Full text


Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Sittingbourne. 10 June. [Maysham].


Jurors: Richard Payn ; John Roolf ; John Smyth ; John Sare ; Adam Sare ; William ?Sedemantone; William Greyn ; William Colsalle ; Edward Goodgrom ; John Synnet ; Adam Cherlton; and Thomas ?Rasyll .


She held for life the manor of Stonepit in the isle of Sheppey, 5 marks rent from various lands in Thurnham and a marsh in Iwade called Chetney Marshes, by the grant of John de Cobeham, Lord Cobham , who granted the reversion of the manor of Stonepit to Richard Noke and his heirs. Christopher Shuckburgh and Agnes attorned to him. Noke granted the reversion to Richard Cheyne , Robert Sharp , Nicholas atte Cherche , William Elys of Sheppey, deceased, Bartholomew Seyntleger , Thomas son of John Chiche of Canterbury and Stephen Peytefyn , their heirs and assigns, and Christopher and Agnes attorned to them. So she died seised of this manor with reversion to them; annual value 100s. A rent of 39s.2d. from 40 a. and a marsh called ‘la Wilghe’, parts of the manor, were held of Roger earl of March of his castle of Tonge as a twentieth part of a knight’s fee. The rest of the manor was held of the archbishop of Canterbury of his church of Canterbury by knight service.

Lord Cobham granted the rent of 5 marks from the lands in Thurnham, after her death, to the master and chaplains of his chantry of Cobham by royal licence. Thomas Lodelowe, knight , William Haldenne , Reynold de Cobeham, clerk , and John Ydele granted to the master and chaplains of Cobham and their successors the reversion of two parts of 200 a. marsh in Iwade which Christopher Shokkebourgh and Agnes held for her life by the grant of John de Cobeham, knight , to whom the reversion formerly belonged [ CPR 1367–70 , p.277], royal licence having been obtained; annual value 10s. Of whom the rent of 5 marks is held and by what service is unknown. Christopher and Agnes attorned to Thomas Lodelowe, knight , and the others.

Richard Sheme, vicar of Eastchurch , and Peter Haddelay granted the manor of Horton by Canterbury to Roger de Northwode and Agnes then his wife and the heirs of Roger, by a fine of 1360 [CP 25(1) 105/170, no. 1308]. Afterwards Roger Northwode son and heir of John de Northwode, knight , son and heir of Roger de Northwode, knight , granted the reversion of this manor to Thomas Chicche of Beverley, Gilbert Manfeld , citizen of London, Nicholas Potyn , John Dreylonde , William Emery and William Makenade , and the heirs and assigns of William Makenade , and Christopher and Agnes attorned to them.

She held the manors of Yokes and Wichling with the advowson of Wichling and other lands and tenements in dower of Roger de Northwode, knight , her second [ sic ] husband by assignment in chancery in March 1362 made with the assent of John de Northwode , his son and heir, and the reversion of the manors was granted by Roger son of John to John son of Roger Digge and Juliana his wife, and Christopher and Agnes attorned to them.

The reversion of the advowson of Wichling was granted to Bartholomew Seynt Leger and Stephen Peyteveyn , and Christopher and Agnes attorned to them. It is held of John Seyntcler and Margaret his wife of their manor of Ospringe by knight service, annual value nil beyond the presentation.

Agnes died on 27 May last . Agnes formerly wife of Stephen Peytevyn , aged 24 years, Margaret wife of Walter Roo , aged 24 years and more, her daughters, and Peter Rede , son of Juliana, a third daughter, aged 34 years [ sic ], are her next heirs.

[Partly worn and illegible; some details from CCR 1402–5 , pp.462, 467, 468; 1405–8 , pp.264, 360, 362].

TNA reference

C 137/49/30 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Thornham has been corrected to Thurnham.

Writ Head

1114 Writ, melius sciri. ‡ 10 July 1405 [Gaunstede].

Regarding 1113: inquire of whom, and by what services, the rent and marsh are held.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Sittingbourne. 21 July. [Maysham].


Jurors: Richard Payn ; John Rolf ; John Smyth ; John Sare ; Adam Sare ; William Sedemairtone ; William Watford ; William Marchaunt ; John Harry ; William Basset ; William Berkesore ; and John Robyn .


The 5 marks rent is not held of anyone by any service, but is rent from various lands and tenements in Thurnham. The marsh is held of Humphrey of Lancaster, knight , of his manor of Milton by a rent of 1 pair of gloves, price 1d., at Easter. He holds the manor by the grant of the king, his father.

TNA reference

C 137/49/30 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Thornham has been corrected to Thurnham.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Waker(Writ Clerk)


  • Richard Payn
  • John Roolf
  • John Smyth
  • John Sare
  • Adam Sare
  • William ?Sedemantone
  • William Greyn
  • William Colsalle
  • Edward Goodgrom
  • John Synnet
  • Adam Cherlton
  • Thomas ?Rasyll


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