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Inquisition Head

HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Assignment of reasonable dower to John de Cornewayll, knight , and Elizabeth Lancastre, countess of Huntingdon, his wife . Huntingdon. 21 June [Herlyngton].


Assigned: 10 marks from the farm of the county out of the £20 payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas by the sheriff, which Richard II granted to the earl of Huntingdon by letters patent, to maintain his title, style, name and honour [ CChR V, p.309]. The earl held no lands or advowsons in the county from which dower should or could be assigned.

TNA reference

C 137/45/65 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Writ Head

1004 Similar writ. ‡ 10 June 1404 [Waker].

Per ipsum regem et peticionem in parliamento.

Inquisition Head

SOMERSET. Assignment of dower to Elizabeth Lancastre, countess of Huntingdon , and John de Cornewaill, knight , her husband. Crewkerne. 21 June. [Otery].


Assigned: a third part of the issues, fines, liberties and profits of the hundreds of Stone and Catsash with the office of the beadleries, which Richard II granted to the earl of Huntingdon [ CPR 1391–6 , p.102]. He held no more in Somerset.

TNA reference

C 137/45/65 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

DEVON. Assignment of dower to John de Cornewaille and Elizabeth Lancastre, countess of Huntingdon , his wife, from the lands of John de Holand, earl of Huntingdon , citing the writ of 10 June 1404 in full. Fremington. 22 Sept. 1404 [Frensshe].



Dower from the manor and borough of South Molton, the castle, manor and borough of Barnstaple, the manor of Dartington, the manors of Fremington and Combe Martin, the borough of Winkleigh and the manors of Newton Tracey and Blackborough, which were granted to the earl and his heirs by Elizabeth by letters patent of Richard II [ CPR 1385–9 , pp.494–5]:

South Molton, the manor, hundred and borough, and Barnstaple, the manor and borough, except knight’s fees and advowsons.

Winkleigh and Blackborough, 38s.1 1/2d. rent.

Fremington, a third part of the manor, except knight’s fees and advowsons, comprising: ‘le Oldecourte’ with chapel and chamber annexed, a third part of the demesne arable, meadow and wood, ‘Knollewode’, ‘Heyly’, ‘Ileslond’, ‘Underchelspark’, ‘Chelspark’, ‘Comereslond’, ‘Brodmede’, ‘Dertrich’, Newton Down by West Collacott, a close west of the church, and 3 a. at ‘Carswelle manis’ next to the close, a third part of the profits of mill, fishery, rabbit warren, court, view of frankpledge, tolls, customs of port, and clay of the hundred ( argilli hundr ’), with all the profits, and the rents, services and tenures of Hugh Basselyng of Newton Tracey, Walter Beste , John Pocok , Henry Smyth , John Wynard , Richard Hille of High Bickington, John Brigge , Walter atte Leye , Richard Whetene , Geoffrey None, senior , Adam Burell , Richard Puddyng , William Swyfte of ‘West Halys’, Thomas Swyfte , Roger Dyker , Richard Dyker , John Dyker , Alexander atte More , William atte Merssh of ‘Esthalys’, Thomas Callicote , Walter Josse , Robert Dranesfeld , John Wybbury , William Swyft , Thomas atte Lake , Robert Jarde , William Michaell , John Matyn , John Holmoncote , William Spyrlyngton , Ralph Spencer , John Bampell , William Whicher , Alexander Huchecok , Alexander Smert , John Morecok , John atte Wille , John Loveybounde , Richard Loveybounde , Richard Johan , the lands of ‘Pyeson’, John Wynter , Stephen Vygge , Geoffrey Welywroght , John Hurt , Thomas Coke , Roger Spyrlyngton , Hugh Shupherde , Henry Lange of Fremington, Thomas Sefare , John in the Haye , Stephen Taillour , Walter Welywrought , Alexander Welywrought , John Harry , Richard Morys and William Hoper , tenants and villeins with their families and services, and a rent of 21 bushels of wheat.

The manor, hundred and borough of South Molton with the manor and borough of Barnstaple, the rent 38s.1 1/2d., and the third parts are worth annually together £96 9s.9 3/4d., in allowance for Barnstaple castle, Dartington, Combe Martin, Winkleigh, Newton Tracey and Blackborough manors, and two parts of Fremington, excluding knight’s fees and advowsons, £192 19s.7 1/2d.

From the advowsons in the same places, those of South Molton, value …, of Dartington £50, and the chantry of the free chapel of Mortehoe, and the free chapels on the bridge at Barnstaple and of the castle there £100.

From the knight’s fees of all the above-named manors, the following all held with others of the manor of Barnstaple:

Coryton, 1/2 fee held by William Coryton .

Nether Exe, 1 fee held by Thomas Flemmyng .

Up Exe, 1/2 fee held by Fulk Fitzwaryn.

Sourton and North Russell, 2 fees held by William Speke .

Sourton, Thorne and Kimworthy, 1 fee held by … Tremayn.

Sutcombe and Merton, 1 fee held by Ivo Fitzwaryn .

Peadhill, 1/2 fee held by the heirs of Thomas Peadehill .

Loxbeare, 1/2 fee held by John Keynes .

Milford, 1/2 fee held by John Devyle .

Ashwater, 1 fee held by William Carmynowe and 1/2 fee held by the heirs of William Avenell .

Henscott, 3 parts of a fee held by Richard Heyngescote .

Buckland, 1 1/2 fees held by John Fill .

Hartley and East Buckland, 1 fee held by John Fill .

Roborough, 1 fee held by the heirs of Alexander Cloynge .

Hagginton, 1 fee held by the heir of Robert Penrys .

Southquarm’, 1 fee held by Hugh Courtenay .

Luscott, 1/2 fee held by the prior of Taunton .

Wilsham, 1/4 fee held by John Copleston .

Cowley, 1/2 fee held by William Bonevyle .

Horton and Newland, 1/4 fee held by the heirs of Walter Horton .

Tavistock, 1/4 fee held by the heirs of John Kayle .

Crackaway, 1/4 fee held by Roger Pym .

[No values given].

[Dorse:] Note of exemplification, 16 December 1404 at the request of John Cornewaill and Elizabeth.

TNA reference

C 137/45, no. 65

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



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