wake .

Twelve and a half fees in the following manors and vills: Malton, Brompton, Langton, Sawdon, Sutton, Knapton, Old Malton, Howe, Wykeham, Hayton, Wintringham, Scampston, Sherburn, Thorpe Bassett, Plumpton, Mulwith, Goldsborough, Swindon, South Holme, Wombleton, Muscoates, Barugh, Newsham, Holme upon Spaldingmoor, Ferriby, Willerby and Breighton, 100 marks. Ralph de Euyr, knight , and his coparceners held the lands and tenements from which these fees come, of the inheritance of lord de Vescy .

Kepwick, 1 fee, £20.

Thorp Arch, Tockwith and Long Marston, 3 1/2 fees, 40 marks, the land from which they come held by Thomas de Meteham .

Kilburn, Butterwick and Thornton on the Hill, 3 1/2 fees, 40 marks, of the lands formerly of Robert de Eyvill .

Slingsby, Coulton and Sledmere, 3 fees, 40 marks, of the lands late of Ralph Hastynges .

Scawton and Helmsley, 1 fee, 10 marks.

Brandsby and Stearsby, 1 fee, £10.

Armethorp, 1 fee, £10.

Rigton, 1/4 fee, 25s.

Flasby, Eshton, Elslack and Arnford, 1 fee, £10.

Winterburn, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Hebden, 1/2 fee, £10.

Bank Newton in Craven, 1/4 fee, 25s.

Sedbergh, Elland and Coldcotes, 1 fee, £20.

Burton, 1/20 fee, 1/2 mark.

Sedbergh, 1 1/2 fees, 100s.

Lawkland, 1/6 fee, 40s.

Clapham, ‘Colset’, Skutterskelfe and Norby, 2 fees, £40.

Horton in Ribblesdale and Fountains Scale, 1 fee, £10.

Fawber, Grisdale and Horton in Ribblesdale, 2 fees, 40 marks.

Beecroft, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Thornton, 1/2 fee, 100s.

Healaugh and Follifoot, 3/4 fee, 100s.

Sledmere, 1 fee, £20.

Slingsby, Coulton and Howthorpe, 2 fees, £40.

Scawton, 1/2 fee, 5 marks.

Harmby, 1/2 fee, 5 marks.

Brafferton, Cundall and Leckby, 1 fee, 40 marks.

Bainton, 1/2 fee, 10 marks.

Fryton and Howthorpe, 3/4 fee, 100s.

Garton on the Wolds, 1/4 fee, 100s.

The advowsons of Byland abbey and Newburgh priory by Coxwold.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm.21-22

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORFOLK. Inquisition. Norwich. 22 Dec. [Bowet].


Jurors: William Gosselin ; William Hernyng ; Robert Barefot ; Richard Potekyn ; Adam Thurston ; Bartlet Coole ; John Croos ; Adam atte Grene ; Thomas Lucas ; Robert Halle ; William Hoberd ; and William Warner .


He held in fee tail of the king in chief:

Watton, 11 fees held by William de Roos .

Surlingham, Kirby Bedon, Hellesdon, Cringleford and Keswick, 4 fees held by Ralph Dakre .

Narborough, 2 fees held by John Bardolph .

Flordon, 1 fee held by William Boteveyllen .

Newton Flotman and Swainsthorpe, 1/2 fee held by John de Sweynnysthorpe .

Mundford, 1/2 fee held by the bishop of Ely.

Hethel and Carleton, 1/4 fee held by William Cursoun .

Tacolneston, 1 fee held by Peter de Dovedal .

Haddiscoe, 1 fee held by the heir of FitzOsbert.

Fersfield, 2 1/2 fees held by the heirs of Robert de Bosco .

Billingford, 1 fee held by Ela de Boteler and John Peyton .

Blo Norton, 1 fee held by John de Sancto Moro .

Hethel, 1/100 held by John le Warde .

Shelton, 1 fee held by Robert de Shelton .

Hardwick and Shelton, 1/4 fee held by the heirs of Harvey de Shelton .

Forncett, 1/4 fee held by the heirs of John de Claveryng .

Ovington, 1 fee held by the heirs of Peter Bozoun .

