Full text


Writ Head

1115 Writ. ‡ 21 Jan. 1405 [Mapilton].

Regarding lands held in chief in dower by Eleanor who was the wife of Reynold Cobham, from the inheritance of Reynold his son.

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Salisbury. 20 Feb. [Shypton].


Jurors: Thomas Pruet ; Robert Hatte ; Robert Ruyly ; John Buskyn ; Nicholas Spondell ; Walter Hemmyn ; John Tounesende ; John Forde ; Adam Wyndhull ; John Baron ; John Grenyng ; and John Momfort .


She held in dower of the inheritance of Reynold Cobham , son of Reynold Cobham , her late husband, the manor of Langley Burrell of the duchy of Lancaster of the honour of Trowbridge by knight service, annual value £10.

She died on 10 Jan. last .

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1116 Writ. ‡ 16 Feb. 1405 [Maupas].

Regarding Eleanor who was the wife of John Darundell senior

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Wilton. 19 March. [Schypton].


Jurors: William Langeford ; Robert Bakham ; William Spendour ; Nicholas Milbourne ; Nicholas Geiffreys ; John ... ; William ... ; Stephen ...ford ; Nicholas Stone ; Geoffrey ?Criour ; John Staneford ; and Thomas Shaue .


She held jointly with John de Arundell, knight , to them and his heirs:

Sherrington and Codford, the manor of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £13 5s. of which assize rents of free and unfree tenants payable at the four terms amount to £9 13s.4d.

Elston, half the manor, also in chief by knight service, annual value 10 marks, of which similar assize rents 100s.

Boyton, the manor and advowson, of the heir of the earl of Salisbury , under age in the king’s ward, annual value £10, assize rents £7.

Corton, the manor, of the same, annual value 60s., assize rents 36s.8d.

Winterbourne Stoke, the manor, of the same, annual value 40s., assize rents 26s.8d.

Coate, the manor, of the same, annual value £4, assize rents 52s.

Hill Deverill, the manor, of the heir of the earl of March , under age in the king’s ward, annual value 40s., assize rents 26s.8d.

She also held jointly to them and their heirs Great Somerford, the manor. Long before her death she granted this manor with the advowson by her charter in pure widowhood to John Chelreye for life, he paying her £8 by equal parts at the four terms. So she held the rent of £8. The manor is held of Lord Tiptoft of his manor of Castle Combe by the service of half a knight’s fee.

She died on 10 Jan. last . John Arundell, esquire , aged 20 years and more on 1 Aug. last , is kinsman of both John Arundell, knight , and Eleanor, being the son and heir of their son, John Arundell, knight, junior .

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1117 Writ, melius inquirendo . ‡ 10 July 1405 [Waker].

Regarding 1116: the king has been informed that the holdings were of greater value than specified in the inquisition.

[Dorse:] by the chancellor (per canc’).

Inquisition Head

WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Wilton. 13 Oct. [Shipton].


Jurors: John Gilberd ; William Langeford ; John Maltman ; Thomas Budell ; Thomas Gille ; John Gardyner ; William Peyracourt ; William Upton ; John Coof ; John Mody ; Roger Wodeman ; and Nicholas Drake .


John Arundell, knight , held jointly with Eleanor, to them and the heirs of their bodies the manor of Sherrington and Codford and half the manor of Elston of the king in chief by knight service, annual values Sherrington and Codford £18, half of Elston £8; the manor of Boyton with the advowson, annual value £17, and the manors of Corton, 100s., Winterbourne Stoke, 60s., and Coate, £6, of the heir of John earl of Salisbury , under age in the king’s ward; the manor of Hill Deverill, 100s., of the heir of the earl of March , under age in the king’s ward, by knight service; and the manor and advowson of Great Somerford of the Lord Tiptoft of his manor of Castle Combe as half a knight’s fee, annual value £8.

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1118 Writ. ‡ 16 Feb. 1405 [Maupas].

Regarding Eleanor who was the wife of John Darundell senior

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Inquisition. Ilchester. [Caux].


