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Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Kenardington. 11 Aug. [Kempe].


Jurors: John Piers ; Clement Clerk ; Henry Cook ; William Spaket ; John Colyn ; John Colyn ‘bochre’; John Struggel ; Thomas Whi... ; Thomas Horton ; Thomas Meller ; John Watte ; and John Andrew .


He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Kenardington, comprising 13 1/2 a. arable; 2 a. meadow; 164 a. pasture; 5 a. 1 rood wood; £6 assize rents from free tenants at Easter and Michaelmas; 33 cocks, price 1 1/2d. each and 82 hens at 2d. at Christmas; 600 eggs at Easter, 2s.; 6 geese at Michaelmas, 3d. each; 1/2 lb. pepper at Christmas, 5d.; 6 lb. wax at Easter at 5d. the lb.; and the advowson of the church of Kenardington, £10 when it occurs.

A third part of the site of the manor and 37 a. of the said 164 a. are held by the service of a rent of 10s. for the guard of Dover castle. The rest of the site and of the 164 a., and the meadow, wood and rents are held of the archbishop of Canterbury , the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Canterbury , and the prior of St. Gregory’s, Canterbury, separately by various services. The site is worth nothing annually, each of the 164 a. and 13 1/2 a., 6d., the 2 a. meadow 2s., and the wood nothing because no profit can be taken from the timber.

With Agnes his wife, to them and the heirs of their bodies, he held:

Iffin, the manor, of the prior of St. Gregory’s, service unknown, annual value 5 marks.

‘Elmeslemersch’, the pasture so called, of whom held unknown, annual value nil because waste.

Cockread, the manor, in Romney marsh, of the master of the hospital of Dover, service unknown, annual value £6.

Silwell by Ruckinge, all the lands so called which Reynold de Basynges held, comprising 18 a. arable, held of Henry de Horne , service unknown, annual value 30s.

Stone in the Isle of Oxney, the lands which Walter Alayn held, comprising 25 a., annual value 30s., and 20s. rent from the lands of Stephen de Pysenden in that parish, held of the abbot of St. Augustine’s , service unknown.

Redbrook in the parish of Kenardington, 20 a. which John Merscher, senior , held to farm, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 40s.

Appledore, 5 a. which Thomas Sedelide held at farm in the town, annual value 7s., of the prior of Dover , service unknown.

Snargate, 20 a. which John Merscher, junior , held, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 30s.

Kenardington, various lands in the parish: 10 a. which Thomas Horne held next to the mill, of the archbishop, service unknown, annual value 21s.; 10 a. which John Wille held at farm in ‘Lytellarkemede’ and ‘Bettewildeslonde’, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 15s.; 2 a. and a windmill standing on them which William Caliot held at farm by ‘Pykhelle’, of the archbishop and of William Spaket separately, service unknown, annual value 2 a. 2s., the mill nil because ruinous; 8 a. which William Horne held at farm called ‘Dygenesland’ and ‘Boles’, of the prior of Dover , service unknown, annual value 8s.; 2 a. which Thomas atte Reche held at farm by ‘Kelchesbregge’, of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 5s.; 16 a. called ‘Baytones’ and ‘Boltesland’ next to the messuage formerly of Walter Alayn , of the same abbot, service unknown, annual value 12s.; and 40 a. called ‘Horsteghe’ and ‘Kyngesmanland’ and other pieces of land which William Benet held at farm, of the archbishop, annual value 38s.

Appledore, all the wood called Park Farm in the parish, annual value 10s., and the pasture there 3s.4d.

He died on 29 July. John his son and heir is aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/8/48 mm. 1-2

E 357/14, m.37

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



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  • Scarb'(Writ Clerk)


  • John Piers
  • Clement Clerk
  • Henry Cook
  • William Spaket
  • John Colyn
  • John Colyn ‘bochre
  • John Struggel
  • Thomas Whi...
  • Thomas Horton
  • Thomas Meller
  • John Watte
  • John Andrew


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