Fundenhall and Creake, 4 1/2 fees held by the heirs of Robert de Crayk .

Bromholm and Ellingham, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Baldwin de Bosco .

Palling, 1/2 fee held by Simon de Felbrigg .

Hethel, 1/2 fee held by the heir of Robert de Nevylle and 1 fee held by Peter de la Penne .

Broomsthorpe and Hethersett, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Hugh de Pynkeney .

Moulton, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Guy le Verdoun .

Swainsthorpe, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of John Cursoun .

Roughton and Weston Longville, 1/10 fee held by Clement de Plumstede .

East Harling and Little Massingham, 3 fees held by Simon de Felbrigg .

Ketteringham, 1 fee held by the earl of Oxford .

Watton, 11 fees held by William Roos .

Wacton, Thorpe, Hales, Dickleburgh and Loddon, 3 fees held by John de Segrave of ‘Fulestan’ (?Folkestone).

Barningham and Erpingham, 1/2 fee held by Robert Broun .

Stockton, 1/20 fee held by John Bygot .

West Dereham, 1/2 fee held by Peter Tameworth .

Bressingham, 8 fees held by John Verdoun .

Starston, 1 fee held by John de Herewastok .

Hethel, 1/20 fee held by the master of St. Giles, Norwich.

Edgefield, 1 1/2 fees held by the heirs of John de Claveryng .

Roughton and Weston Longville, 5 fees held by the heirs of Thomas de Merton .

Starston, 1 fee held by the heirs of William de Bovile .

Seething, 1 1/4 fees held by William de Calthorp .

Poringland, 3/4 and 1/3 of 1/4 fees held by the heirs of John de Claveryng .

Fundenhall and Creake, 4 1/2 fees held by the heirs of Robert de Creyk .

Yaxham, 1 fee held by John Cursoun .

Seething, 1 fee held by the abbot of Langley , the abbot of Sibton , the master of St. Giles, Norwich, and Harvey de Stanhowe .

Pirnhow, 3 1/2 fees held by the heirs of James de Crayk .

Mettingham, 1/35 fee, and Seething, 1/40 fee, held by Robert de Hedyngham .

Roughton and Merton, 1 fee held by Roger de Hales .

Barningham, Witchingham, Smallburgh, Bessingham, Greenesvill, ‘Gryngelond’, Ketteringham, Fleggburgh and Baconsthorpe, 5 3/4 and 1/8 fees held by William de Rokele .

Beyton, 1 fee held by William Lyncolne .

Oby, Ingham, Burnham and Fleggburgh, 3 fees held by John Caly .

Moulton, 1/4 fee held by Nicholas de Stradsete .

Colney and Carleton, 1 fee held by Elizabeth de Colneye .

Creake and Fundenhall, 4 1/2 fees held by the heirs of Robert Creyk .

Seething, 1/20 fee held by William Calthorp .

Badingham and Seething, 1/40 and 1/4 fees held by Robert de Senges .

Cockley Cley, 1/4 fee held by the prior of Butley and parceners .

Bixley, 1 fee held by the prioress of Carrow and John de Norwico .

Fritton, 1/20 fee held by Roger Revet .

Shelton, 1/2 fee held by Isabel widow of John Begot .

Shotesham and Tharston, 15 1/3 fees held by Agnes widow of John Mautravers .

Hethel, 1/4 fee held by Richard de Goldyngham .

Holkham, Sutton, Gooderstone and Carbrooke, 7 1/2 fees held by the heir of Dennis de Monte Canisio .

Garboldisham, 1/2 and 1/8 fees held by the heir of Robert de Bosco .

He also held the following advowsons, extending at the amounts shown: Suffield, £20; Westwick, 8 marks; Gillingham, 100s.; Rockland, 100s.; Holverston, 40s.; Aldborough, 12 marks; Starston, 24 marks; Lopham, 20 marks; Forncett, £20; Hethel, 18 marks; Long Stratton, 6 marks; Little Wacton, 40s.; Great Wacton, 6 marks; Fritton, 8 marks; East Harling, 13 marks; Denton, 10 marks, alternate presentations; Weybridge priory, 40s.; Earsham, 24 marks; Ditchingham, 25 marks; Colby, 10 marks; Alby, 10 marks; Alburgh, 15 marks; Winston, 40s.; Windle, 40s.; Ellingham, 40s.; Stockton, 6 marks; Redenhall, 25 marks; Bixley, 40s.; Brockdish, 100s.; Banyngham, £10; St. Lawrence, South Walsham, 20 marks; Poringland, 15s.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm.23-24

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

303 [Writ: see 302 .]