Jurors: William Wason ’; John Brice ; John Gulden ; William Whittock ; John Warmewill ; John Weylond ; William Peytevyn ; John Chilton ; John Cammell ; John Bathe ; Richard ?Garse .


She held for life jointly with John Arundell , formerly her husband, of the king in chief by knight service, with remainder after her death to his right heirs:

Cucklington, the manor, annual value £10, and the advowson.n1118_1

Stoke Trister, the manor, annual value £10, and the advowson.n1118_2

Bayford, the manor, annual value £4 3s.4d.

Selwood, the bailiwick of the forester, annual value 10s.

She also held jointly to them and their heirs Hendford, the manor, annual value £30, and 57s. rent from lands in Yeovil, of the heir of the earl of March , under age in the king’s ward.n1118_3

Date of death and heir as above [no. 1116].

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 7-8

E 152/8/403 r-d

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Gloucester. 26 March. [Lodelowe].


Jurors: Nicholas Mattesdon ; John Richeman junior; John Felde ; John Wylkyns ; Walter Walsh ; John Branche ; Thomas Baker ; Richard Coke ; Robert Branche ; William Bauknot ; John Wynyard ; and Walter Ochold senior.


She held in her demesne as of fee:

Stonehouse, the manor, of the bishop of Worcester , service unknown, annual value £20, of which £12 is in assize rents payable by equal parts at the four principal terms.

Minchinhampton, 1 toft, 1 dovecot, 1 carucate, 2 a. meadow and 100s. rent, of Hugh Waterton and Katherine his wife of the manor of Minchinhampton in socage by a rent of 43s.3 1/2d. and suit of court there every three weeks, annual value nil beyond the rent.

Shurdington, 1 messuage and 1 virgate, annual value 60s., and 100s. rent, of Thomas de Fornevale and Ankaret his wife by a rent of 6d.

Date of death and heir as above [no. 1116].

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 9-10

E 149/85/5 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1120 Writ. ‡ 26 Jan. 1405 [Bubbewyth].

Regarding Eleanor Arundell

[Dorse:] by N. Bubbewyth

Inquisition Head

DORSET. Inquisition. Dorchester. 27 Feb. [Brounyng].


Jurors: Thomas Daccombe ; John Auntioche ; John Plesy ; John Neburch ; John Moruill ; John ?Carse; ?Rowland Hynton ; John As... ; Robert Quarell ; Ralph Britte ; George Auntioche ; and Roger Trelyuere .


She held:

Witchampton, the manor. William Warre and Henry Stroude, clerk , held it by the feoffment of Eleanor Arundel to them and their heirs and assigns. They granted it to her for life with remainder to Richard Arundel, knight , and the heirs of his body, and failing such heirs to the heirs of the body of Eleanor. It is held of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, earl of March , under age in the king’s ward, annual value £24, of which £21 10s.5d. is in assize rents. Richard is still living, aged 26 years and more.

Loders, rent of a rose from the manor and from certain lands, meadows, pasture, woods, rents and services which she held in Eggardon, Litton Cheney, Woolcombe and West Moors, and which John Quinton holds for life by her grant with reversion to her heirs. They are held of the abbot of Forde by knight service, annual value £10.

Frome Whitfield, £32 rent from the manor payable at the four terms. The manor is held for life by Robert Veel by her grant, with reversion to her heirs. He is still living. It is held of the earl of Hereford by knight service, annual value £32 beyond the rent.

Lytchett Matravers, rent of a rose at Midsummer from 1 messuage, 22 a. and 3 plots of land and pasture, held by John Kent , Alice his wife and William their son, who is still living, for their lives, by the grant of Eleanor, with reversion to her heirs, annual value…6s.8d.; and the rest of the manor held of the heir of the earl of March , annual value £13 6s.8d.

Philipston, the manor, of the abbess of Wilton by a rent of 25 quarters of salt, annual value £4.

Worth Matravers, the manor, of the earl of Hereford by knight service, annual value £8.

