

Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
20-80520 Aug 1417Thomas De Berkeley, KnightInquisition
25-27315 Jun 1439Richard Beauchamp, Earl Of WarwickInquisitionTetcott, the manor with advowson of the church. Th...

Related places

Place name Relationship
DevonIn county of
TetcottIn parish of

Extents and values

Total: 1132d, 1136d, (£4 14s. 4d. // £4 14s. 8d.)
(Tetcott, )

site, worth nothing yearly

a garden containing 1/2 a. land, worth 12d. yearly

100 a. arable demesne, worth 50s. yearly, each acre worth 6d. yearly

12 a. meadow, worth 12s. yearly, each acre worth 12d. yearly

80 a. pasture, worth 26s. 8d. yearly, each acre worth 4d. yearly

12 messuages and 12 ferlings of land belonging to the same, demised to various tenants to hold at will according to manorial custom and rendering £4 yearly at Easter and Michaelmas equally

6 cottages and 6 a. land belonging to the same, demised to various tenants to hold at will according to manorial custom and rendering 6s. yearly at the same feasts equally, each cottage and acre of land worth 12d. yearly

3s. 4d. from works ploughing and reaping, payable at the above four terms of the year

a mill for grain, worth 3s. 4d. yearly

6s. 8d. assize rent from various lands and tenements of various free tenants, payable at the above four terms of the year equally

perquisites of court, worth nothing yearly above the steward’s fee

20 a. wood, its pasture worth nothing yearly above enclosure

Value variation

100.0%1439-06-15-2000200400600800100012001400160018002000220024001439-06-15Values (d)