Barton-upon-humber: 'Bayous Maner'


Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
25-24111 Apr 1439Edmund GastrykInquisitionBarton-Upon-Humber, the manor called ‘Bayhous Mane...

Related places

Place name Relationship
Barton-upon-humberSubentry of

Extents and values

Total: 694d, 280d, (£2 17s. 10d. // £1 3s. 4d.)
(Bayhous Maner, )

site, worth nothing yearly

11 messuages, each worth 2s. yearly

4 tofts, each worth 4d. yearly

20 bovates, worth 40s. yearly

31 a. meadow, worth 10s. yearly

7s. 10d. service rent yearly by the hand of tenants.

Value variation

100.0%1439-04-11010020030040050060070080090010001439-04-11Values (d)