Inquisition Head

SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Ipswich. 29 Dec. 1399. [Bowet].


Jurors: Seman Blaunchard ; John P... ; John Ole ; Robert de Burton ; John Glede ; Walter Ode ; Thomas atte Wode ; Walter Wardeyn ; William Reynold ; William Pope ; Alan Onhand ; and Ranulph ....


He held in fee tail:

Flixton, 1 fee held by William Boteveylyn .

Bradley, 4 fees held by John son of Thomas Becourt .

Shadingfield, Thorington, Bruisyard, Sweffling and Great Ringstead, 4 fees held by John de Brosyerd .

Scarnestone and Burstall, 3 3/4 fees held by John Rochford , Bartholomew de Elingham and Alice widow of John Holbrok .

Helmingham, Yoxford, and Middleton, 3 1/2 fees held by John de Thorp , William Swillington and their parceners.

Yoxford, Heveningham, Stickingland and Burgh, 3 1/2 fees held by William Swillyngton and Edmund de Ufford .

Akenham, Whittingham, Clopton and Hasketon, 3 1/4 fees held by Giles Breause .

Gosbeck and Easton, 2 fees held by Richard de Gossebek .

Newton and Wherstead 1 1/4 fees held by Oliver de Todynham .

Wixoe, 1 fee held by John de Wyckelowe .

Monewden, 1/2 fee held by John Adam .

Hacheston, 1/2 fee held by Godfrey de Hilton .

Kettleburgh, 1/2 fee held by the heir of Thomas Ketilbre .

Charsfield, 1/4 fee held by Nicholas de Weylond .

Chediston and Easton, 1 fee held by Thomas Bavent .

Cookley, 2 1/4 fees held by John de Fresyngfeld , John de Weylond and Thomas Bavent .

Cransford, 1/4 fee held by Adam Tastard and William de Hoo .

Framlingham, 1/10 fee held by Simon Taillour ; 1/4 and 1/6 fee held by Thomas Ketilbere .

Kelsale, 1/24 fee held by Nicholas de Kelishale .

Martlesham, 3 fees held by Thomas de Verdoun .

Heveningham, 1/2 fee held by Cecily de Hertford .

Framlingham, 1/20 fee held by John Austyn .

Saxmundham, 1 fee held by Robert Swan .

Crowfield, 1 fee held by Philip Harneys .

Uggeshall, 4 fees held by Roger FitzOsbert .

Blaxhall, 1 fee held by Thomas de Weylond .

Ramsholt, 1/2 fee held by William de Rammesholt .

Wantisden, 1/4 fee held by the prior of Butley .

Glemham, 1/4 fee held by Richard Philip .

Denham, 1 fee held by John de Denham .

Iken, 1/2 fee held by Roger Faussebroun .

Carlton Colville, 1/2 fee held by John de Carleton .

Syleham, 1 1/2 fees held by John de Sancto Moro .

Campsey Ash, 1/2 fee held by Margery Moysy .

Brampton, 1/2 fee held by John Randulph .

Theberton, 1/2 fee held by Emma de Norwico .

Elveden, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of John de Gelham .

Wilby, Benhall and Norton in Colneis, 3 3/4 fees held by Guy Ferrers .

Colneis, 1/2 fee held by William Oudyn .

Stonham Aspall, 1 fee held by Roger Aspele .

Ringshall, Baylham, Broke Hall, Darmsden, Kembroke and Levington, 4 fees held by the heirs of Robert de Wornaville (?) and John Rokelane .

Offton, 2 fees held by Richard Loveday .

Plomesyerd’, 1/10 fee held by John de Peyton .

Colneis, 1/2 fee held by Alexander de Prato and parceners.

Leiston, 1/2 fee held by Robert de Skales and William de Caldecote .

