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Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Sherborne. 4 April. [Brounyng].


Jurors: John Crokker ; John Wilkokkes ; Robert Ynge ; Robert Grome ; Richard Suthewyk ; Thomas Park ; Walter Kerver ; John ?Noblet ; William Fonte ; John Neweton ; Hugh Glover ; and William Playsour .


He held in the right of Margaret his wife, who survives him:

Maiden Newton, the manor, of Henry Popham by knight service of his manor of Sutton Waldron, annual value £10.

Thorpe, 3 messuages, Notton, 5 messuages, and Crockway, 9 messuages, of John Lyle of his manor of Newton Lisle by a rent of 1d., annual value 100s.

He died on 2 Feb. last . Edward Courtenay, earl of Devon , is his kinsman and next heir, being the son of Edward his brother, and aged 50 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/50/38 mm. 1-3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

HAMPSHIRE. Inquisition. Broughton. 18 March. [Shypton].


Jurors: William Coule ; Richard Felicer ; Roger Courte ; Nicholas Dubbere ; John Wylly ; John Turuyle ; William Person ; Henry Deyghere ; William Hastyng ; William Newman ; John Tolke; and James Malyn .


He held the wardenship of the bailiwick of Buckholt, part of the forest of Clarendon, for life by the king’s grant [ CPR 1399–1401 , p.75], annual value 100s.

In right of Margaret his wife, who survives him, he held:

Pennington, the manor, of the heir of John atte Hale by knight service, annual value 100s.

Bedenham, half the manor, of the bishop of Winchester by knight service, annual value £4.

Flexland, the manor, formerly of Philip de Throkelesford , of the prior of Southwick by knight service, annual value 100s.

Binsted, the manor, formerly of the same Philip, of Elizabeth Julers, countess of Kent , by knight service, annual value £10.

Date of death and heir, aged 35 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/50/38 mm. 4-5

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Upavon. 17 March 1405 [Shipton].


Jurors: William Auncell ; Simon Cherlton ; Richard Malwyn ; John Daubeney ; John Goule ; Richard Petrych ; John Clerc junior; John Colyns ; William Lyveden ; John Wodehowe ; Walter Rolfes ; and Henry atte Cothe .


He held the keepership of the park of Melchet with the forest of Grovely for life of the king without rent, annual value £10.

In the right of Margaret his wife, who survives him, he held:

Little Cheverell, the manor with the advowson of church and chantry, with £11 in rents from lands in Maddington and Shrewton, parts of that manor, of the countess of Salisbury by knight service, annual value £20.

Hardenhuish, the manor and advowson, annual value £10; and various lands in Ogbourne Maizey, annual value £4, of the king of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service.

Date of death and heir, age 35 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/50/38 mm. 6-7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Exeter. 6 March [Frensshe].


Jurors: John Wotton ; Thomas Spyrewaye ; Robert Hulle of Gittisham ; Ralph Lapflod ; Bartlet Pyle ; John Furse ; John Neweman ; John Botour ; William Gubbe of Fenton ; John Haynghestecote; William Apeldore ; and William Werthe .


He held 1 a. in Alphington with the advowson in his demesne as of fee to himself and his heirs of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 4d.

He held to himself and his heirs male with successive remainders, failing such heirs, to Philip his brother and his heirs male, and the right heirs of Hugh de Courtenay, formerly earl of Devon , grandfather of Edward earl of Devon :

Honiton, the manor, except the advowson, by the grant of Robert Vaggescomb, formerly canon of Exeter, parson of Parkham , William Bampton, formerly parson of Churchill , William Ponton , formerly portioner of Waddesdon , Henry de Burton and John Hudresfild , of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20.

Moretonhampstead and Milton Damerel, the manors and advowsons, by the grant of Robert Vaggescomb, canon of Exeter and rector of Parkham ; Moretonhampstead of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks; and Milton Damerel of the earl of Devon of the honour of Plympton, service unknown, annual value £6.

Alphington and Bolberry, the manors, except for the 1 a. and advowson mentioned above, by the grant of Hugh de Segrave by way of exchange for the manor of Nuneham Courtenay in Oxfordshire; Alphington of the earl of Devon of the honour of Okehampton, service unknown, annual value £20; and Bolberry of the same of the honour of Plympton, service unknown, annual value £10.

North Pool, the manor, by the grant of William Chabesie and Richard Brankescombe , of Elizabeth le Despenser of the honour of Gloucester, service unknown, annual value £6.

He also held the priory of Otterton jointly with Richard Amys, prior of Stogursey , John Kyrchehille, parson of Aller , and Richard Bacwill, parson of Lydford , for his life and to his executors for 1 year after, at farm of the king for 200 marks by a grant of 10 March 1401 [ CPR 1399–1401 , p.444]. Alexander Clyvedon and John Kyrchehele, clerk , are his executors. The priory is worth 200 marks annually.

