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Inquisition Head

HERTFORDSHIRE . Inquisition . Hitchin . 14 Sept. [Baynard].


Jurors: John Brasyere ; John Bewpre ; John Parmintere ; Adam Chaunseler ; Robert Hertford ; William Chaure ; John Poydras ; John Bakere ; William Kyllebef ; Robert Stoppesley ; Gregory Taillour ; and John Leper .


He held the manor of Pirton and various lands, tenements, rents and services in Kimpton in fee tail by the grant of Robert Rede , Thomas Darnoll and Richard Reynold , clerks, to his father, John Clynton, knight , deceased, for life, long before his marriage to Elizabeth, with successive remainders to Edward, the heirs male of his body, and the right heirs of John. John died and Edward held them. He died without male heirs. They should descend to William Clynton, knight , his nephew and heir, being the son of William, son of John. They are held of the king of the honour of Pinkney by knight service, annual value £15 15s.8d.

He died on 15 June last . William, his nephew and heir, is aged 28 years and more.

TNA reference

C 137/3/16 mm. 1-2

E 152/7/348 r-d

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.

Inquisition Head

KENT . Inquisition . Chiddingstone . 17 Oct. [Kempe].


Jurors: John Chaloner ; Robert Chamen ; Hugh Lad ; Roger Aboue ; .... Alphey; Walter Polbroke ; Robert Alphey ; John Euerherst ; Thomas Partrich ; Robert Sheperegg ; John Brightred ; and John Herry .


He held:

Chiddingstone, 30 a. called ‘Helderestenement’, in gavelkind of Lord Say of his manor of Cudham by fealty, suit of court, 4s.8d. rent, and other services unknown, annual value 2d. an acre; and 20 a. land and 6 a. wood in gavelkind of Reynold Cobeham, Knight , by fealty, suit of court, and rent of 4s.8d. at the four principal terms at the manor of Chiddingstone Cobham, each acre being worth annually 2d.

Hever, 1 toft comprising 1 a. land, and 104 a. arable, 40 a. pasture, and 2s.5d. assize rent, by gavelkind. The toft and 100 a. are held of Reynold Cobeham of the manor of Hever by fealty, rent of 16s.4d. at the four terms, 1 cock, 7 hens, 40 eggs and common suit of court at the said manor, the cock and hens at Christmas and the eggs at Easter, half a ploughshare, price 6d. at Michaelmas, and 4 reapers for corn for 1 day in autumn; 4 a. of the manor of Hever Cobham, in gavelkind, by a fealty, a rent of 4d. at the four terms, and common suit of court at the same manor, annual value 2d. an a.; the 40 a. pasture in gavelkind of John Wodekot of the manor of Broxham by a rent of 2s.8d. at the four terms, 2 hens at Christmas, 40 eggs at Easter, 2 reapers for 1 day in autumn, and common suit of court. The toft is worth 4d. annually; 104 a. arable at 2d., 17s.4d;, 40 a. pasture at 1d., 3s.4d.

Brasted and Hever, 5s. annual rent, of the heirs of William atte Seilyerde , and 6s.6d. rent from Richard Staneford for lands there, which the heirs and Richard hold at fee farm of the grant of John de Clynton , father of Edward, payable at the four principal terms.

Chiddingstone, 4 a. meadow in ‘la aw…e’, of the manor of Dartford, service unknown, annual value 4s.

He died on 15 June last . William Clynton, knight , and Richard his brother, and Thomas de Clynton, knight , brother of Edward, are next heirs. William is aged 23 years and more, Richard 18 and more, and Thomas 30 and more.

TNA reference

C 137/3/16 mm. 3-4

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



No holding information available.



No holding extent information available.



  • Gaunstede(Writ Clerk)


  • John Chaloner
  • Robert Chamen
  • Hugh Lad
  • Roger Aboue
  • .... Alphey
  • Walter Polbroke
  • Robert Alphey
  • John Euerherst
  • Thomas Partrich
  • Robert Sheperegg
  • John Brightred
  • John Herry


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