Full text


Inquisition Head

BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Inquisition. Buckingham. 28 Feb. 1405 [Gyffard].


Jurors: John Walcote ; William Chynchyn ; John Adekyn ; John Adam ; William Spynk ; John West ; Richard Martyn ; John Sylverthorn; John Peyntour ; Roger Faukus ; William Bocher ; and John Dames .


He held nothing in Buckinghamshire.

He died on 30 Oct. last . John Heron, knight , son of John, knight , his brother, is his next heir and aged 24 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1064 Writ. ‡ 18 Nov. 1404 [Gaunstede].

Addressed to the escheator of Essex and Hertfordshire.

[Dorse:] Executed in one inquisition.

Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE. Inquisition. Bishop’s Stortford. 9 May 1405 [Leget].


Jurors: Walter Mawndevylle ; Richard Alysaunder ; John Wheler ; John Parker ; John Draper ; John Madyle ; Geoffrey Galyon ; James Skynner ; John Manytre ; John Smyth ; John Stronge ; and Richard Taylour .


He held the manor of Sawbridgeworth in his demesne as of fee to himself, his heirs by Elizabeth his late wife, and her right heirs, by a fine of 1396 [CP 25(1) 290/57, no. 286]. It is held of the king in chief by the service of one knight’s fee. There are a ruinous capital messuage with adjacent garden, annual value nil beyond the maintenance of the buildings; 500 a. arable at 3d., £6 5s.; 15 a. meadow at 18d., 22s.6d.; 20 a. pasture at 2d., 3s.4d., and no more because they lie in common; 100 a. wood, of which the underwood nil because it cannot be cut; assize rents, £6 13s.8d. payable at the four terms, 2 capons, 1 lb. wax, 3 large arrows, and 1 sparrowhawk or 2s., from the manors of Rickling and Elsenham in Essex; summer, autumn and winter works, 35s.6d.; and pleas and perquisites of courts, nil beyond the expenses of the steward.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 3-4

E 152/8/399 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Inquisition. Northampton. 19 Feb. 1405 [Cope].


Jurors: Richard Buffard ; John Koc of Alderton ; John Hopkyns ; John Dobbe ; William Merflete ; Henry Hertwell junior; William Abraham ; John Campion of Harlestone ; John Houghton ; Robert Asser ; Henry Wydevill ; and Richard Colyn .


He held nothing in Northamptonshire.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 5-6

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Ditchling. 10 March 1405 [Stoghton].


Jurors: Laurence atte Withie ; John Stace ; John Vicary ; Richard Smyth ; Walter Brom ; John Fullere ; Andrew Skynnere ; John Barry ; John Dygon ; William Tilesershe ; John Stonyngh ; and John atte Wyke ‘bakere’.


He held the manor of Hamsey of Thomas earl of Arundel as one knight’s fee, by what title or how is unknown. There are the site, annual value nil; assize rents payable by equal parts at Hockday and Michaelmas, 40s.; 150 a. arable at 2d., 25s.; 40 a. several pasture at 1d., 3s.4d.; 40 a. meadow at 4d., 13s.4d., and no more because marsh and often under water so that it cannot be mown; hill pasture for 300 sheep, 6s.8d.; 60 a. wood and pasture in a place near Hewenstreet, nil because occupied by the earl of Arundel’ s game; and a tenement with park called Pyecombe in Offham, which belonged to Michael Pikombe and is held of the manor of Hamsey as an eighth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 6s.8d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 7-8

E 152/8/405 #3

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Steyning. 28 Feb. 1405 [Stoghton].


Jurors: Henry Eyloue ; John Hildere ; William Boteler ; Edmund Snellyng ; Richard Selede ; William atte Wode ; William Longe ; Thomas Deghere ; John Gore ; John Hayward ; William Smytht; and John Toche .


He held the manors of Buxted and Streat by the grant of Thomas archbishop of York , John bishop of Salisbury and Thomas Percy, knight , to him, Elizabeth his wife and their heirs, with remainder to the right heirs of Elizabeth, by a fine of 1396 [CP 25(1) 290/57, no. 286]. Buxted is held of William Walays, knight , by the service of half a knight’s fee, and the payment to the archbishop of Canterbury at his manor of South Malling of 33s.8 3/4d. yearly, annual value £4. Streat is held of Thomas earl of Arundel by the service of half a knight’s fee, annual value 10 marks.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 7, 9

E 152/8/405 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1068 Writ, plenius certiorari . ‡ 8 May 1405 [Gaunstede].

Addressed to John Stoghton escheator of Sussex, regarding 1066: inquire as to William’s estate and title in the manor of Hamsey.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition. Uckfield. 12 June. [Stoghton].


Jurors: John Delue ; John Basset ; John Markwyk ; Richard Hodleghe ; Simon Knyght ; Richard Ferrour ; John atte Doune ; John atte Leghe ; Thomas atte Leghe ; William Theccher ; Thomas Underwode ; and John Shodwelle .


By a fine of 1341 [CP 25(1) 237/59, no. 7] Thomas Hethe, parson of Rotherfield , conveyed the manor of Hamsey to Geoffrey de Say, knight , and Maud his wife and their heirs male, with remainder to the right heirs of Geoffrey. They had two sons, William and John. William had a daughter, Elizabeth, and died without male heirs. After the deaths of Geoffrey and Maud John entered the manor and granted it to Thomas Crewe , his heirs and assigns, on condition that he re-enfeoff John de Say , Elizabeth his wife and their heirs, with remainder to his right heirs. This re-enfeoffment was often requested but not carried out during the lifetime of John. John died without heirs of his body. William Heron, knight , married Elizabeth heir of John, being the daughter of William his brother. They entered and peacefully held the manor. She died without heirs, and William Heron enfeoffed Simon Davy, vicar of Framfield , and Walter atte Broke , their heirs and assigns. They granted it to him to hold at their pleasure, and so he held it at his death, 30 Oct. last .