He died on 2 Feb. 1405 without heirs of his body. All should go to Philip. Edward is alive and is next heir of Hugh, being son of Edward, son of Hugh. Edward is aged 40 years and more, Philip 50 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/50/38 mm. 8-9

E 149/85/1 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Taunton. 10 March. [Caux].


Jurors: John Weuylescomb ; Henry Hymenford ; William Biry ; Henry Peny ; William Hayward; John Janyswore ; John Magot ; Richard Marchaunt ; Henry Ferrour ; John Dyere of Langport; John Elise ; and Oliver Hokeley .


He held to himself and his heirs male, with remainder in default of such heirs to Philip his brother and his heirs male:

East Coker, the manor and advowson, by the grant of Robert Vaggescomb , William Bampton and William Ponton , clerks, Henry Burton and John Hodresfeld , of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

Hardington Mandeville, 1 a. and the advowson, by the grant of the same, of John Wadham, knight , of his manor of Hardington, service unknown, annual value 6d.

Stewley, the manor, half by the grant of John Southdon, clerk , the other half by the grant of John Syward, clerk ; all of Robert Hulle of his manor of Trull by knight service, annual value 10 marks.

West Capland, the manor, by the grant of William Domfravill and John Baret , of John earl of Somerset of his manor of Curry Rivel, service unknown, annual value 100s.

He held jointly with Richard Amys, prior of Stogursey , John Kirchill, parson of Aller , and Richard Bakwell, parson of East Lydford , 10 messuages, 1 carucate and half the great tithe of the parish of Martock, as parcel of the alien priory of Otterton in Devon, by the grant of the abbot of Mont St. Michel in Normandy, lord and chief patron of the priory, to hold with all the property, tithes, offerings, obventions and possessions, both spiritual and temporal, with fees, advowsons, franchises, liberties etc. for his life and 1 year more, confirmed by Richard II on 10 June 1397 and by Henry IV on 2 Oct. 1399 , to hold for a rent of 200 marks; and the king further granted on 10 March 1401 that he might hold them from 1 Oct. 1400 during the war with France without payment of the farm of 200 marks, or any other payment [ CPR 1396–9 , p.148; 1399–1401 , pp.41, 444]. The messuages, land and half the tithe of Martock with the priory therefore belong to his executors for 1 year after his death. They are Alexander Clyvedon and John Kerchill, clerk .

Jointly with Margaret his wife he held by the grant of Robert son of Robert Hill, Richard Virgo , William Buttes, clerk , James Taunton and William Worcestre , for their lives with successive remainders to William Botreaux , son of Elizabeth daughter of John St. Lo and the said Margaret then wife of John, the heirs of the bodies of Peter and Margaret, and the right heirs of Margaret by a fine of 1391 [CP 25(1) 201/31, no. 20; cf . no. 17]:

Aller, the manor, with the advowson of the church and chapel or chantry, of Thomas Broke by knight service, annual value £20.

Cricket St. Thomas, the manor and advowson, of Richard Seymour , service unknown, annual value 100s.

Yeovilton, the manor, of Peter Cuysaunce , service unknown, annual value 40s.

Shipham, the manor and advowson, of Matthew Gournay by knight service, annual value 100s.

Cheddar and Leigh, the manor, of the bishop of Bath by knight service, annual value 100s.

Wells, a messuage, of the bishop of Bath in burgage.

He also held jointly with Margaret by the grant of Master Edmund Seyntcler, Robert Cheddre and John Leppeyet, parson of Backwell , to them and the heirs of Margaret:

Standerwick, the manor, of Matthew Gournay by knight service, annual value 10 marks.

Rodden, the manor, of the king of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service, annual value £6.

He held in right of Margaret:

Publow, the manor, of Lady Despenser of the honour of Gloucester, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

Newton St. Loe, the manor, of the king of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service, annual value £10.

Chelwood, the manor, of the earl of Salisbury , service unknown, annual value £4.

Philip Courtenay is still living, aged 48 years and more.

Date of death and heir, aged 40 years and more, as above.

TNA reference

C 137/50/38 mm. 10-11

E 149/85/1 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Bubbewith(Writ Clerk)


  • John Wotton
  • Thomas Spyrewaye
  • Robert Hulle of Gittisham
  • Ralph Lapflod
  • Bartlet Pyle
  • John Furse
  • John Neweman
  • John Botour
  • William Gubbe of Fenton
  • John Haynghestecote
  • William Apeldore
  • William Werthe


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