Langton Wallis


Referenced in E-CIPM(s)

E-CIPM Date Inquisition subject Document type Holding
24-23321 Jul 1434Joan Who Was Wife Of William Cheyne, KnightInquisitionLangton Wallis, the manor, in which there is £8 as...

Related places

Place name Relationship
DorsetIn county of
Langton MatraversIn parish of

Extents and values

Total: 2020d, 1046d, (£8 8s. 4d. // £4 7s. 2d.)
(Langton Wallis, )

£8 assize rent

160 a. arable, each acre worth 2d. yearly

23 a. meadow, each acre worth 12d. yearly

40 a. wood, worth nothing yearly above its pasture worth 3s. 4d. yearly

200 a. pasture in the open field, each acre worth 1d. yearly

50 a. enclosed pasture, each acre worth 4d. yearly

100 heath, each acre worth 1/2d. yearly

perquisites of the court, worth 5s. yearly.

Value variation

100.0%1434-07-210500100015002000250030001434-07-21Values (d)