Trimley St. Martin, 1/2 fee held by William Videln .

Caldecott and Gislingham, 1/2 fee held by Fulk de Goldyngham .

Higham, 1/4 fee held by John Reymes .

Market Weston, 1 fee held by Hugh Hoville .

Peasenhall, Falkenham, Waldringfield, Sternfield and Farnham, 4 fees held by Nicholas de Segrave and Guy Ferrers .

Aveley, 2/3 fee held by William Ynge .

Mickfield, 1/4 fee held by Roger de Aspele .

Stonham, 1/4 fee held by John Monye .

Ilketshall, 1 fee held by the heir of Morgan de Ilketishale .

Freston and Holbrook, 1 fee held by Alice Holbrok .

Stonham, 1/4 fee held by Robert de Upston .

Layham and Holton St. Mary, 2 fees held by Robert de Reydon and Richard de Brompton .

Sproughton, 1 fee held by Richard Loveday .

Coddenham, 1/20 fee held by the prior of Holy Trinity, Beeston .

Brokes Hall, 1/10 fee held by Alice de Holbrok .

Baylham and Colneis, 1 fee held by John de Rothinge .

Ilketshall, 1/20 fee held by William Rous and 1/20 fee held by Walter Telle and his parceners.

Barrow, 2 1/2 fees held by Katherine Gyfford .

Boxford, 1/40 fee held by John de Boytesford .

Ufford, 1/10 fee held by William Aumbergull .

Bradewater’, 1/4 fee; Sternfield, 1/2 fee; Burgate 1/3 fee; and Langeston, 1/7 fee; held by John de Langeston , annual value £6 13s.4d.

Offton, 2 fees held by Robert de Stotevylle .

Grimston and Blowfield, 1 1/2 fees held by John Beumond .

Colneis, 1/2 fee held by the lord of ‘Stampes’.

Norton, 1 fee held by Wakelyn de Norton .

Colneis, 1/4 fee held by Maud de Langenho .

Ufford, 1 fee held by Robert de Ufford .

Iken, 1/2 fee held by William Sturmyn .

Barton and Herringswell, 1/2 fee held by the heir of Stephen Berton .

Tunstall by Nettlestead, 1/2 fee held by John Typtot .

He also held the following advowsons, extending at the amounts shown: Dodnash priory, £20; Theberton chapel, 40 marks; Shadingfield, 6 marks; Bungay priory, £40; Iken, 10 marks; Bromeswell, 5 marks; Kelsale, £20; Tunstall, 40 marks; Eyke, 15 marks; and Clopton, 25 marks.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm.23, 25

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Extent. Bramber. 22 Aug. [Weston].


Jurors: Thomas de Heen ; William Grene ; Peter Flewer ; ?Thomas ...; ?William ...; Henry Em... ; Robert Smyth of ?Offington ; John Need ; John Poynaunt ; William ?Burgh ; Simon Chamberlayn ; and William ?St...


He held as parcels of the honour of Bramber;

Broadwater, the manor, held by Thomas Camoys, knight , extending at £40.

Sompting and Ewhurst, the manor, 2 1/2 fees.

Coombes, 4 fees held by John Halsham .

Lancing, lands and tenements, held by Richard Rademelde , 2 fees.

Michelgrove and Heene, the manor, 1 fee held by John Muchelgrove and Thomas earl of Arundel .

Sheepcombe, 5 virgates held by Maud Joop , 1/4 fee.

Clapham, the manor, 2 fees held by Thomas Seyntoweyn .

Sullington, the manor, 2 fees held by Thomas earl of Arundel .

Westmeston, the manor, 4 fees held by John Brewes, knight .

West Grinstead, the manor, 1 fee held by Thomas Moubray, knight , and a tenement held by John Clothale as 1/4 fee, 6s.8d.

Morley and Woodmancote, the manor, 4 fees held by William Percy .

Kingston by Sea, 4 fees held by Thomas Skelton and Joan his wife.

Horton, the manor, 1 3/4 fees held by Philip Mabank .

Washington and FindonFindon, 2 virgates held by John Arundell as 1/10 fee.

Colstaple and ‘Langeford’, 2 virgates held by Thomas earl of Arundel as 1/10 fee.

