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Inquisition Head

CAMBRIDGESHIRE . Inquisition . Cambridge . 27 Jan. 1400. [Parys].


Jurors: William Pollard ; John Rook ; John Thorp ; John Crouch ; Stephen Baker ; John Lecote ; John Jekell ; ?Thomas Netherstrete ; John Netherstrete ; Nicholas Treue ; Henry Kyng ; and William 'of Eye'.


He held by the feoffment of William Forde, clerk , John Knyghteleye , Thomas de la Lee , Thomas Skynnere of Shrewsbury, Robert Rikedon , John de la Hide, clerk , William Halle, clerk , William Corleygh, clerk , Thomas Cru , Robert Russell , Brian de Harleye , Thomas Shabdon , and William de la Lee , to himself and the heirs of his body, the manor of Swavesey with the advowsons of the priory and chapel there, and the manor called ‘Zouchesfee’ in Fulbourn. Both manors are held of the earl of Richmond : Swavesey in socage, annual value 40 marks; ‘Zouchesfee’, service unknown, annual value 20 marks.

By the feoffment of Thomas Morys , William Crouch , William Aleyn and Richard Leverer , he held the manor called ‘Manersfee’ in Fulbourn for life with remainder to John Hyde, parson of Handsworth , William Corlegh, parson of Great Cheverell , John Stratton by Westbury, chaplain , Thomas Lee , Thomas Skynnere , John Borley and William Lee , and their heirs and assigns. It is held of the bishop of Ely by knight service, annual value 10 marks.

He died on 4 July last without heirs of his body. Joyce wife of Hugh Burnell, knight , is his kinswoman and heir, being daughter of John Botourd , son of Joyce, sister of Alan, the father of Hugh, and aged 30 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/4/20 mm. 1-2

E 149/72/4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

LEICESTERSHIRE . Inquisition . Ashby de la Zouch . 17 Dec. [Wychard].


Jurors: John Pymme ; William Heywode ; Robert Stone ; William Dalton ; John Luceson ; Adam Hunte ; Ralph Rogeresson ; John Cook ; Thomas Wadkynsson ; Henry Dalcroft ; Roger Raulynsson ; and Richard de Barkeby .


He held the manor of Ashby de la Zouch in his demesne as of fee to himself and the heirs of his body by the feoffment of William Forde, clerk , and others [as in last]. Except for 7 1/2 virgates in Kilwardby, parcel of the manor, it is held of Lord Beaumont , service unknown. The 7 1/2 virgates were held of Richard II in chief of the crown as a quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 57s.4 3/4d.

In the manor are 1 capital messuage, annual value nil; 120 a. arable in the common fields, annual value 24s., and no more because one third lies fallow each year; 12 a. meadow in the common fields, 20s.; a park with pasture, nil beyond the sustenance of the game; a dovecot nil because ruinous; a pond nil because unstocked; rents of the town of Ashby, £4 2s.1 3/4d. payable by equal parts at St. Thomas the Apostle, Easter and Midsummer; rents of free tenants and villeins, £11 7s.5 1/2d. payable at Martinmas, Lady Day and Midsummer; 1 watermill and 1 windmill, 53s.4d.; a common oven 13s.4d.; tolls of the market every Saturday, with a fair of 5 days at Holy Rood Day, 26s.8d.; and pleas and perquisites of court 13s.4d.

Date of death and heir as above.

TNA reference

C 137/4/20 mm. 3-4

E 152/8/361 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

SUSSEX. Inquisition . Midhurst. 5 Apr. 1400. [Weston].


Jurors: Thomas Newtymber ; John Dorkyng ; Thomas Porter ; John Holte ; Henry Tylye ; Thomas Husey ; William Bedell ; Thomas Westlond junior; John Smyth of Stedham ; William atte Felde ; William Perkyn; and John Swayn.


He held the manors of River and Nutbourne with the advowson of the chapel of River jointly with Joan his wife, who survives him, to them and the heirs of his body, by the gift of William Forde, clerk , and others [as above].

In River there is a capital messuage, annual value nil; 180 a. arable at 3d., 45s.; 10 a. meadow at 10d., 11s.8d. [ sic ]; 18 a. several pasture, 4s.; a watermill, 13s.4d.; a park, nil beyond the keeping of the game and wages of the parker; assize rents of free tenants, villeins and cottars, £10 1 3/4d. payable at the four terms; and pleas and perquisites of courts, 6s.8d. It is held of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland , of the manor of Petworth, service unknown.

In Nutbourne £12 6s.8d. in rents of free tenants and villeins at the four terms; 3 ruinous watermills, nil; and pleas and perquisites of court, 4s. It is held of the heirs of Robert de Tateshale , as the jurors understand.

He also held to himself and the heirs of his body, by the gift of the same William Forde, clerk , and others, the advowson of West Chiltington; 100s.8d. rent from free tenants and villeins there at the four terms, of the king in chief by the service of a quarter of a knight’s fee; and pleas and perquisites of court there, annual value 12d. The rent of 100s.8d., except for wards, marriages, reliefs and escheats, he granted long before his death to Thomas Monerpilers for life for the rent of a rose, with reversion to himself and his heirs.

The following knight’s fees are held of the manor of River: Stopham, Linch, Barecourt and Yapton, 2 1/2 fees by the heirs of John Darundell, knight ; West Marden, 1/2 fee by Thomas de Arundell ; Lurgashall and Coates, 1 fee by Alice Seynt Johan ; Rumboldswyke, 1 fee by John Loghteburgh .

Date of death and heir as above.

[ Cf. CCR 1399–1402 , p.144].

TNA reference

C 137/4/20 mm. 5-6

E 152/8/363 #1

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Shelford(Writ Clerk)


  • William Pollard
  • John Rook
  • John Thorp
  • John Crouch
  • Stephen Baker
  • John Lecote
  • John Jekell
  • ?Thomas Netherstrete
  • John Netherstrete
  • Nicholas Treue
  • Henry Kyng
  • William 'of Eye'


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