

Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
18-41912 Jul 1401Constance Wife Of Peter De Mauley The SixthInquisition
21-53229 Nov 1420Philip Botiller Of Woodhall, KnightInquisition
22-65818 Sep 1424Lutton, Thomas De, Citizen Of YorkInquisition
25-23818 Dec 1438Anne, Countess Of StaffordInquisition
25-23912 Jan 1439Anne, Countess Of StaffordInquisition
25-240NoneAnne, Countess Of StaffordTraverse

Related places

Place name Relationship
Yorkshire, East RidingIn county of

Extents and values

Total: 20d, 138d, (1s. 8d. // 11s. 6d.)
(Barrow upon Humber, Burstwick, Holderness, )

2 messuages, worth 20d. yearly

2 bovates, each worth 3s. yearly

11 a. arable, each acre worth 6d. yearly.

Total: 248d, 112d, (£1 8d. // 9s. 4d.)
(Keelby, Burstwick, Holderness, )

a toft, worth 8d. yearly

8 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly

20 a. arable, each acre worth 3d. yearly

3 a. meadow, each acre worth 8d. yearly

2 a. pasture, each acre worth 6d. yearly

20s. assize rent from various free tenants, payable at the following feasts: Martinmas, 15s., and at the feast of St Andrew , Christmas, Midsummer, and Michaelmas, 5s., equally.

Total: 12d, (1s. )
(St Mary ’s Abbey, St Mary’s Abbey, Burstwick, Holderness, )

Total: 18300d, (£76 5s. )
(Burstwick, Holderness, )

15 1/4 knights’ fees, each worth 100s. yearly, and 1/4 knight’s fee worth 25s. yearly, when they fall.

Value variation

100.0%1439-01-12020004000600080001000012000140001600018000200001439-01-12Values (d)