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 10-11

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition. Deptford. 27 Feb. 1405 [Meysham].


Jurors: John Chesman ; John Turman ; Robert Joynour ; Thomas Stapelton; Thomas Clerk ; John Mannyngh ’; Simon Conghurst ; William Bedell ; John Hurt ; Daniel Stevene ; William atte Bergh; and William ?Werth.


He held the manors of Birling, Burham, Cudham and West Greenwich, and lands in Ryarsh and West Malling, with lands in other counties, in his demesne as of fee in virtue of a grant to him, Elizabeth his wife and their heirs, with remainder to her right heirs, by Thomas archbishop of York , John bishop of Salisbury and Thomas Percy, knight , by a fine of 1396 [CP 25(1) 290/57, no. 286]. The manors are held of the king in chief by knight service, and comprise:

Birling: 1 capital messuage with garden, annual value 3s.4d.; 80 a. arable on the hills at 1 1/2d., 10s.; 78 a. pasture at 1d., 6s.6d.; 50 a. arable beside the manor at 3d., 12s.6d.; 32 a. meadow at 2s., 64s.; 16 a. several pasture at 12d., 16s.; assize rents £14, comprising at Michaelmas £8 5s. and at Easter 115s.; a park, number of acres unknown, value beyond the keeping of the game 10s.; 2 leets yearly after Easter and Michaelmas, 13s.4d.; and perquisites of court, 5s.; tenants have to plough both winter and Lent 78 a. at 6d., 39s.; and the parker takes wages of 2d. a day, or 14d. a week.

Cudham: 66 a. arable at Berry 2d., 11s.; 34 a. arable at 1d. because they are hilly and stony, 2s.10d.; 100 a. arable in ‘Northberdenne’, ‘Southberdenne’, ‘Thornfold’ and ‘Mede’ at 3d., 25s.; 100 a. pasture for sheep at 1d., 8s.4d.; 1 a. 1 rood meadow, 2s.; a park, extent unknown, pasture beyond the keeping of the game 10s., the parker taking 14d. weekly, or 2d. daily; wood, nil because cut; 2 leets after Easter and Michaelmas, 13s.4d.; assize rents of free tenants, £12; perquisites of court, nil; and rents at Ewell by West Malling beyond 100s. payable to the bishop of Rochester , 50s.1/2d.

Burham: 1 messuage with adjacent garden, 2s.; 111 a. arable at 2d., 18s.6d.; 79 a. pasture at 1 1/2d. because hilly, 9s.10 1/2d.; 21 a. several pasture at 4d., 7s.; 15 a. salt pasture at 12d., 15s.; assize rents, £14 payable at Easter and Michaelmas except for 18s. at Midsummer and 18s. on 21 Dec.; 80 hens at Christmas at 1 1/2d., 10s.; 400 eggs at Easter at 4d. a 100, 16d.; the tenants have to plough 60 a. in winter and Lent, 13s.4d.; and 1 watermill, 6s.8d. and no more because old and weak.

West Greenwich: 1 capital messuage, nil; 140 a. arable at 6d., 70s.; 40 a. at 4d., 13s.4d.; 20 a. several pasture for cows at 2s., 40s.; 25 a. meadow at 4s., 100s.; 50 a. wood of which 10 a. may be cut each year at 2s. an a., rest nil; assize rents, £7 8d. of which 75s.4d. at Martinmas and 65s.4d. at Lammas; perquisites of court, nil beyond the expenses of the steward; and 2 leets after Hockday and Martinmas, 2s.

John Herleston, knight , holds the manor of Fredville for life by the grant of Geoffrey de Say , with reversion in virtue of the above fine to the heirs of Elizabeth, annual value when it occurs 100s.

Date of death and heir as above [no. 1063].

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 12-13

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Newcastle upon Tyne castle. 8 April 1405 [Cliderowe].


Jurors: Thomas Hesilrygge ; John Corbet ; Nicholas Turpyn ; William Holgrave ; William Sabraham ; John Hogeson ; Richard Holway ; John Cambowe ; Thomas de Bekerton ; William de Cramlington ; Richard Crawcestre ; and William Hydwyn .


He held in his demesne in fee tail the manor of Eshott, 160 a. in Clifton and Coldwell, and 114 a. in Duddoe, by the grant of William Meryngton and Roger del Bothe , clerks, with successive remainders failing heirs male, to Gerard Heron and his heirs male, William Heron, esquire , and his heirs male, Nicholas Heron and his heirs male, and the right heirs of William Heron, knight . William, knight , Gerard, and William, esquire , are dead. Nicholas survives. They are held of John Scrope, knight , and Elizabeth his wife, in right of Elizabeth, of the barony of Mitford by knight service, annual value 20 marks.

He also held in fee simple the manor of Hartside, 50 a. in Glanton and 100 a. in Whittingham of Joan, Margaret and Elizabeth, daughters and heirs of Alan de Heton, knight , by knight service, annual value 5 marks; and 56 a. in Thornton of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem of the hospital of Chibburn, annual value 13s.4d.

He died on 20 [ sic ] Oct. last, heir as above, aged 33 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/48/21 mm. 14-15

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • John Chesman
  • John Turman
  • Robert Joynour
  • Thomas Stapelton
  • Thomas Clerk
  • John Mannyngh
  • Simon Conghurst
  • William Bedell
  • John Hurt
  • Daniel Stevene
  • William atte Bergh
  • William ?Werth


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