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Inquisition Head

CUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Penrith. 28 Sept. [Thornburgh].


Jurors: William de Hoton ; Thomas de Laton ; Roger de Laybourn ; Henry de Hoton ; William de Vaux; John de Dalston ; Thomas de Raghton ; William Fedyr ; William de Kyrkeby ; John de Vaux; John Salkeld ; and John Boste .


He held in his demesne in fee tail by the grant of Robert Pervyng, senior, formerly parson of Hutton :

Blackhall, the manor, to himself and his heirs male, with successive remainders failing such heirs to Adam son of John Pacok and his heirs male, John the brother of Adam and his heirs male, Thomas the brother of John and his heirs male, and the right heirs of Robert Pervyng, junior , by a fine of 1337 [CP 25(1) 35/9, no. 23]. It is held of the king in chief by a cornage rent of 4s.6 1/2d. payable at the exchequer of Carlisle on 15 Aug., suit at the county court each month, 16s.1d. at the exchequer of Carlisle for the purpresture of Inglewood, 31s. for the allowance of the foresters of Inglewood and 4s.4d. for the allowance of the king’s bailiffs of Cumberland ward; annual value beyond that £10.

Stainton, the manor, to himself and his heirs male by the same grant and with the same remainders. It is also held of the king in chief, by a cornage rent of 8s. payable at the exchequer of Carlisle on 15 Aug. and 2s.8d. for the allowance of the king’s bailiffs of the county of Cumberland; annual value beyond that 20s. and no more because devastated by the recurring invasions of the Scots.

Botcherby, the manor, to himself, Isabel his wife and the heirs of his body, with successive remainders to Adam Pacok and the others as above by another fine of 1337 [CP 25(1) 35/9, no. 22]. It is held of the king by a cornage rent of 6s.2d. payable at the exchequer of Carlisle on 15 Aug.; annual value beyond that 100s.

He also held to himself and his heirs and assigns 1 messuage in Carlisle of the king in house-gavel of 1d., annual value beyond that 2d.

John and Thomas, brothers of Adam Pacok , died without heirs male of their bodies. Adam Pacok held the manors in virtue of the fines, and had issue Robert Pervyng, knight , and Margaret wife of Thomas Bowet, senior . Robert Pervyng, knight , died without heirs of his body. Margaret wife of Thomas Bowet , Maud formerly wife of John Walker of Cockermouth , and Thomas Qwytlokman are heirs of Robert Pervyng, junior .

Margaret Bowet is one heir of Robert Pervyng, junior , namely daughter of Adam Pervyng alias Adam Pacok , father of Robert Pervyng, knight . Adam was son of Joan, sometime wife of John Pacok , sister and heir of Robert Pervyng, junior .

Maud formerly wife of John Walker of Cockermouth is another heir, being the daughter of Alice de Wode , daughter of Emma de Skateby , another sister and heir of Robert Pervyng, junior . She is aged 30 years and more.

Thomas Qwytlokman is son and heir of Margaret Pape , another daughter of Alice, daughter of Emma de Skateby ; also aged 30 years and more.

He died on 10 April last . To the messuage in Carlisle Margaret wife of Thomas Bowet is next heir and of full age, being 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/51/47 mm. 1-2

E 149/84/7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • William de Hoton
  • Thomas de Laton
  • Roger de Laybourn
  • Henry de Hoton
  • William de Vaux
  • John de Dalston
  • Thomas de Raghton
  • William Fedyr
  • William de Kyrkeby
  • John de Vaux
  • John Salkeld
  • John Boste


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