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Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Acton Turville. 10 June. [Poynes].


Jurors: Reynold Waleys ; William Baylly of Frampton ?on Severn ; John Walker ; John Wykham ; John Skey; John Hulle ; John Stynchecombe ; John ?Waggeston ; William atte Hulle; William Packer ; Robert Lucas ; and John Burnell .


Ralph Welyngton held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Frampton Cotterell in chief of Richard II , and the manors of Sandhurst and Ablington of the abbot of Gloucester , services unknown. He married Joan and died without heirs. They descended to John Welyngton as brother and heir of Ralph and, he being under age, were taken into the king’s hands. The king in chancery assigned in dower to Joan a third part of each manor with 3 a. wood in Sandhurst and 5 a. wood in Frampton Cotterell.

John Welyngton died without heirs, whereupon the two parts of the manors with the reversion of the third parts descended to Isabel wife of William Beaumount , then of full age, as one sister and heir, and John Wroth , son of Margaret the other sister, under age. Annual values of the third parts: Frampton Cotterell £9, Sandhurst £4, Ablington 53s.4d.

She died on 24 April. Isabel is aged 30 years and more, John Wroth 12 years and more. Thomas West , son of Thomas West , is son and next heir of Joan, age unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/49/26 mm. 1-2

E 149/83/1 m. 2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Inquisition. Chipping Sodbury. 10 Oct. [Poyns].


Jurors: William Bailly of Frampton ?on Severn ; William Bailly of Acton ; Robert Stynchecombe ; William Nash ; John Godston ; William Stynchecombe ; John Walkare ; William Lennille ; Robert Leuuille ; William Whityng ; John Clerk ; and John Vayre .


Ralph de Welyngton held certain lands and tenements in Sandhurst called Moorslade. He married Joan and died without heirs of his body. They were taken into the hands of Richard II owing to the minority of John brother and heir of Ralph, because he held other lands in chief by knight service. Afterwards a third part of Moorslade was assigned to Joan in dower. John died without heirs of his body and the reversion of the third descended to Isabel wife of William Beaumont and John Wroth as above, ages as above.

The third part is held of the abbot of Gloucester , service unknown, annual value 3s.4d.

TNA reference

C 137/49/26 mm. 3-4

E 152/8/391 dorse

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Inquisition. Torrington. 28 June. [Frensshe].


Jurors: William Apyldore ; Gilbert Wybbyry ; Walter Cornu ; Hugh ?Tache ; Richard Mounceaucz ; John Deuyok ; Thomas Wollecombe ; Richard Southcote ; Thomas Wybbyry; Ralph Dabernon ; Baldwin Pykard ; and John Culle .


Ralph Welyngton held the manor of Huntshaw in his demesne as of fee of the duchy of Cornwall by knight service. He married Joan and died without heirs. The manor was taken into the hands of Richard II owing to the minority of John Welyngton , his brother and heir. She was assigned a third part with 100 a. wood in dower, annual value £4 18s.

Date of death, heirs of Ralph, and her heirs, as above [no. 1095].

TNA reference

C 137/49/26 mm. 5-6

E 149/83/1 m. 1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Partition. Huntshaw. 27 July 1405.


Partition of the lands and tenements which Joan widow of Thomas West held in dower of Ralph Welyngton , sometime her husband, of the inheritance of Isabel wife of William Beaumont, one sister and heir of John Welyngton , brother and heir of Ralph, and John Wroth , son of Margaret, the other sister, in the presence and with the assent of William Beaumont and Isabel, and Walter Pollard , attorney of John Wroth, knight , to whom the king granted the custody of the lands of John Wroth [ Cf. CPR 1399–1401 , p.391].

Assigned and delivered to William Beaumont and Isabel:

Wiggadon, 6d. rent from free tenants, and 1 ferling which Thomas Jon holds.

Guscott, half a ferling held by Robert Burgh and 1 ferling held by William Peirs .

Haddacott, 3 plots (clavas) held by William Hadyncote, 1 plot held by John Twechene, 1 plot held by Simon Hugh , and a third part of a messuage, 10 a. and 1 cornmill held by Henry atte Mille .

‘Keyrlond’, ‘Radweye’ and ‘Wodewallys’, certain parcels of the demesne there so-called, comprising by estimation 1 ferling and held by Ivo Frend , and a third part of a messuage there held by Simon Vynhagh .

‘Babbecary’, 1 cottage and 2 a. held by Alice Grenecomb , and 1 cottage and 2 a. held by Robert Burgh .

Wayhead, 7d. rent from all the lands there; and 34 a. wood there of which 26 a. lie between the wood of John [Wroth], son of Margaret, on the east and the wood of the same John on the west, and 8 a. between the wood of the same John on the east and the king’s highway on the west, which amount to 48s.4 3/4d.; all to be held by William Beaumont as Isabel’s share of the lands by the law and custom of England.

Assigned and delivered to John Wroth , son of Margaret, as his share to hold by the law and custom of England:

Wayhead, 1 messuage, 1 dovecot and 2 ferlings held by Adam Knokeworthy .

Hill, 2 1/2 ferlings held by John Welyngton .

Haddacott, 1 ferling held by John Twechene , villein, with all his family there; and 24 a. wood extending at 40s.

TNA reference

C 137/49/26 m. 7

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1098A Writ to give seisin to William Beaumont , who has paid 13s.4d. and given fealty. ‡ 21 Feb. 1405 [Gaunstede].

[Text of oath of fealty]: Vour jurrez que vous serez foiall et loial, et foi et loialtee porterez a nostre segnur le Roi Henry et a ses heirs Rois Dengleterre et loialment ferez et loialment comistrez les services dues des terres lesqueux vous clamez tenir de luy come de droit de vostre femme et les queux il vous rende si Dieux vous aide, et ses seintz .

TNA reference

C 137/39/26 mm. 9-10

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

TNA reference

C 137/49/26 m. 8

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Scarb’(Writ Clerk)


  • William Apyldore
  • Gilbert Wybbyry
  • Walter Cornu
  • Hugh ?Tache
  • Richard Mounceaucz
  • John Deuyok
  • Thomas Wollecombe
  • Richard Southcote
  • Thomas Wybbyry
  • Ralph Dabernon
  • Baldwin Pykard
  • John Culle


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