Little Bookham in Surrey, the manor, held by William Heron, knight , as 1 fee.

Wappingthorn and Wowood, the manors, held by Ralph Codyngton and Henry Codyngton , extending at £7 10s.

Shipley, 1 virgate held by John Preston as 1/20 fee.

Annington, 1 tenement held by Stephen prior of Sele in free alms by the service of 2/3 fee; and 1 tenement held by John Roberd as 1/3 fee.

Southwick, 9 virgates held by the prior of Reigate in free alms, 46s., rendering 18s. for scutage when levied at 40s.

Erringham, 4 virgates held by John Brewes, knight , as 1/5 fee.

Hazelholt, 2 virgates held by John Colepeper , 10s.

Lower Beeding, 4 virgates held by Alice widow of Edward St. John as 1/5 fee; 1 virgate held by Richard Bernard and Beatrice his wife as 1/20 fee; 1 fee held by Henry Palmere , William Epsle , Joan his wife, and others; and 1 virgate held by Robert Palmere and others as 1/20 fee.

Ham, 2 virgates held by Lucy Michell and others as 1/10 fee, 2s.; and 1 virgate of ‘Swetman’ lands held by Robert Jourdan and others as 1/20 fee.

Stanford’, 1 virgate held by Stephen prior of Sele as 1/20 fee; and 1 virgate held by John Asshbrennere and others as 1/20 fee.

Slaugham, 1/2 virgate, holder unknown, 1/40 fee.

Stanford’, 1/2 virgate of ‘Becchele’ lands held by John Becchele as 1/40 fee.

Findon, Westmeston and Shipley, 1 tenement held by John Brewes, knight , as 1 fee.

Findon, 1 virgate of ‘Fraunceys’ lands held by Agnes atte Wolde as 1/20 fee; and 1 virgate held by Richard Fauconer as 1/20 fee.

Washington, 1 virgate held by John Cambray as 1/20 fee.

Westmeston, 1 virgate held by John Brewes as 1/20 fee.

Shipley, 1 virgate held by the prior of the hospital of St. John as 1/20 fee.

Findon, 2 virgates, holder unknown, 1/10 fee.

Horsham, 1/2 virgate held by Roger Terry as 1/40 fee.

La Felde’, 5 virgates held by Thomas earl of Arundel as 1/4 fee.

Horsham, 1 virgate held by the prioress of Rusper as 1/20 fee.

Weston, 1 virgate held by John Bonewyk as 1/20 fee.

Ifield, 1 virgate held by Thomas Blast and others as 1/20 fee.

Grinstead, 1 virgate held by John Need as 1/20 fee.

Byne, 4 virgates held by Joan widow of James de Byne as 1/5 fee.

Wyckham, 4 virgates held by Hugh Quecheche , Richard atte Sonde and Simon Benfeld as 1/5 fee.

Steyning, 3 virgates held by Hugh Quechche , paying 6s. for scutage when levied at 40s.; 3 virgates held by the same Hugh and others, 17s.6d., paying 7s. for scutage when levied at 40s.; ‘La Combe’, 2 virgates held by Thomas earl of Arundel as 1/10 fee; 1 other virgate, holder unknown, 1/20 fee,; 1 virgate of the lands of ‘le Frye’, once held by William Lychepoule , holder unknown, 1/20 fee,; and 2 a. once of John Erysshe of the lands of ‘Sage’, amount and value unknown.

Horsham, 1/2 virgate of ‘Cobat’ lands held by Henry Frenssh as 1/40 fee,

Westmeston, 3 virgates of ‘Lyones’ lands held by Henry Tuttebury , 15s.; paying 6s. for scutage when levied at 40s.

Buddington, 2 virgates held by the abbess of Godstow in free alms as 1/10 fee.

Steyning, 1 1/2 virgates held by Hugh Queche and John Atteberne as 1/5 fee.

Shipley, 1 1/2 virgates held by William Epsley, junior , as 1/5 fee.

Storrington by Thornwick, 2 virgates held by Thomas Chambre , John Colomeres and William Panethorne as 1/10 fee.

West Grinstead, the advowson belonging to the barony of Bramber, 20 marks.

