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Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition [indented]. Wells. 27 April. [Caux].


Jurors: John Halle ; Henry Saundres ; William Fouk ; John Fullrok senior; Thomas Bays ; John Tenour ; John Delamare ; John Deuerell ; John Pynche ; John Chapell ; John Aisshwyk ; and Richard Elwyll .


Robert FitzPagan was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor and hundred of Frome, and by a fine of 1314 [CP 25(1) 198/17, no. 1] granted it to Nicholas Braunche and Robergia his wife and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion in default to the heirs of Robert. So Nicholas and Robergia were seised of them. They had a son Andrew and a daughter Eleanor, who married Richard Wynselade of Gloucestershire and had issue Stephen. After the death of Nicholas and Robergia Andrew entered and held in fee tail in virtue of the fine.

By a fine of 1335 [CP 25(1) 199/22, no. 9] Andrew Braunche and Joan his wife granted to Richard de Wynselade and Eleanor his wife, with remainder to the heirs of Eleanor, 7 messuages, 162 a. arable, 18 a. meadow, 80 a. pasture, 51 a. wood, 58s.6 1/2d. in rents and a third part of a mill in Frome, Rodden and Marston Bigott, parcel of the manor of Frome. Richard and Eleanor were then seised of the premises.

Andrew had issue Thomas and died. After his death the manor and hundred of Frome, except the messuages, etc. mentioned above, were taken into the king’s hands owing to the minority of Thomas in accordance with an inquisition of 1349 [ CIPM IX, no. 353].

Richard and Eleanor died, whereupon Stephen de Wynselade entered the messuages, etc. in Frome, Rodden and Marston Bigott as son and heir in virtue of the fine and of an inquisition of 1355 [ CIPM X, no. 232].

Then Thomas son of Andrew died under age without heirs of his body, and Stephen de Wynselade entered the manor and hundred as next heir, that is son of Eleanor, sister of Andrew, father of Thomas, in virtue of the fine of 1314, as found in an inquisition of 1360 [ CIPM X, no. 611], and by authority of a writ of livery of seisin of Edward III [ CCR 1360–4 , p.75].

Afterwards Stephen, by the name of Stephen de Wynselade, lord of Frome Braunche , merchant of Somerset, at Bristol on 1 July 1375 acknowledged before Walter Derby , then mayor of Bristol , and Thomas Denbawe, clerk of recognisances there, that he owed Guy de Bryan, knight , £20,000 [ sic ] for 220 marks borrowed from Guy which he had to pay on 2 Feb. 1366 . Whether the 220 marks was paid to Guy on that day or not is unknown, but Guy had execution in virtue of the said bond ( statutum ) of the manor and hundred and of the 7 messuages, etc., until the sum mentioned in the bond should be paid.

Guy granted and assigned to Philip, his younger son, all his status in the manor and hundred until such time as he, Guy, should be satisfied of this sum. Philip died in possession but he and Guy Bryan had no other status in the manor and hundred except the execution of this bond.

So Stephen died on 18 Dec. 1404 holding them all in his demesne in fee tail in virtue of the fines; annual value of the manor and hundred of Frome £30, of the 7 messuages, etc. £10. All are held of the king in chief by knight service.

Elizabeth wife of Edmund de Liversegge , daughter and next heir of Stephen, is aged 28 years and more.

[Very faded, some words illegible]


TNA reference

C 137/50/35 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • John Halle
  • Henry Saundres
  • William Fouk
  • John Fullrok senior
  • Thomas Bays
  • John Tenour
  • John Delamare
  • John Deuerell
  • John Pynche
  • John Chapell
  • John Aisshwyk
  • Richard Elwyll


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