Salkeld, Great


Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
24-46712 Apr 1436John CrakenthorpInquisitionGreat Salkeld, a messuage, worth 4d. yearly, 6 a. ...

Related places

Place name Relationship
CumberlandIn county of
Salkeld, GreatIn parish of

Extents and values

Total: 26d, 28d, (2s. 2d. // 2s. 4d.)
(Great Salkeld, )

a messuage, worth 4d. yearly

6 a. land, each acre worth 2d. yearly

4 purprestures, each worth 4d. yearly

a purpresture called ‘Grymesholme’, worth 12d. yearly

1/2 purpresture called ‘Kyngesflatte’, worth 4d. yearly

1/2 a purpresture called ‘Southflatte’, worth 4d. yearly

1/2 a purpresture called ‘Milneholme’, worth 2d. yearly

Value variation

100.0%1436-04-12-505101520253035404550551436-04-12Values (d)