St. Leonard, advowson of the free chapel in the forest, also belonging to the barony, 40s.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm.26-27

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LINCOLNSHIRE. Inquisition. Gainsborough. 12 Jan. 1400. [Toup].


Jurors: Robert de Sheffeld of Butterwick ; William Castelforth of Beltoft ; Simon de Beltoft ; Thomas de Beltoft ; Robert Jake of ?Westwoodside ; William Cuttewolffe of Owston ; William Galyan of Ferry ; Thomas son of John of Haxey ; Roger Brewster of the same; Thomas Orcharde of Beltoft ; Nicholas Swynton of Epworth ; and Richard Cole of Belton .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Epworth in the Isle of Axholme, except for certain lands which he had granted by his various letters patent for the lives of the grantees with reversion to himself and his heirs: to Thomas Joynour of Epworth, 1 messuage and 1 bovate by rent of a rose at Midsummer, annual value 13s.4d.; to John Salman , 1 messuage and 2 bovates in Low Burnham, 26s.8d.; to William de Byntre , 1 messuage, 15 a. arable, and 1 a. meadow in Epworth, 30s.; to Hugh Cooke , 1 toft called ’Sulbyplace’, 1 croft called ’Lubbancroft’ and 1 croft called ‘Pipercroft’ by rent of a rose, 7s.; to Robert Gobyn , 1 messuage, 1 1/2 bovates and 1 1/2 a. meadow in Epworth, 26s.8d.; to Ralph de Brumham , 40s. rent from various tenants in Haxey; to John de Disworth , 40s. rent in East Ferry, Gunthorpe and East Kinnard’s Ferry; and to Richard Lynne , the passage of Kinnard’s Ferry, annual value 10 marks.

Long before his death he granted to John de Brunham and his heirs for ever 10s.6d. out of the 16s. assize rent which he paid in Belton and Butterwick in the isle, in exchange for 15 a. in Belton to enlarge his park of Belgraves in the isle, annual value 20s.; and to Nicholas atte Wode , deceased, and Alice his wife for their lives with reversion to himself and his heirs, 8 messuages and 1/2 bovate in Epworth, annual value 7s.

The manor is held of the king in chief by knight service, and is worth annually, apart from the above grants, £70.

Long before he died he granted certain annuities for life: to Edward de Clynton , £20 by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas; to Thomas de Brunham , for his service for works in Gower and other business, 40 marks by his charter shown to the jurors; and to William Fouler , his receiver in the Isle of Axholm, 10 marks.

He held no more but long before he died he granted to Hugh de Waterton, knight , his manor of Wroot for life with reversion to himself and his heirs. It is held of the abbot of St. Mary’s, York , in socage, amount unknown, annual value 100s.

On 15 Feb. 1392 he granted to Robert, bishop of London , and others [as in no. 269 above, with William for Walter bishop of Durham , and Robert for Richard bishop of Chichester] all his lands in Stretton [Rutland] on conditions unknown to the jurors, annual value 60s.

He held the following knight’s fees extending at the amounts shown:

Gainsborough, 2 fees, 100 marks.

Scawby and Sturton by Scawby, 1/2 fee, £4.

Haxey, Butterwick and Kelfield, 1/2 fee, £4

Burnham, 1 fee, 10 marks.

Haxey, 1/4 fee, 60s.

Westwoodside, 1/10 fee, £4.

Beltoft and Butterwick, 2/3 fee, 100s.

Beltoft, 1/15 fee, 60s.

Belton, 1/12 fee, 60s.

Owston, 1/20 fee, 40s.

Belton, 1/20 fee, 40s.

Amcotts, Althorpe and Garthorpe, 1/12 fee, 60s.

Blyborough, 1 fee, 20 marks.

Burton by Lincoln and West Ferry, 1/2 fee, 100s.

South Ferriby, 1 fee, £10.

Yawthorpe, 1 fee, 100s.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/17/71b mm.28-30

E 149/73/1 m. 5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Bowet(Escheator)


  • John Pulham
  • John Ole
  • Robert de Burton
  • John Glede
  • Walter Ode
  • Thomas atte Wode
  • Walter ...ern
  • William Pope
  • Alan Onhand
  • Ranulph Colville


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