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Inquisition Head

KENT. Inquisition . Maidstone. 3 April. [Kempe].


Jurors: John Corle ; John Walter ; William Brewer ; Thomas Redyl ; Thomas Gerold ; Stephen Large ; Adam Cleygate ; John Hesyl ; Roger atte Burgh ; Richard Galon ; Richard Cokham ; and Richard B.kke .


Richard Charlys formerly held in his demesne as of fee the manors of Palster, Addington, Little Delce, and Nashenden, and conveyed them to Robert Farynton, clerk , James de Pekham , John Colpeper , and Stephen Norton of Chart, who regranted them to Richard Charlys , Alice his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Richard. He died leaving a son, James Charlys , to whom the reversion descended, but he died under age without heirs. Alice survived. The reversion of the manors passed to Joan, wife of William Rypoun , as aunt and heir of James, sister of Richard Charlys , the father of James. Afterwards William Rypoun and Joan, his wife, by a fine of Richard II [CP 25(1) 111/252, no. 212], granted the reversion of the manors of Palster, Addington and Little Delce, then held by Alice and Nicholas Haut, whom she had married, for the life of Alice, and of the inheritance of Joan, to William Sneyth , William atte Hethe and Richard Janekynes, clerk , and the heirs of Richard. Afterwards Nicholas and Alice Haut attorned to William Sneyth , Hethe and Janekynes, and Hethe and Janekynes quitclaimed to William Sneyth .

William Rypoun , by the name of William Pycher , and Joan his wife, by a fine of 1397 [CP 25(1) 111/248, no. 1007] granted Nashenden manor and 100 a. pasture in Aylesford, Burham, Wouldham, and the vill of St. Margaret by Rochester, to John Frenynghame , William Makynhade , James de Pekham and the heirs of James.

Nashenden manor is held of the king of the castle of Rochester by knight service.
The 100 a. are held of Lord de Grey and other lords by gavelkind, services unknown, annual value 10 marks.

Palster manor contains 1 fee, half held of the king in chief of the castle of Leeds by knight service; the other half of the archbishop of Canterbury by knight service, annual value £15.

Addington manor is held of the heir of Roger de Mortuo Mari, late earl of March , of the manor of Swanscombe by knight service, and is in the king’s hands owing to his minority;
certain lands in Addington and the vill of Ryarsh of Lord Moubray by gavelkind, service unknown, annual value 10 marks; and Little Delce manor of Lord Say of his manor of Patrixbourne by knight service, annual value £4.

Alice died on 11 March last . William son of Nicholas and Alice is next heir, age unknown.

TNA reference

C 137/1/8 mm. 1-2

ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT: The text of this IPM which appeared in the print edition of CIPM XVIII has been enhanced in certain respects: see the About pages.



Holding ItemValueQuantityTotal
Total: -
Total: -
Total: -
Addington, Swanscombe
Total: -
Addington, Little Delce, Patrixbourne
Total: -



No holding extent information available.



  • ?Scarle(Writ Clerk)


  • John Corle
  • John Walter
  • William Brewer
  • Thomas Redyl
  • Thomas Gerold
  • Stephen Large
  • Adam Cleygate
  • John Hesyl
  • Roger atte Burgh
  • Richard Galon
  • Richard Cokham
  • Richard B.kke


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