Langton Matravers in Purbeck, the manor, of the heir of the earl of Salisbury , annual value £10.

East Morden, the manor, of the king in chief by a rent of 8s. payable by the sheriff, annual value £10.

Wootton Fitzpaine, the manor, of the heir of Henry Lorty by knight service, annual value £10.

Wimborne St. Giles, the manor called French’s, of the heir of the earl of March by knight service, annual value 4 marks.

Winterborne St. Martin, half a toft, 60 a. arable and 20 a. pasture, of Roger Seymour of …hamp(?)…, annual value 10s.(?).

Date of death and heir as above [no. 1116].

[Partly worn and illegible; cf . no. 766 above].

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 11-12

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1121 Writ. ‡ 21 Jan. 1405 [Mapilton].

Regarding lands held in dower by Eleanor who was the wife of Reynold de Cobeham from the inheritance of Reynold his son.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. West Malling. 11 March. [Maysham].


Jurors: John Bachelore ; William Meneware ; Geoffrey Westram ; Robert Beneyt ; Robert Sextayn; Henry Legham ; John Baker ; John Large senior; William Warde of New Hythe ; William Frensshe ; Thomas Pilcher ; and Stephen Large .


She held in dower of Reynold Cobeham, knight , of the inheritance of Reynold his son and heir:

Aldington by Maidstone, the manor, of the king of the castle of Rochester by a rent of 14s. payable on St. Andrew’s day for the ward of the castle, annual value 60s.

Hiltesbury, the manor, with the advowson of Lullingstone, of the prior of Leeds of his manor of Leeds by suit of court there at Michaelmas, annual value 40s.

East Shelve and Boardfield, the manor, partly of the king of the castle of Dover by a rent of 3s.9d. for ward of the castle every 24 weeks, annual value 40s., and the remainder of the abbot of Faversham and John Champeyne in gavelkind, service unknown, annual value £8.

Westwell, a tenement in called Westwell, of Thomas Swynbourne, knight , of his manor of Boughton Aluph in gavelkind, and of others, names and services unknown, annual value 40s.

Orkesden, the manor, in gavelkind of the archbishop of Canterbury , Lady la Zouche, William son of Nicholas Keryel, knight , and others, names and services unknown, annual value 66s.8d.

Bowzell, the manor, in gavelkind of the archbishop, John Frenyngham , George Modell , Reynold de Pekham and others, names and services unknown, annual value 40s.

Date of death and heir, aged 20 1/2 years, as above [no. 1116].

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 13-14

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1122 Writ. ‡ 14 Feb. 1405 [Gaunstede].

Regarding Eleanor who was the wife of Reynold de Cobham of Scorburgh, chivaler

[Dorse:] before the king in Chancery (coram domino rege in cancellaria sua)

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. West Malling. 1 June. [Meysham].


Jurors: John Bachiler ; William Meneware ; Geoffrey Westram ; Robert Beneyt ; Robert Sextayn; Henry Legham ; John Baker ; John Large senior; William Warde of New Hythe ; William Frenssh ; Thomas Pylcher ; and Stephen Large .


Eleanor widow of Reynold Cobham alias Eleanor Mautravers held the manor of Postling to herself and the heirs of herself and John de Arundell, senior , sometime her husband. It is held of the king of the castle of Dover by a rent of 20s. for ward of the castle, annual value £38.

Date of death and heir, no age given, as above [no. 1116].

TNA reference

C 137/49/31 mm. 15-16

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1122A Writ. 10 June 1405 [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the escheator of Surrey and Sussex. Order to take the inquisition for Eleanor, who was the wife of John Darundell, as previously ordered, if it has not been taken, and to return it without delay to Chancery.

TNA reference

E 149/85/5 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Maupas(Writ Clerk)


  • William Langeford
  • Robert Bakham
  • William Spendour
  • Nicholas Milbourne
  • Nicholas Geiffreys
  • John ...
  • William ...
  • Stephen ...ford
  • Nicholas Stone
  • Geoffrey ?Criour
  • John Staneford
  • Thomas Shaue


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